info Overview
Name - What is Burke James’s full name?

Burke James

Other names - What other aliases does Burke James go by?

Mr. Bun/Butt, 15, Burke Everest James (full)

Gender - What is Burke James’s gender?


Age - How old is Burke James?




Role - What is Burke James’s role in your story?

A well-known MI6 agent leading an adventurous if not tragic life.

face Looks
Race - What is Burke James’s race?

Scottish / British English


Height - How tall is Burke James?

6 feet 4 inches

Hair Color - What color is Burke James’s hair?

Dark brown- looks black

Hair Style - How does Burke James style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Burke James have?

Black beard- close to bushy: well groomed

Eye Color - What is Burke James’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Burke James have?

Eyebrow scar, purple eyes, multiple tattoos

fingerprint Nature

Burke is very charming and can get anyone to tell him anything, even something you may not want to tell anyone. Despite his giant build, he is incredibly gentle (canbeveryroughlawl). He's a gentleman: polite, passionate, and respectful to everyone around him. He usually keeps a calm composure. He can be very stubborn and rebellious depending on the situation. Although he is treats everyone with respect, he worships women and knows better than to doubt a single one. He is very capable and knows how to handle dire situations. Usually the voice of reason. Very cautious with new places and people. Doesn't seem to be afraid of much, except losing people closest to him. He makes it his mission to try and protect as many people as he can. With his s/o, he is very passionate and will shower them in compliments...he usually says exactly what he has on his mind to them. He has a lot of love to give.

Talents - What talents does Burke James have?

Sharp-eyed shooter, hand-to-hand combat specialist, expert with firearms, can handle a lot of alcohol before getting a buzz, charismatic charm through the roof, has a hidden talent for ballroom dancing, knack for card games, can take a rough hit.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Burke James have?

Walking dogs, drinking, playing golf & rugby, watching fútbol, spending time with his pals and Katerina.

Motivations - What motivates Burke James most?

Love. It's all he ever wanted.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Burke James have?

Determined, careful, passionate, humble, respectful, flirtatious

Flaws - What flaws does Burke James have?

Rule-breaker, dislikes being corrected, unforgiving (depends on situation)

groups Social
Occupation - What is Burke James’s occupation?

MI6 Agent

Job - What job does Burke James have?

MI6 Field Agent

Religion - What religion does Burke James practice?

He doesn't pay it much mind.

Favorite animal - What is Burke James’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Burke James’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Burke James’s favorite food?

Crab Stuffed Flounder

Favorite possession - What is Burke James’s favorite possession?

Picture of his parents; he keeps in his wallet. Wedding band from Kat.

Favorite weapon - What is Burke James’s favorite weapon?

Desert Eagle pistol, nicknamed "Nighthawk".

info History
Birthday - When is Burke James’s birthday?

March 7

Background - What is Burke James’s background?

Born in the highlands of Scotland although originally raised in London, Burke Everest James would lead a very long and difficult life. Burke was born into a wealthy family as the son of Daniel Abelard James and his wife, Lolita Lane. His father was a powerful MI6 agent known as “Agent 2”, and his mother a successful lawyer. However, Burke never knew his parents, for they were murdered in their home by an unknown hitman, later to be revealed as an agent to a powerful and deadly rogue syndicate known as the “Coronado”. The syndicate is known for targeting Mi6 especially, as well as those with incredible wealth. Burke survived, and was put in the care of his father’s mother, Moriah Walsh-James, for his mother’s sister, Cora Lane, was in no state to take care of children, nor wanted to. Moriah was terrified that if his parents would be murdered, Burke could be next. She took him with her, and demanded that his family’s wealth be locked up entirely until Burke came of age for inheritance. She brought him to live with her in her home a few hours away from London. Not long after Daniel and Lolita’s deaths, Lord Crystoph Calloway, the leader of the syndicate at the time, learned that Daniel had a son. Infuriated that things would be more difficult and the fact that the murderer did not complete the deed of total destruction of the James bloodline, Crystoph threw the murderer out of the Coronado, and continued to brainstorm on how to find the James’ baby.

