info Overview
Name - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s full name?

Ubaste Atkinson




Egyptian, English

Age - How old is Ubaste Atkinson?


Gender - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ubaste Atkinson go by?

Uby, Bee

Role - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s role in your story?

Deranged yet ruthless contract killer and former Warden member.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ubaste Atkinson have?

Lichtenberg scars across her back, arms and lightly around her eyes, dark around her eyes

Body Type

Athletic, muscular

Skin Tone


Race - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s eye color?

Electric blue

Hair Style - How does Ubaste Atkinson style their hair?

Short, messy bun for work or let down for "pleasure"

Hair Color - What color is Ubaste Atkinson’s hair?

Varies, dark brown/almost black or sometimes dyed platinum blue

Height - How tall is Ubaste Atkinson?


Weight - How much does Ubaste Atkinson weigh?

116.8 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Ubaste Atkinson have?

Target practicing, sharpening her weapons, attending meetings, flirting with men to no limit, visiting art museums, combat training, filing her claws

Talents - What talents does Ubaste Atkinson have?

Skilled in hand to hand combat, Wicked good with knives and daggers, Deceptive, sharp-shooter, a lot of hidden strength in her small size

Flaws - What flaws does Ubaste Atkinson have?

Twitchy, Presumptuous, Unstable

Motivations - What motivates Ubaste Atkinson most?

Men, Murder and Mad for Love

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ubaste Atkinson have?

Eccentric, obsessive, flirtatious, sadistic, energetic, pompous - she can be also poise, polite, witty and professional

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s favorite possession?

Her gifted diamond encrusted cent bracelet

Favorite food - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s favorite food?

Baba Ghanoush

Favorite color - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Ubaste Atkinson’s occupation?

A merciless assassin and ambassador for Warden between the Americas and the United Kingdom.

Religion - What religion does Ubaste Atkinson practice?


info History
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Men, socializing a lot, hitting something, playing with her hair, how her scars kinda look like flowers, flirting, free drinks, murder, playing with her victims, swimming, art museums, going on missions, travelling, warm weather, empty amusement parks


Her dad, Guardian, MI6, authorities basically, men who think they're stronger than her, white noise, being underestimated, being told what to do off-duty, resorting to using her powers, being tricked, women who steal her man (men?)

edit Notes

- Shame // Elle King
- break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored // Ariana Grande

She is a meta-human, though originally was not. Her meta-genes were triggered by a powerful lighting strike. It was also the reason she bears her lichtenberg scars around her body.

Her super-human abilities include hyper regeneration, electrokinesis and energy storage. Her hyper regeneration depends solely on the amount of excess energy she has in her body - without any she cannot heal herself.

Though she does have super abilities, she believes that she only needs her skill and ruthlessness to do the job. She will use her powers if things turn out for the worst, but that only angers her more as it means her own skills were not enough.

She is promiscuous and a hopeless romantic, and is found to often flirt with a lot of men. She had her eyes set on Boris Mendeva, Maximus Armitage, Clint Barton and now Cain Calloway; she feels a real bond with the latter though.

She feels very offended Boris left her for Jane, even though they never dated. She often imagines she did though.

She loves to play with daggers.

She knows the major languages.

She always has some sort of dual-daggers with her hiding somewhere either on herself or her clothes.

folder_open Quotes

"Et tu, Doctor?!" - discovering Boris had left Warden

"Try me, bitch."

"Cain Calloway, Cain Calloway, oh I love even just the sound of his name! He's the perfect example of what a real man is~" - about... well, Cain

"Let's ruin everything!"

"Never let a man tell you twice that he doesn't want you."

"What an interesting fellow... I can't wait to play with him!" - about Burke James

"I like her... she's quiet and reserved, but I can see through her. She's capable of mass murder if she wanted to. I'd love to witness that one day, I can respect that." - about Sienna

"Baby come back! I just want to kiss* you!" *stab

folder_open Relationships
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Ubaste Atkinson

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Ubaste Atkinson

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Ubaste Atkinson

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Ubaste Atkinson

This character was created by druidic kal on

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