info Overview
Name - What is Clint Harper’s full name?

Clint Harper

Other names - What other aliases does Clint Harper go by?

Clinton Tobias Harper, Hawk Harper, Warhawk, Deadshot

Gender - What is Clint Harper’s gender?


Age - How old is Clint Harper?




Role - What is Clint Harper’s role in your story?

A bow-wielding vigilante turned GUARDIAN hero. Struggles to understand himself and his emotions

face Looks
Race - What is Clint Harper’s race?

Human. Caucasian.

Height - How tall is Clint Harper?

5 Feet 10 Inches

Hair Color - What color is Clint Harper’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Clint Harper style their hair?

Crew Cut. Bedhead-y.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Clint Harper have?

Stubble to beard. Usually stubble.

Eye Color - What is Clint Harper’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Light tan.

Body Type

Muscular and fit.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Clint Harper have?

Scar down left eye. Arrows marks on his arms. Scars ridden his body

fingerprint Nature

Clint is a man of few words and if you don't know him, he is difficult to comprehend. He is usually seen with a frown on his face, seeming to always carry a "resting bitch face". He is easily mistaken to be an asshole: he's quiet, slow to trust, constantly grumpy, sarcastic, and no-nonsense. But in truth, he is a very caring person and just wants to keep people safe. With his close ones, he is humorous and warm and a great friend to have. Despite his attitude, he never raises his voice and usually keeps it very soft. He tries to stay positive and respectful out of adoration for his older brother Beau, whom he looks up to and owes most of his life to. He secretly wishes he was more like him, but never wants to admit it, nor feels like he would ever be able to even be registered at the same level as him. He tries really hard and expects nothing in return. He struggles with his emotions and wants to express them better, especially when it comes to trust and love. He does not let his "disability" effect him, and has proven it many times.

Talents - What talents does Clint Harper have?

Master Marksman whether it be a bow or rifle

Hobbies - What hobbies does Clint Harper have?

Sleeping, eating, walking Rocket, practicing with the bow, watching tv, going out for pizza, travelling the world, spending time with Snejada and his friends, being with his brother

Motivations - What motivates Clint Harper most?

To keep his friends and family safe

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Clint Harper have?

Quiet, never raises his voice, humorous when he feels like it, gets the job done, sarcastic, goes his own way

Flaws - What flaws does Clint Harper have?

Deaf, grumpy all the time, blunt, always tired, depending on the person he is easily angered

groups Social
Occupation - What is Clint Harper’s occupation?


-"Super hero"

Job - What job does Clint Harper have?

"Bringer of Justice"

Religion - What religion does Clint Harper practice?

Atheist. "I've seen enough aliens to know a guy in the sky didn't make us."

Favorite animal - What is Clint Harper’s favorite animal?

Hawk (duh)

Favorite color - What is Clint Harper’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Clint Harper’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Clint Harper’s favorite weapon?

His bow

info History
Birthday - When is Clint Harper’s birthday?

June 6th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Clint Harper have?

Rocket the King Shepherd

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Iconic Quotes
folder_open Likes / Dislikes
folder_open Relationships

Beauregard Harper: Clint's older brother and one of his biggest supports. Clint isn't sure where he'd be if he didn't have him. Growing up, their parents were very absent and negligent of their children, so Beau took up the mantle of taking care of himself and Clint. After their sudden deaths, it became more difficult, but Beau never gave up, nor did Clint. Since he struggles to manage his anger, Clint feels he disappoints Beau every time he can't contain his emotions. But Beau understands this, and never tells him he should change for anyone else. Yet, Clint still tries hard to make his brother proud and become more of a good person like him. You might even consider him a tad jealous of Beau, wishing he had his charismatic charm and friendly aura. They are still very close and talk to one another every day. Being able to discuss things he can't discuss with anyone else is almost therapeutic to Clint, glad to know Beau isn't the judgmental type. They enjoy teasing and laughing at one another constantly.