Burke lived without the knowledge of what truly happened to his parents for over a decade, given the story that they had simply died in a “terrible car accident”, and for many of his younger years he actually believed it. But as he aged, he sensed there was something wrong. Whenever he brought up his parents to his grandmother, she would act frantic and avoid the topic. Besides that thankfully, Burke grew into a healthy and athletic young boy. His grandmother raised him to be very polite and courteous, always having good manners around adults and learning proper etiquette. He was a good student and made many friends that he would eventually lose once he left school. He was also quite…”popular” amongst many girls within school, making a multitude of boys jealous. It could be the beginning of his “suave charm”, which started even at an early age. But he was always somewhat “dented” without having parents to show off to his friends. He always wondered what it would be like, having two parents instead of one. Into his teenage years he became rebellious and hung out with the wrong people, leading him to using drugs and alcohol to try and fit in. He was troublesome yet remained popular among his peers (especially the ladies). He continued to age and learned from his grandmother this isn't the path destined for him, and evolved back into the charming young man he was meant to be.

Many years passed, and finally Burke was tired of having secrets held from him, and went sneaking through his grandmother’s hidden paperwork one night. He found everything: the news stories, the pictures, the Coronado, the truth. He even learned about his father’s occupation in the British secret service, which fascinated him. He angrily confronted Moriah about it, feeling betrayed. Although she admitted it was to protect him, Burke wouldn’t have it. He stormed out of the house with his belongings and did not come back. Although he hated having to leave his beloved grandmother, as well as knowing it wasn’t entirely her fault, he had an initiative to conquer. He needed to solve this mystery.

Burke went off into seclusion in the mountains for the next few months, finding an abandoned cottage to lay low in. During this time, he knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to figure out who the Coronado was as well as his parent’s specific killer, continue his father’s legacy within the secret service, and protect others from the same fate his parents suffered.

Burke finally left his hiding place in the mountains, and went straight to MI6. There he met the Director of Mi6 Jopling Gustave, simply known as “M”. M knew who he was immediately: he was his best agent’s son. Not to mention M had been secretly sending agents to anonymously protect Burke and keep an eye on him from afar. Before Burke could even tell him who he was, M simply said “If I had the power, your father would be right here next to me, now.” Although it was never settled, Daniel wished to name Jopling Burke’s godfather, but Jopling has yet to tell Burke about that.

M agreed to give Burke the training as a field agent he desired, honored Burke wished to fulfill his father’s legacy. He was hesitant at first, but realized this is what Daniel would have wanted. He was very impressed with Burke’s fighting skill and survival efficiency. He also noticed Burke’s great interest with the female gender, already brainstorming what he could use with his skills.

After being accepted into Mi6, Burke decided that it was right to go back to his grandmother, and apologize for his childish behavior. But as he returned to her home, he received information that she had a heart attack and passed away not long after he had left. Burke felt a strong stab of guilt that would affect him forever. He has not forgiven himself for that, and probably never will. He returned to MI6 with a broken heart, but vowed to fight in her and his parent’s names.

While Burke continued training, he caught the attention of M’s second in command, Dominic Tyto, or “Agent 12”, whom had recently joined up himself. At first, Tyto wasn’t sure what to think of Burke, not impressed with the fact that M put much more time into him than Tyto, when it was he who would be his successor anyway. He wasn’t sure what the “big deal” was about James, not knowing the history Daniel James had put into MI6. So Tyto tried to ignore and or avoid him whenever necessary. But the two began to talk and take on missions together under the instruction of M, and Tyto realized what a fool he had been to judge Burke so early. They became the best of friends, as well as partners on multiple missions, always succeeding. In fact, they owe their lives to one another.

Burke also met Moira Simmons, a lovely young and innocent looking woman whom happened to be a secretary in MI6, but could also pack a serious punch. They became quick friends, and Moira would often help Burke out psychologically, for she had therapeutic training before joining MI6. “Without Moira, I’d probably have gone crazy by now.” He would always say. Although Moira fancied Burke, she followed the rules of no fraternization within MI6 employees strictly, and simply admired him from afar.

