info Overview
Name - What is Harkon Valentine’s full name?

Harkon Valentine



Age - How old is Harkon Valentine?


Gender - What is Harkon Valentine’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Harkon Valentine go by?


Role - What is Harkon Valentine’s role in your story?

Patron of the House Valentine and a Crime Lord of his Empire.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Harkon Valentine have?

Silver rims around his eyes
Tattoos include rose vines around his neck, Roses, skulls and snakes on his left arm and daggers on his right

Body Type

Thin, lightly toned

Skin Tone


Race - What is Harkon Valentine’s race?

Human, English

Eye Color - What is Harkon Valentine’s eye color?

Crimson with Silver rims

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Harkon Valentine have?

Thin, trimmed short beard

Hair Style - How does Harkon Valentine style their hair?

Short and either swept front or back

Hair Color - What color is Harkon Valentine’s hair?

Black and Grey

Height - How tall is Harkon Valentine?


Weight - How much does Harkon Valentine weigh?

160 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Harkon Valentine?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Harkon Valentine have?

Researching, scheming, blackmailing, bribing, his job occupies him most of the time. Trains his countless dogs.

Talents - What talents does Harkon Valentine have?

Skilled poisoner, extensive knowledge on venoms, weapons and combat. Exceptional blackmailer and briber, which has stopped him from going to jail many times. Guard dog trainer.

Flaws - What flaws does Harkon Valentine have?

Arrogant, Temperamental, Impatient

Motivations - What motivates Harkon Valentine most?

Money, Power and Glory, he continues the legacy of his forefathers.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Harkon Valentine have?

Strict, Cruel, Polite, Gentleman like, Narcissistic, Devious, Opportunistic, Deceiving, Ambitious,

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Harkon Valentine’s favorite animal?

Lion fish

Favorite weapon - What is Harkon Valentine’s favorite weapon?

Butterfly knives

Favorite possession - What is Harkon Valentine’s favorite possession?

King Cobra fangs he plucked out when he was younger

Favorite food - What is Harkon Valentine’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Harkon Valentine’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Harkon Valentine’s occupation?

Crime lord and Smuggler of Patron of House Valentine. He covers as a benefactor to international charities.

Religion - What religion does Harkon Valentine practice?


info History
Background - What is Harkon Valentine’s background?

The Valentine family line is known for their organisation and involvement in larceny, black market trading, double-agency, illegal trafficking in weapons and drugs as well as many others for centuries. The House, to simply put it, is an underground organisation of off-the-grid tradesmen and opportunists.

Harkon Valentine is the current successor of the organisation after his father. Before that, Harkon grew up under his wing just as his father grew up in his father's father - the root grows deeper. Harkon's personality is a clear reflection of him, developed early on from childhood. He was born and grew up with his older brother in London. From his childhood to his early to mid twenties, he was working for his father, learning from him until the day he died from illness.

Harkon had his older brother who was the next heir, before he killed him himself out of greed. Since then he has been running the House of Valentine for over 30 years.

At the age of 27, he met a Belgian woman named Anaïs Laurent. They fell in love and shortly afterwards got married. A year after their marriage they bore their first child, Morgaine Valentine and 8 years later again, with Peneloppe Valentine. Though he loved his children his personality was much like his father's; they were disciplined strictly. He raised them in corruption, looking up to syndicates as their role models.

When Anaïs found out the lies he's been hiding and the things he has been teaching their children, she threatened him with divorce, arrest and custody over his children. He heartlessly divorced her. Though he was arrested he was too valuable to lose as a sponsor to the syndicates; somebody of very high power managed to drop all charges off him. In the end he in fact won custody over the children, and because of the "headache" his ex-wife put him through, he revoked her citizenship and had her blacklisted in the UK so she could never see her children ever again.

During his time of command he began working for syndicates in London, UK. For his aid to them he was paid. He provided classified information, weapons, illegal markets you name it, right at their doorsteps whenever they needed it.
His main contract is with the Coronado Syndicate, an organisation he highly looks up to and very much respects their line of work.

All went well up until recently when his youngest daughter, Penelope, unveiled the truth to MI6 and the Kingsman about her heritage and relatives. With this evidence finally on the table, they were able to take Harkon to court for all the deceits and crime he's commited. He was sentenced to 14 years to prison, but likely to go up to 30 years after a private investigation to pin him to other related crimes he has committed. It seems he will be spending the rest of his life behind bars... Or at least, supposedly.

Birthday - When is Harkon Valentine’s birthday?

October 3rd

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Harkon Valentine have?