Byron Arkadin: One of Clint's best friends and partners in crime. Although they don't work together to "fight crime", they are usually seen hanging out together. They consider one another brothers and trust one another with anything. They met years ago when Byron was still a General; a Guardian team came in contact with a Marine station out in heavy enemy territory. There was a trap, and thanks to Byron and the team's bravery, many men were saved. Clint and Byron met and realized they had more in common then they thought. Clint eventually met his other best friend through Byron as well: Jorge Fargus. Byron and Clint are very connected and always seem up to date with one another.

Jorge Fargus: One of Clint's other best friends and confidant. They met through Byron and became fast friends, realizing how similar in personality they were. They trusted one another, and even came to talk about their disabilities and such...something they usually weren't so comfortable with. But they respected one another immediately, and became brothers. Jorge is always willing to help Clint, surprised to find someone with "as many problems as himself". Clint likes to help Jorge spar, so he can still get some of that fight he has left out of him. However, Jorge is keeping a huge secret from Clint, and isn't sure how the outcome will be...

Snejada Mendeva: Clint's current significant other/girlfriend. They met when Snejada was being stalked by a serial killer and eventually attacked. Clint killed the man just in time to save her life, and since then Snejada seemed to have an interest in him. Clint was surprised by her initiative, unsure of how to react to someone so curious about his life, when he felt it "wasn't anything special". Eventually a friendship bloomed between them the more they met, and Clint found himself liking her for some reason, usually finding reporters and the media to be a big pain in the ass. But something was different about her, and he felt slightly drawn to find out why. Soon enough, he found himself realizing he cared for her more than as a friend. He wasn't sure that it was love at first, struggling enough with his emotions as is. He kept his feelings a secret, until he learned that Snejada was in love with him as well. Their relationship blossomed into something more, and it took him a long time to grasp the fact this woman fell in love with someone like him. He feels it is his top priority to keep her safe and would never forgive himself if he let something happen to her. He loves her with every fiber of his being and fights to protect her, but also keeps an eye out for himself when she reminds him...knowing he needs to keep himself alive in order to keep her happy.

Jane Soren: Clint's first true love and former girlfriend. During this time they were both quite young, and he seemed to fall for her immediately; beautiful, kind, and respectful to everyone around her...who couldn't be attracted to that? As he aged, he became less interested in the idea of romance before meeting Snejada, feeling it was as childish as he acted about it. Although Jane and Clint loved one another, their relationship did not last very long. Due to their jobs, they seemed to drift away from one another slowly and unconsciously. Eventually, Jane made the move to end the relationship, but on a kind note and to hopefully remain friends. Clint agreed, but was still silently saddened at losing her. He grew out of this however, realizing he never lost her and that they were still there for one another. They now have a sibling like relationship and trust one another with almost everything. He becomes annoyed when learning his future girlfriend's older brother, Boris Mendeva, began dating Jane. He didn't trust him in the slightest and feared he would do something to Jane. He continues to keep an eye on her, and hopes she can maintain her powers to keep herself safe.

Boris Mendeva: A rival of sorts to Clint, and a former enemy. Clint noticed Boris' disapproval of his relationship with his sister quite quickly. This annoyed him but he kept his mouth shut, proceeding to simply glare at him across the room. Their "hatred" for one another seemed to grow and grow, starting from Boris beginning to date Jane, and reaching the boiling point when it was discovered that Boris worked for Warden, Guardian's biggest enemy. To protect Jane and Snejada, Clint confronted Boris and a serious tussle ensued, ending up with Boris losing all ability in his right arm from Clint's shattering arrows. Boris disappeared, and Clint kept his head on a swivel, knowing Boris could attack again after some time. After quite a long time they meet again under wild circumstances, and are forced to team up to save their friend. Will they be able to work together or end up at each other's throats once more?

folder_open Notes/Other Facts
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Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Clint Harper

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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