info Overview
Name - What is Maximus Armitage’s full name?

Maximus Armitage

Other names - What other aliases does Maximus Armitage go by?

General Armitage, Stone-Cold, Maximoose

Gender - What is Maximus Armitage’s gender?


Age - How old is Maximus Armitage?

40 Years Old

face Looks
Race - What is Maximus Armitage’s race?


Height - How tall is Maximus Armitage?


Hair Color - What color is Maximus Armitage’s hair?

Black / Grey / White

Hair Style - How does Maximus Armitage style their hair?

Usually tried to be kept nice

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Maximus Armitage have?

Black bushy/pointed beard

Eye Color - What is Maximus Armitage’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Big and muscular. Pretty much looks like he can throw you out a window with little effort

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Maximus Armitage have?

Grey Pupils/Irises. Light blue scleras. Four pointed scar (upper left cheekbone)

fingerprint Nature

Maximus is a hard book to read because he almost always bears no expression. Well...he always looks displeased or unamused. No one has ever seen him smile, and questions why he always seems to be in such a trance.
He admits to fearing nothing for he has seen the face of death so many times he has become used to it. You could say he is the face of intimidation.
He hates feeling less superior to others, knowing he will always have the upper hand in the end. And well, when you're taller than almost everyone you meet I can see why.
He takes his position very seriously and will attack anyone who tries to dishonor him.
In his youth he was very much the same, but had more emotion than he does now. Rumor has it specific events in his youth shaped him into what he is now, just ask Konrad Michaelis.

Talents - What talents does Maximus Armitage have?

-Maximus has the ability to turn liquid water into solids in any shape or form he chooses at lightning speed, usually in shapes in which he can inflict harm (meaning big and sharp!) He has practiced for so long he can now turn even invisible water vapor (including fog) into weapons.
-He has a tendency to create jagged ice talons that form from his shoulders all the way down to his fingertips. A great intimidation tactic...cause you know no one wants to get stabbed by those things.
-Usually, Max needs to be able to move his body in order for his ice powers to go the way he wishes (for example if he wants to throw a dagger without touching them physically, he will throw his arms in the direction he chooses for the daggers to fly). But now, he has become so acquainted to his powers he need only his mind to move need to move at all. So you never know when you might suddenly go frozen solid!
-Max moves much faster when in a cold setting, even faster when below freezing. He has the inability to catch hypothermia.
-It's obvious to say he is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat but barely finds the use for it with his powers. But he knows he must always be prepared when in a hotter setting.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Maximus Armitage have?

Reading, practicing his abilities (in private, doesn't like snooping), travelling, exploring snowy forests, hunting

Motivations - What motivates Maximus Armitage most?

His lust for power

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Maximus Armitage have?

Quiet, disconcerted, fearsome, non-negotiable, stubborn, no-nonsense

Flaws - What flaws does Maximus Armitage have?

Maximus is weaker to humid/warm/tropical settings and can slow him down. He continues to try and find a way to beat this weakness but to no avail.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Maximus Armitage’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Maximus Armitage practice?


Favorite color - What is Maximus Armitage’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Maximus Armitage’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Maximus Armitage’s favorite weapon?


info History
Birthday - When is Maximus Armitage’s birthday?

January 2 1978

Background - What is Maximus Armitage’s background?

Max was born in Germany in 1978, the only child to marriage slowly being torn apart. His parents had been divided by the Berlin wall and managed to escape to America in hopes of raising their son without being separated before it was too late. They decided to reside in Minnesota, enjoying the cold weather and freedom. However, their happiness did not last long, for a rival of Maximus's father hired a contract killer to go after them.

The killer was an American by the name of Cassidy Halberd. Halberd was a mute who never questioned when a client wanted someone dead. Halberd tracked them down and killed them, but then saw Maximus, who was barely a year old. Halberd couldn't bring himself to kill him. Instead, he found his birth certificate and took Maximus off with him, never telling his client that the job was done.

Halberd brought Maximus to his cabin in Fargo, North Dakota, which was 20 miles away from the near small town. He never renamed Maximus and knew he would tell him somehow in the years to come what he had done to his parents. So, he never truly tried to develop a father-son relationship with him. He did, however, teach him the survival skills he needed to survive the frozen frontier. Maximus turned out to be a quiet boy himself and watched Halberd as he taught him what he needed. Halberd would bring Maximus into town almost every day, so he could experience the public life and become acquainted with it. Everyone knew Halberd as the "friendly yet standoffish mute" that would come to town for a bite to eat at the diner or for groceries. You know it got even more interesting when they saw he had an unknown child with him.

Halberd hired a tutor to teach Max his basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills. He turned out to love learning, especially reading. Whenever he wasn't out in town or hunting, Max would be reading a new book his tutor would bring him when he visited. He would stay up night after night reading all kinds of books. Max was a brilliant child and his level of intelligence was much higher than other children his age.

But Maximus was lonely. It didn't seem to actually bother him at all since he was raised in an isolated setting, but Halberd felt guilt. He decided to bring Maximus to the town park to see if he could find friends of a sort. Max at the time was ten years old and most of the children were younger than him, so he sat on the swingset and watched as the younger children played tag and hide and seek.

He did notice one boy, outcasted. Looked quite younger than Max. He was sitting under a tree with a book in his hands, which immediately made Maximus curious. He walked over and the child was surprised to see him, almost dropping his massive book. Max asked if he could see what he was reading, but the boy was reluctant. Eventually, he showed him the cover: "True Ghost Stories that Will Scare You to Sleep". This was right up Max's alley and he asked if they could read it together. The boy seemed shy but allowed it. When he sat down next to him, the shy boy said:

"My name is Konrad, what's yours?"

And so started a rather interesting friendship.

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes

His last name is pronounced "R-Mih-Taj" not "R-Mih-Tidge".

Maximus discovered his powers not long after he turned twenty years old.

He received the iconic scar on his face from a Kodiak bear attack while crossing the Kodiak Archipelago islands, alone, years ago. Kodiaks are known to be the largest bear species naturally, however, this one was unnaturally more ferocious and nearly killed Maximus. He killed the beast and collected its teeth as trophies, as well as multiple deep scars on the rest of his body. He dragged the bear for miles before disposing of it. Many say Maximus did not even tend to his own wounds until much later.

Armitage and Michaelis have a very detailed past of knowing one another, some tales being almost unbelievable.

Maximus has never spoken of his family in public. It is such a mystery many Warden agents rumor that "The Armitage" raised himself all those years in Alaska.

Maximus keeps the teeth of the bear he killed in a display case in his mountain home in Fargo, North Dakota.

Maximus has a strong connection to Alaska, Minnesota, and North Dakota. He feels most at home in these parts...mainly because he grew up in those areas.

folder_open Iconic Quotes

"You know I do not fear death."

"Watch your tone, boy."

"If you are right about this, then this is going to be one hell of a story."

"I have very little patience, and you are boring the life out of me."

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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