Countless dogs, but his favorites are his Doberman, Malinois and Swiss Shepherd.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

His job, the colour red, Dark atmospheres, Rainy London weather, the Syndicates, Mediterranean food, his tattoos, cracking his bones a lot, feeding and training his dogs, always winning his court cases, getting revenge


Warm weather, Being interrupted or talked over, People disobeying his orders, Tardiness, Missed deadlines, Pepper's choice, his ex-wife, MI6 and the Kingsmen

edit Notes

Face-claim: George Clooney

Despite his love and care for his children, his job comes first. If they are of use to him he won't hesitate to use them even if it means hurting them. They were taught to understand.

The silver rim in his eyes run in the Valentine family, and is a dominant gene. The entire Valentine bloodline has it.

If not indulged in work, he also often be found in court. He never gets passed trial, getting away with many things as his "son" is often his scapegoat. He is not often found in public, but when he is he is regarded as a respectful and good man, contributing to the safety of England through his numerous donations. It is but a cover however for his heinous acts, which MI6 and the Kingsmen are well aware of but unable to prove... All until recently.

He is currently sentenced to 14 years of prison, likely to double with more cases being brought forward. He doesn't seem too phased... Hark believes he will leave it to Morgaine to handle the rest, as she had been trained to do most of her life. While betrayed by his youngest, Penelope, he still does care for her, and hope she finds a better life now that the cat's out of the bag.

He highly dislikes the Carters as they are often the ones always prosecuting him and trying to put him in jail. Cassidy Carter's death was a warning, but her murder was in fact not committed by the Valentines, even it was done by the hands of Morgaine.

folder_open Quotes

"Indeed, I killed by twin brother for the throne. A slash across his torso is what I left for him as he bled in the ground. Do I regret it? No, it was necessary... But that doesn't mean I don't miss my brother dearly, nor does it mean I loved him any less."

"Even if I were to be caught, another of my blood will take my place. It has always been this way, and it will never change."

"Don't touch my dogs."

folder_open Relationships

Morgaine Valentine: His eldest daughter, she was taught from the beginning how to run his criminal empire when the time came. Outside of that, he raised her on his own along with Penelope. Proud of her achievements, he's allowed her to pursue what she desired, even if that meant going against his own views. Harkon truly cares for her, and is pleased with how far she's come to grow as a young adult following his footsteps.

[[Character-489958]] : Harkon's younger daughter whom he has a soft spot for. While he did use her against his enemies, he truly didn't intend to hurt her in any way. Sometimes things needed to be done, whether they liked it or not. He had hoped she would be like Morgaine and be part of his crime spree, but accepted the choice she made to not be a part of that life of his. Though he was betrayed, he doesn't feel differently for her - he felt it would have happened at some point and understood the risks. He only hopes now she gets to experience a better life with his mother in Belgium, despite not being fond of his ex-wife at all.

Cain Calloway : Harkon remembered the day he was born and was at the hands of his father, Crystoph. Looking down to him like another son, he felt second-hand pride for the now Lord of the Coronado Syndicate. Though perhaps Cain does not share the same sentiment, Harkon looks up to him as a valuable, persistent and strict leader - much like his father. He has nothing but utmost respect for Cain, and believes Crystoph would be proud for how far he's come... Despite his eccentric self.

Sienna Lofoton: Cain's right hand woman, he is unsure what to feel about her since he knows so little of the woman. He is well aware of her capabilities however, and perhaps even seeing her in action in rare ocassions. Harkon finds her to be a truly attractive and fascinating woman, he respects her just as much as he respects Cain and hopes that her ambitions drives her to achieving what she truly desires. He looks forward to seeing more of her, whether fiercely in politics or on the field of action - in one way or another...

Arien Vice: A respected member of parliament he regards highly, Harkon was a former associate of his. It was Arien who allowed Hark to escape the closest he got to going to jail, though not too satisfied with how he had run things, also wanted him killed. Hark was lucky to have survived the assault in court, and Arien left it at that as a warning... Though it has come to his attention that Hark needed to be taught a lesson for reaching out too far into Arien's interests. Arien, having Hark's own daughter lay out the punishment, silently severed ties. Hark doesn't question his judgement, and accepted what's coming to him.

Carlisle William Carter : Not overly fond of this man, he does take pleasure in ticking him off. While Harkon is truly not responsible for Carlisle's death, he enjoys taunting him for it as he and his family have always restlessly tried to put him behind bars. He felt no remorse for what Morgaine did to him, maybe even believing he deserved it. He does not hate Carlisle, but he sure as hell finds him to be real a nuissance, almost looking down to him like a whining child.

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