And then Burke met Q, or “Erik Davids”. Erik was...interesting. Erik happened to be brilliant; he had enrolled at Oxford at the age of 17, and now served as Mi6’s quartermaster at age 21. Because of this, many mistaken him for a lost kid, which angers him greatly. But Burke knew he was special and not just “some kid”. Although they always tease and are hard on one another, they always look out for each other. Q always supplied Burke with goodies such as fancy gadgets, guns, or cars needed for the field.

Burke finally finished training, and became a full-fledged agent, being named “Agent 15”. Burke felt himself getting closer and closer, as well as finally finding a place where he could fit in. He became popular all throughout MI6, and became one of the service’s most revered agents.

With help from Moira, Burke researched and found out more about the secret organization of the Coronado. Because of his father’s success as an agent as well as taking out multiple Coronado members, the Coronado vowed to destroy him. Burke discovered their leader, Crystoph Calloway, was the one to blame for the deaths of his parents, so he felt the need to bring him to justice. But first, he needed to find the man who carried out the deed. Burke finally did, learned of his whereabouts, and destroyed him. But he learned from this killer that the Coronado was not to be trifled with, and that starting a fight with them meant he would “lose his head”. Little did Burke know how powerful the Coronado truly was, but he didn’t care.

Although Burke was known as the serious “ladies man”, there was a time where he decided to put all that away and settle down. While about in London, he met a beautiful girl named Rosa Collins, a successful lawyer. She happened to be the sister of Constance Collins, a fellow MI6 correspondent. Him and Rosa became close, and after some time they were married. However with Burke, happiness did not seem to last long for him. A year after their marriage, Burke discovered Rosa had been unfaithful towards him with another man, a man unaware she was already married. Hurt that she wished to be with another man more than her own husband, he filed for divorce, which she did not argue madly about.

Burke decided to return his focus back to the task at hand, and that was to find his parent’s true killer. After more research was identified after Burke’s fight with the killer, Burke discovered the prime headquarters of the Coronado and infiltrated it under M’s guidance...despite his wishes, Burke went alone. Burke went through multiple fights, but he could not be put down. He even managed to handle Lord Calloway’s second, a vile man known as Damien Winstrom, with ease. Burke came face to face with Lord Calloway, the evil man who wanted him dead. Lord Calloway told him how much he despised his cunning father, as well as felt the need to pull his own fortune out from underneath him. Until this time, Burke did not even know he had a fortune in store for him, for his grandmother had hidden the information until he came of age.

Crystoph lunged at Burke, and a long and painstaking fight began. After what almost seemed like an hour of fighting, Burke was thrown to the floor in front of the fireplace. Crystoph ran at him with a sharp dagger, and Burke reached for whatever it was closest to him to defend himself: a fire poker. Although Burke meant to block his attack, the hot poker dove right in Lord Calloway’s heart, and he dropped to the floor...dead.
The dagger had not been deflected, but if Burke had not accidentally plunged it into his heart, the dagger would be in Burke’s. Burke pulled the dagger out of his shoulder, and stared down at Crystoph’s limp corpse. Heavily breathing, he scowled at him, spitting out blood. Then suddenly, he began to cry. As much as he hated this man, he wanted to bring him to justice, not kill him. As satisfying as it may be that such a villain was dead, it couldn’t bring his parents back. He backed away, and felt a presence up on the balcony above him. He looked up, and saw...Crystoph? No, he looked like him, but he wasn’t. It was Caroso, or later “Cain” Calloway, Crystoph’s son. He had just watched his beloved father die before him. Caroso shuddered, whispering “Father?...Father…”

Burke believed this man was to attack him, but felt no energy to fight anymore, nor wanted to, so he ran. Cain did not follow him, but anger, madness, and hatred fumed within him. Burke had made another enemy that day, making it feel like no progress had been made. Burke did not mean to kill him, but now the Coronado wanted him dead more than ever before. And little also does Burke know that the Eventide, another syndicate out for him, is growing in power.
Burke returned to MI6, telling his story and receiving medical care he greatly needed. After being nursed back to health, he went off and finally received his parent’s wealth. With it, he bought a luxury house in London, as well as one in The United States, which he visited often.

