info Overview
Name - What is Carlisle William Carter’s full name?

Carlisle William Carter



Age - How old is Carlisle William Carter?


Gender - What is Carlisle William Carter’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Carlisle William Carter go by?

Carter, Carcub, Carrie, Lancelot

Role - What is Carlisle William Carter’s role in your story?

The current Kingsman known as "Lancelot".

face Looks
Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Carlisle William Carter’s race?


Eye Color - What is Carlisle William Carter’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carlisle William Carter have?

Light Stubble or Goatee

Hair Style - How does Carlisle William Carter style their hair?

Tousled, Thick, Short

Hair Color - What color is Carlisle William Carter’s hair?

Platinum Blond

Height - How tall is Carlisle William Carter?


Weight - How much does Carlisle William Carter weigh?

212 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Carlisle William Carter?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Carlisle William Carter have?

Drinking, Researching, Practicing

Talents - What talents does Carlisle William Carter have?

Skilled Fighter and Shot, Sleight-of-Hand

Flaws - What flaws does Carlisle William Carter have?

Arrogance, Hard-headed, Mundane

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Carlisle William Carter have?

Bold, Prideful, Polite, Sarcastic, Stubborn, Witty

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Carlisle William Carter’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Carlisle William Carter’s favorite weapon?

Kingsman Grenade

Favorite possession - What is Carlisle William Carter’s favorite possession?

His keyring

Favorite food - What is Carlisle William Carter’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Carlisle William Carter’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Carlisle William Carter’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Carlisle William Carter practice?


info History
Background - What is Carlisle William Carter’s background?

Carlisle grew up in an upper class family and was catered to his whole life. He came from a family of renown lawyers and thus was forced to pursue the same as he grew older.

Despite his strict family, and the youngest among his siblings, he was the "rebellious" child and most outgoing among them all. He performed below his siblings however was eventually groomed to be on the same level of his siblings. He was an ace and popular in school - although he was not athletic compared to how he is now.

Pushing through his childhood and teen years, he entered university early. He pursued criminal law for 6 years before he slowly became fed up - he sought out more in life, some excitement and purpose. Shortly after he graduated, he attended one of the later trials against Valentine with his older sister as the prosecutor. Hoping to learn more from his older sister, all he witnessed was her murder in the court in front of the tribunal. She died in his arms, and her last words to him was to not let Valentine win. There was another attempt of murder against Valentine though was protected by his bodyguards. It looked like an attempted double homicide against them both - though Carlisle knew it was but a setup to clear Valentine of any connection to it.

During his sisters funeral, he decided to stay back and mourn for her longer. As everybody left, a mysterious older woman approached him, placing her hand on his shoulder. She offered him a proposition: to join the Kingsmen and fight against the corrupt such as Valentine. He was unconvinced at first, until the woman explained that his older sister was going to be her original candidate and was in the process of accepting before being targeted and killed. After some time and thought, he decided to join, for his desire of excitement, justice and sought to avenge his sister.
He had managed to attain the title and seat of Lancelot, and for 6 years he had been focused on stopping the crime lords of Great Britain.

Enduring many adventures, Carlisle grew to have many friends within the Kingsman, and some time after got to know people among MI6 through his best friend, Kathrynel Dioni, when she started dating one of their field agents. From this he also met a "innocent" secretary to the head honcho himself, Moira Simmons. At first exchanging flirts and compliments, their friendship began to bloom into something more, inevitably to becoming a couple. While Carlisle's been in several relationships, he never felt as close and connected to anybody else. With an understanding for one's anothers jobs, priorities and even life, he feels that perhaps... she's the one?

The happiness did not last however, as Carlisle came to fianlly confronting his arch-nemesis face to face... However not the way he expected. Finding Harkon completely defenseless, he took this opportunity to question him, only to be ambushed by Morgaine. This confrontation led to his unfortunate "death" - but with Kingsman tech he was able to recover from a bullet to his head, a bullethole scar reminding him of the event forever. With all this recorded evidence stacked up against him, and the confession of Hark's youngest daughter Penelope, Carlisle was able to finally put him in jail with the aid of his friends, family and loved one.

Despite his mission technically being complete... He felt there was more to it than just putting his arch-nemesis to jail.
Somebody else was pulling the strings.

