info Overview
Name - What is Konrad Michaelis’s full name?

Konrad Michaelis

Other names - What other aliases does Konrad Michaelis go by?

Konnie, Mikey, The Forbidden, The Doomwalker

Gender - What is Konrad Michaelis’s gender?


Age - How old is Konrad Michaelis?




Role - What is Konrad Michaelis’s role in your story?

A rising preacher turned demonic slayer who's soul is now intertwined with a ruthless demon

face Looks
Race - What is Konrad Michaelis’s race?

Human (...mostly)

Height - How tall is Konrad Michaelis?


Hair Color - What color is Konrad Michaelis’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Konrad Michaelis style their hair?

Slick back, with a high rise in the front

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Konrad Michaelis have?


Eye Color - What is Konrad Michaelis’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Konrad Michaelis have?

His "possessed" right eye, in which changes to black and red at times

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Job - What job does Konrad Michaelis have?

He calls himself an Exorcist...Slayer...Priest...many things. Overall he just tries to keep evil entities, demons, and monsters from trying to lay waste to mortals

Religion - What religion does Konrad Michaelis practice?

Konrad has always had a strong faith in God, yet never being as tied to it like his father. He'd always have slight doubts but would never admit it. Yet his faith always proved his doubts wrong and he continued to let his beliefs guide him. When possessed his doubts returned, especially after hearing constantly from the demon that possessed him, Ave. He keeps his beliefs to himself, now that he is surrounded by demonic figures. He tries to keep himself from speaking of God to keep Ave happy and comfortable. Above all he avoids speaking so much about it, so remains silent with his faith.

Favorite animal - What is Konrad Michaelis’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Konrad Michaelis’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Konrad Michaelis’s favorite food?

Crab dip

Favorite weapon - What is Konrad Michaelis’s favorite weapon?

Ave, his Bible, shotguns, axes

info History
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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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