Burke returned to his ways: protecting the queen and her country, being the suave woman charmer, and keeping his eyes open. While protecting an American CIA agent Vincent Anderson (whom happened to be Rosa’s new husband), Burke met Clinton Barton, a skillful archer who happened to be a member of the Avengers. They became good friends as well as rivals, Clint more into the “rivalry”, since Burke seemed to be good at everything he wasn’t. They fought well together, and despite their differences, they trusted their lives to one another. Despite Burke’s tragic life, he was still a humble gentleman and faced life in a positive manner, even if it wasn’t so easy for him.

Burke decided to hire a butler for his home, since keeping it clean seemed to be the last thing he had time for. He hired Peter Benjamin, a retired Kingsman turned butler whom happened to be a close old friend of M’s. Burke and Peter became wonderful friends, and Burke would consider Peter a father figure to him more than a basic butler title. Burke is also an avid dog lover; ever since birth he was. Although he’s had many dogs in his life, he is currently taking care of an elderly old bulldog he named “Wilson”, and a new Akita puppy named King James (or KJ for short).

There was a time Burke felt himself fall truly in love again. He came in contact with a mysterious new face in London, a woman by the name of Katerina Dioni. However, little did Burke know that Katerina was all a disguise; Snejada Mendeva, a journalist from New York, was playing the part of Clint Barton’s disguised ego, Diederich Adolpho. She was stuck in London for the time being, and her beauty attracted almost all of London to her, making her famous for her mysterious ways. And since Burke had a way with women, especially popular ones, “Katerina” fell into his grasp. Snejada was already faithful to Clint, but in order not to break her cover, she remained in London and with Burke. She found herself falling for Burke during the time, but she refused to leave Clint for him. But if she were to tell Burke who she really was and that Katerina was not real, she would break his heart. She reluctantly did, and although Burke understood her actions, he felt hurt and almost tricked. He was not angry, just...toyed with, even if it truly wasn’t her intention. Because of Burke’s infatuation with “Lady London” it attracted the Coronado and Eventide. Snejada got in a lot of trouble with the Coronado especially, making Burke having to rescue her.

The new Coronado was now ruled by Cain Calloway, the son of Crystoph, and his second, Sienna Lofoton. Cain was out for blood, and enjoyed making Burke’s life a living hell, with revenge at his sharp claw tips. Ironic, isn’t it?

Not long after Snejada returned to the United States, a peculiar event happened that Burke still questions to this day. Burke was taking a stroll one day and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing what looked to be Katerina, sitting on a bench reading. He thought it a cruel joke to be reminded of someone he cared for that wasn’t even real. Snejada had gone home, so why was she here? Confused, he questioned this Katerina, and she didn’t seem to know who he was, hurting Burke even more. He checked and made sure Snejada was home in the States, which she was. So who was this? She didn’t seem like she wanted fame, she seemed quiet and unsure. Burke still wasn’t sure what to do, but she swore her name was Katerina Dioni and nothing else, she felt he needed a psychiatrist. But Burke urged her to at least listen to him, and she did. Burke ordered MI6 to keep a close eye on her, for she would be hunted by the syndicates for her past actions with Burke.

This “new” Katerina came along after some time, and decided to give Burke a chance. They became friends, and Burke realized what was happening to him again...he was falling in love with her...again(?) He never made his feelings obvious to her, and treated her like every other one of his friends.
But one night of partying, Burke had the perfect time to tell her he loved her. And surprisingly, she felt the same way towards him. He was happy again, but still continues to question how she was...who she was. He tries to put it behind him, and focus on the now. She loves him back, that’s all he was asking for.