Education - What is Carlisle William Carter’s level of education?

Masters of Law

Birthday - When is Carlisle William Carter’s birthday?

23rd January

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Carlisle William Carter have?

Mutley, his irish greyhound!

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Driving fast, Drinking, Playing Piano, Writing Letters, Sweet Sweet Justice, Gun Tricks, Combat Training


Cardio, Oversleeping, Jet Lag, House of Valentine, Hangovers, Being away from his Family for so long

edit Notes

Face-claim: Tom Ellis, Robert Redford
Voice-claim: Liam O'Brien (British)

He has done many cover jobs, one of them being Katerina's model agent, during an investigation of designers smuggling nano-weapons in model's clothing.

He speaks many languages, though he is best at French, Italian and Farsi.

He really looks up to his mentor, Amara Vass - though is afraid of her since she was for more experienced than he.

He had the biggest crush on his best friend, Katerina, but things didn't work out as she was already interested in somebody else... However through her, he was able to meet his current love interest, Moira Simmons.

folder_open Quotes

" Mad lad "

" I'm secretly a huge nerd, my whole family are nerds. I'm just the coolest. "

" Another pint! " - to literally any bartender

folder_open Relationships

Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni : At the beginning of their relationship, Katerina was Carlisle's employer during one of his missions looking into designers smuggling nano-weapons in model's clothing. Seeing at opportunity to get closer, he approached her when she was seeking an agent for her modelling career. After his mission was complete, he felt smitten my Kat, and felt he could trust her with his secret of being a Kingsman agent. They have been the best of friends since then, often attending runway shows and having a drink at their favorite Irish pub. At some point during their relationship, Carlisle admitted to being in love with her - she kindly rejected him, and though he was upset about it for a little while, he appreciated the fact that nothing has changed between them. They are as close as they had always been.

Burke James : Carlisle first saw the renowned agent as a rival to himself as a Kingsman. He became quickly aware of his and Katerina's relationship, and was very protective of her and critical of MI6's role in her protection. Despite the rough beginnings, he came to understand his own hypocrisy - Carlisle had his enemies too, and it made no difference when it came to putting Katerina's life in danger compared to Burke. Instead, he apologized for his behavior, and so are slowly becoming good friends with one another. Despite the competitiveness between both agencies, they had run into a common enemy - Carlisle comes to Burke when it comes to working between the Kingsmen and MI6. Despite a positive relationship, Carlisle still sees himself rivalling Burke in their respective agencies.

Harkon Valentine : Little words describe his absolute hatred for Harkon - despite his training and understanding that he has to put his emotions aside for the job, he cannot help himself but feel truly vengeful for what Harkon has done to his sister Cassidy. Whenever an opportunity against Harkon arises he is quick to always request for the job - and is not often assigned to it. The senior Kingsmen are well aware of how he feels towards him and though they had promised that justice will be served, they had advised Carlisle to control himself if he is to take on more missions involving them. Unfortunately for him, he did not heed their advice, and ended up nearly being killed for it. Finally putting Hark into jail, he felt he did learn a valuable lesson now.

Moira Simmons : MI6's leader's secretary, Carlisle has found himself impressed by Moira's capabilities. Though they were just simply friends, Carlisle became interested in getting to know her more. He highly regards her as a talented woman and agent, and hopes that one day he may work with her side by side in the field. He trusts Amara's opinions on her, and agrees that she has a lot of potential. At the beginning he admitted only to Amara that he found her attractive, but remained professional when it came to actually facing her. He always looks forward to seeing her. Burke and Katerina in particular very often tease him about being interested in her - and always try to hook them up with one another. Eventually, it came to be, and Carlisle does his best to show her how much he truly loves her.

Amara Voss: Carlisle's incredibly skilled and experienced mentor, Carlisle looks up to Amara like his own mother. He has nothing but utmost respect for her and her contribution to the safety of the crown and country. Though they do have some sort of mother/son relationship, she is still quite strict when it comes to his training and missions. He is low-key afraid of Amara, despite her age she has a strength and skill that is not often shown. When it comes to their missions against Harkon Valentine, Amara is often the one pulling the leash when it comes to his uncontrollable emotions towards him. She is the one who sets him straight, and constantly reminds him what it means to be a Kingsman and what his duties are; revenge and justice can't go hand in hand.

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