info Overview
Name - What is Cain Calloway’s full name?

Cain Calloway

Other names - What other aliases does Cain Calloway go by?

Caroso, Crimson, King

Gender - What is Cain Calloway’s gender?


Age - How old is Cain Calloway?




Role - What is Cain Calloway’s role in your story?

Psychotic Crime-Lord lusting for revenge

face Looks
Race - What is Cain Calloway’s race?

French / Romanian /English

Height - How tall is Cain Calloway?

6 feet

Hair Color - What color is Cain Calloway’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Cain Calloway style their hair?

Short hair, wavy, a mess

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cain Calloway have?

Tony Stark

Eye Color - What is Cain Calloway’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Muscular if not slender

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cain Calloway have?

Facial scars, saberteeth, glass eye

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Cain Calloway’s occupation?

Plays a front as a philanthropic millionaire. Actually a crime-lord and successor to Coronado Syndicate.

Religion - What religion does Cain Calloway practice?

He was atheist until he realized he was God

Favorite animal - What is Cain Calloway’s favorite animal?

He loves big cats

Favorite color - What is Cain Calloway’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cain Calloway’s favorite food?

Filet Mignon

Favorite possession - What is Cain Calloway’s favorite possession?

Coronado symbol etched dagger

Favorite weapon - What is Cain Calloway’s favorite weapon?

His claws

info History
device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Iconic Quotes

"Fix your own problems before you fix mine."

"Do you take constructive criticism?"
"I only take cash or credit." -During a televised interview.

"You can admit it. You're in the deep end. I win! Bye!"

"This isn't fucking over."

"You don't make history being liked."


"I'm fucked up! I'm misunderstood! Which story you wanna hear first?"

"Look at her Sienna, she's godlike...she's perfect...she's gorgeous...she's deadly..." -Talking about Ubaste

folder_open Likes / Dislikes
folder_open Relationships
folder_open Notes/Other Facts
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Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Cain Calloway

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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Cain Calloway

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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