Burke eventually learned from Katerina that she was created by a "witch" called Carmen. She left his home and disappeared for two months and returned to him with the information, confused and dumbfounded...yet did his best to listen and believe everything she had to say. Despite all this, nothing changed the way he felt about her. They came back together again slowly but surely. During a harrowing escape after a fight with Morgaine Valentine and Ubaste Atkinson to save Katerina, Burke was injured severely and rushed to a hospital. He made a full recovery and is made ready to go back into the field whenever possible. After being discharged from hospital Katerina proposed to Burke, and the two of them plan to be married soon. He feels incomplete without her.

Currently, Burke is keeping his head up with the Coronado and Valentine. Cain Calloway is now his arch-enemy, and they have tussled quite a few times. Arien Vice, the mysterious leader of the Eventide, is watching as the Coronado throw themselves at James, and is waiting for the perfect moment to strike himself. He continues to fight in the field and at home, help out the Kingsman in their endeavors, and just try to lead a life with less tragedy than he already has. He has also recently been Knighted, turning him into "Sir Burke James", and is admired by multiple people in the country.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Burke James have?

A bulldog named Wilson, and a new addition: an akita named King James (or KJ for short)

history Changelog
edit Notes

Voice: Tom Hardy / Barry Sloane
Face Claim: Tom Hardy/ ??? / ???
Relationship Status: Engaged

Tattoo Descriptions and Locations:
Forearms- Feathers and Barbed Wire
Shoulder: bloody 007 shutter
Ears- Tribal
Biceps- On right arm, a shark jumping from the water in a sunset. On left, barbed wire/tribal
Back- Large Bird, takes up most of back
Back of neck- Star
Collarbones- Arrows, both sides
Pectorals- Union jack flag, lotus flower, birth year, bulldog and a W
Lower Abdomen- Two stars
Right Arm- tribal sleeve, barbed wire, feathers

The Queen of London always requests Burke to be her bodyguard whenever out and about.

Burke receives strange visits from his father in some of his good dreams. Because of the tragedy throughout his life, he suffers from rough night terrors and horrible nightmares, giving him a hard time sleeping.

Lolita originally wanted Burke’s full name to be Burkaius.

He always has some fancy new suit and tie or outfit, thanks to his butler’s wife, whom happens to be a talented seamstress.

Dog parks are his safe haven.

His summer home is in the Appalachian Mountains.

He knows many languages, such as German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian…

He always wears a watch no matter what.

He and Dominic play on the same rugby team, and go out for golf matches sometimes with Peter

He has a small indoor pool in his home, he really likes swimming a lot.

He’s a pretty good ballroom dancer!

He has a love for guns (if that wasn't obvious).

While out on a mission, Dominic broke his entire leg, and Burke had to carry him five long miles of desert until they found civilization.

His newest puppy KJ is a gift from Katerina as somewhat of an apology/proposal present.

folder_open Iconic Quotes

"I know Calloway. He is a bad person...a horrible person. But he's still human. He needs help. But if it's a lost cause, I have to be the one to take him down. My birth started this mess."

"Will there be dogs there? Please tell me there will be dogs there. If you say theres dogs and I don't see any, I'm suing."

"All I ever wanted was to be wanted."

"She's such a good soul, don't you agree? I don't know how I got so lucky." -Talking about Kat.

"Yeah, I been called a sex god before. Please don't ask. Unless you're interested why..."

"Oh my god A DOG!" -Literally at any dog.


"Did you just call me Daddy...?"

"Look, I'm zonked, you fockin' pillock. How 'bout we make this easy on one another and you stop pissin' about."

folder_open Likes / Dislikes
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

Likes: Drinking, travelling, rugby, reading, swimming, checking out the ladies, dancing, soccer, firearm/self defense training, dogs, mountains, going on pub crawls with friends, golf, harmless bets, spending time outdoors, the beach, fast cars, guns, trying on suits/tuxes, sunsets, watching movies, playing with his dogs/dog parks, tea, fighting, charity events, watching runway shows (espec. lingerie shows lmao)
Dislikes: Night terrors, Coronado, threats, the guilt he'll live with, Valentine, sleeping alone, boring bars, dark places, getting lost, being corrected, putting his friends in danger, his teenage self, being called out

folder_open Relationships
folder_open Notes/Other Facts
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Burke James

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Burke James

This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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