info Overview
Name - What is Vivienne Lachance’s full name?

Vivienne Lachance



Age - How old is Vivienne Lachance?


Gender - What is Vivienne Lachance’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Vivienne Lachance go by?

Viv, Vivsie

Role - What is Vivienne Lachance’s role in your story?

Dark arts and voodoo coinnosseur, providing her skills and talents in helping... Or even manipulating others. She is "mostly" good.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vivienne Lachance have?

Blind, cataract eyes

Body Type

Thin, delicate

Skin Tone

Dark, blue undertones

Race - What is Vivienne Lachance’s race?

Human, African American

Eye Color - What is Vivienne Lachance’s eye color?

Smoky blue (originally jet black)

Hair Style - How does Vivienne Lachance style their hair?

Short, wavy, sideswept

Hair Color - What color is Vivienne Lachance’s hair?

Raven black

Height - How tall is Vivienne Lachance?


Weight - How much does Vivienne Lachance weigh?


fingerprint Nature

Blind, unable to see and navigate without a walking stick... Or her abilities

Personality type - What personality type is Vivienne Lachance?

Vivienne is a straight forward, humorous and outgoing extrovert. She doesn't let her disability get in her way, often making jokes about it – though it sometimes really discomfort others. Her incredible positive outlook on life is an ironic trait to her rather questionable life choices. While she does intend on helping others, running into troublemakers or people who take her granted brings about her petty nature. She likes payback... A little too much, even.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vivienne Lachance have?

Tarot and palm reading, studying all kinds of magics and religions, listening to audio books and the radio, speaking to spirits.

Talents - What talents does Vivienne Lachance have?

Wicked talented in dark arts and magic, curses and incantations. Her memory in navigation is a trained talent from losing her sense of sight – in fact she finds sight a drawback, as her reactionary skills can be exceptional.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vivienne Lachance have?

She does not trust most demons; while she is well aware there are some who wish to live a normal life among humans, she can't help but feel slightly suspicious of their true nature. She's working on not being so judgmental, befriending some and slowly easing her tension around most.

Flaws - What flaws does Vivienne Lachance have?

She can be stubborn about her beliefs oftentimes.
She doesn't particularly like being pitied on regarding her blindness.

groups Social
Job - What job does Vivienne Lachance have?

Dark Arts Scholar

Favorite animal - What is Vivienne Lachance’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Vivienne Lachance’s favorite possession?

A music box given to her by her grandmother

Favorite food - What is Vivienne Lachance’s favorite food?

Moules a la crème, mostly French Mediterranean food

Favorite color - What is Vivienne Lachance’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Vivienne Lachance practice?


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