info Overview
Name - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s full name?

Hansel Ackerman Garcia




Mexican / German

Age - How old is Hansel Ackerman Garcia?


Gender - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Hansel Ackerman Garcia go by?

Hanz, Bane

Role - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s role in your story?

A trouble-making demon incubus seeking the high-life.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Rose colored eyes/yellow scleras, Pointed horns

Body Type

Fit, broad-shouldered

Skin Tone

Dark tan

Race - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s race?


Eye Color - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s eye color?

Rose pink

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Rough or trimmed beard

Hair Style - How does Hansel Ackerman Garcia style their hair?

Messy, wavy, shaved undercut

Hair Color - What color is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s hair?


Height - How tall is Hansel Ackerman Garcia?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Bartending, walking his demon doggo during the nights, larceny, flirting, smoking a lot, gambling

Talents - What talents does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Talented bartender, good at making drinks.
Has a knack for breaking into vehicles. Unnatural demonic strength, speed and reflexes.

Flaws - What flaws does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Prideful, sometimes really full of himself, uncontrollable flirt

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?

Overconfident, protective, laid-back, approachable, incredibly outgoing

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s favorite possession?

An untouchable cross necklace from his mother.

Favorite color - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s occupation?

Bartender/Stage singer at an ‘Underworld’ Club

Religion - What religion does Hansel Ackerman Garcia practice?

Catholic Christian, was practicing before he turned into a demon

info History
Birthday - When is Hansel Ackerman Garcia’s birthday?

12th of August

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Hansel Ackerman Garcia have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Speeding, riding his motorbike, fixing “his” car, Roardrick, his bar shift, playing around, keesing his bf, working out whenever he's free, practicing tricks for work, Rory giving makeovers, having his hair played with, genuinely just spending lots of quality time with his bf...


Dislikes: getting his motorbike dirty, his stage shift, singing, waking up late in the afternoon, being tickled, rainy weather, flying in planes, certain underworld creatures, occasionally Frezo when he’s a pain in the ass...

edit Notes

Hansel is half Mexican / half German

Before his father passed away, he did visit him a few times... He was the only one willing to ever see him again.

Rory likes to give him makeovers according to what he likes... hairstyles and clothing

He has a car and a motorbike, though mostly uses the motorbike since the car is...sort of "permanently borrowed".

Sometimes when he's tired of his horns he will completely file them down.

He's not fond of his half-brother Thiago, he is a living reminder of the curse he’s become.

He is not fond of Rory’s ex-boyfriends, Balthazar and Kayn. He also will never admit to himself that he finds Balthazar attractive.

He loves his display name on Rory's phone, "fuck daddy"

Sends "nice" pictures of himself to Rory when he's at work in the library during the day-

Frezo is Hansel’s hellhound - although he is often seen like a pet, Frezo is an anchor to Hansel’s demonic soul. He is more of a guard dog against him if anything; without Frezo, Hansel would have a much harder time controlling himself. In fact, Hansel’s mentor bound Frezo to him, which is why he is not fond of his “master”. He had learned to tolerate Hansel - though does find him to be like an annoying child. He is more fond of Rory, his partner... he gives him nice scritches.

Evidently, Hansel is more fond of cats than dogs.

folder_open Quotes

“Shut up, dog” - at Frezo

“The dog bit me” - explaining to Rory why he is bleeding off his arm

folder_open Relationships

Roardrick Viscoti
: Hansel would say that Rory is probably, if not the most important person in his life. He is his significant other. At first Hansel was not so fond of him for defacing his home, but eventually grew a strong liking for him after spending much time with him. Their relationship is an interesting one, and Hansel eventually became comfortable enough to admit to Rory that he isn’t particularly... human. He learned to appreciate and love him even more when he had accepted him for who he is. Hansel and Rory have many flaws but they put up with one another and have a mutual understanding. He is very attached and protective of him, and does what he can to support him during troubled times.

Alejandro De Rossi: Hansel’s ex-boyfriend and current best friend. Al is the reason he is even alive and surviving today; Hansel owes everything to him and would do anything to repay him for his help. He is an important figure in his life, and deeply cares about Al’s wellbeing. Despite being very close, Hansel often wonders where he disappears to sometimes — he is secretive, even towards him, and he can only hope that his best friend is doing okay in life. Though he found himself very attached to Al when they dated, Hansel thought that perhaps it would be better they remained friends to not tarnish their relationship. They both work at the Underworld club, and performs as a bassist together with Hansel as a singer on Fridays.

Balthazar Franco: Rory’s ex-boyfriend who likes to hang out with him, though it seems very onesided. Hansel is not very fond of him — though he doesn’t know much about what happened between them two, he feels that Rory finds him just as irritating. In the back of Hansel’s mind, he finds Balthazar an attractive and perhaps even a likable person, though this is something he will never admit to himself, let alone to Rory. He had never thought someone could annoy his boyfriend more than himself.

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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Hansel Ackerman Garcia

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This character was created by druidic kal on

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