info Overview
Name - What is AVE’s full name?


Gender - What is AVE’s gender?

None, but everyone refers to them as "him". Doesn't seem to bother "him".

Role - What is AVE’s role in your story?

A demon now trapped within the body of Konrad Michaelis, their souls intertwined. Makes a killing by killing his brethren to keep him alive.

face Looks
Height - How tall is AVE?

When fully developed, 9-10 feet

Hair Color - What color is AVE’s hair?


Hair Style - How does AVE style their hair?

It's not hair. It's "voidal waft", smoke like shadows that make up his light or heavy body. Looks pretty messy

Eye Color - What is AVE’s eye color?

Red irises

Body Type

Massive in size

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite color - What is AVE’s favorite color?

Uh, black? Red?

Favorite food - What is AVE’s favorite food?

He can't actually "eat" but enjoys devouring bodies/souls with heavy amounts of energy

Favorite weapon - What is AVE’s favorite weapon?

Hell energy

info History
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history Changelog
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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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