info Overview
Name - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s full name?

Snejada Angelika Mendeva



Age - How old is Snejada Angelika Mendeva?


Gender - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Snejada Angelika Mendeva go by?

Snej, Snooj

Role - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s role in your story?

An aspiring Journalist and Investigative Sub-editor.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?


Body Type

Average yet lean

Skin Tone


Race - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s race?

Human, Russian

Eye Color - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s eye color?

Sky blue

Hair Style - How does Snejada Angelika Mendeva style their hair?

Long hair, straight, short side fringe

Hair Color - What color is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s hair?

Pure blonde

Height - How tall is Snejada Angelika Mendeva?


Weight - How much does Snejada Angelika Mendeva weigh?

136 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?

Writing short stories, walking Lucky, photography, watches the news a lot, reading

Talents - What talents does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?

Talented writer, can hold her drinks well though has tendencies to drink too much, unbelievable management (sticky notes everywhere), knows a little sign language

Flaws - What flaws does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?

Short-tempered, forgetful, overreacts sometimes

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?

Hard-working, humorous, adventurous, excitable, organised,

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s favorite possession?

Her small arrow bracelet

Favorite food - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s favorite color?

Blue, Purple

Occupation - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s occupation?

Investigative Sub-editor in Journalism

Religion - What religion does Snejada Angelika Mendeva practice?

Orthodox, but doesn't practice

info History
Background - What is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s background?

Snej grew up in a pretty ordinary life with her parents and older brother Boris. She was very close to her brother.

After Boris' developed medical condition she spent a lot of her time helping him to at least get up in the morning to move on.She grew a passion for news reporting and wanted to pursue it as a career. Together they grew up to help one another up until college. She went on to study Journalism in Moscow for four years, and continued to work there. When Boris was moving to the US after he finished college, she took this opportunity to work there and so traveled with her older brother, much to his disagreement.

She has gone through much since moving there; she met her lover Clint Barton, discovered her brother was part of an evil organisation, and even got to travel abroad once more and met new and... "interesting" people.
Currently she's investigating recent reports of a violent vigilante, who seems to be doing the cop's jobs for them. Working in collaboration with Genevieve West and Thiago Garcia, together they attempt to uncover the motives behind each incident, and discover who hides behind the mask each "victim" have described.

Birthday - When is Snejada Angelika Mendeva’s birthday?

20th of January

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Snejada Angelika Mendeva have?

She takes care of Clint's retriever dog, Lucky.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Travelling, her job, Clint, Pizza dog, the Avengers, Writing, Going out for dinners, Learning things from Clint (sign language, self-defense), Festivals, hanging out with Bojana, Jane, etc. Parties, putting sticky notes literally everywhere, being organised, going to movies, taking photos of every day life, taking photos of herself and Clint, dancing, napping


Threats to Clint, being cat-called, her boss, finding out her brother was Hydra, being lied to, clutter, getting scolded by her mom, not getting enough sleep, humidity/warm weather, when her parents visit unexpectedly, skipping meals

edit Notes

At first she didn't particularly like Jane Soren for the fact she used to date Clint, but after the whole thing with her brother she now sees her more of a sister and would look out for her.

She's very adventurous and absolutely enjoys going on missions with Clint, though only if it doesn't risk losing her life of course.

She had a "thing" with Burke James under her alias of Katerina Dioni when she visited London, though has since broken things off.

She genuinely would not know what to do if her brother ever returns to her. She still cares about him, but she questions whether its right or wrong to hide or let a wanted criminal roam around. She hesitates on reporting him to the authorities if it ever came to it.

She had briefly dated Hansel Garcia shortly after arriving to the Americas but quickly ended things as she found him "irritating and a headache".

folder_open Quotes

"You don't want to mess with me! ...Not specifically because of me." - referring to Clint

messed with "Well... you asked for it :) "

signs 'I love you' - to Clint

"You know, moving to New York, I thought I'd live a normal, perhaps even calm life here. I've witnessed a lot of tragic things, I lost my brother, I've betrayed someone I loved, I've fought people... I've made many mistakes but I also feel that I've learned a lot, and with lots of apologies and forgiveness became closer to people I cared about. I honestly thank them for the experience I've been through, even if it was a handful."

"I miss my brother, but his actions have caused a lot of pain to people. I hope he will be able to forgive himself."

"What's it like dating an Avenger? It's exciting, but also scary. I never know whether or not he'll go through the door happy to see me or in a body bag... But it really makes me appreciate and cherish every moment I have with him. He isn't perfect, but I love that. His flaws remind me he's alive and well. I'm not perfect either, but I also hope he's okay with that."

folder_open Relationships

Clint Harper : Snejada's significant other, she cares for him and loves him deeply. Though they've gone through some rough roads, things have turned out for the better. She would protect him with her life, even if she feels can't do much. She supports him through thick and thin, from his cuts and bruises to his low spirits; She keeps contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. always making sure he's doing alright. When he isn't out fighting crime and saving the world, she enjoys quiet conversations and late night coffee dates with him - she cherishes every moment she has with Clint as she never knows whether or not he will return from his missions one day.

Bojana Motruk: Bojana is Snejada's best friend since childhood. They basically grew up together, and they have even traveled from Moscow to live and work in New York together. They were roommates with Boris until they moved out in their shared apartment. Like sisters, they tell each other everything. Snej often seeks Bojana's advice on a lot of her decisions. When Snejada isn't around Clint you can bet that she is probably with Bojana, out and about at the park, at coffee shops or even just at her old home. Despite Snejada making many mistakes, and going through tragic things, Bojana provides her with comfort and even professional advice and therapy if she wishes so.

Boris Ilyich Mendev : Boris is Snejada's older brother by 4 years. He had always been a supportive and caring brother since she was born - you can also say that he is very protective of her. They have been extremely close, and even during Boris' hard times, Snejada would be the one to care for him. She was happy to have been able to move with him to New York, with consistent pestering of course. After she discovered he had been working for Hydra for who knows how long, she began questioning his past actions and decisions. She doesn't know whether or not to forgive him one day, but she still truly cares of his well-being. His aggressive, protective and even violent behavior against Clint however has been detrimental to their bond.

Jane Soren : Disliking her at first for dating Clint, she grew to respect and even admire her for her strength when she dated her older brother, Boris, and for still being faithful to him despite all that has happened. Snejada cares for Jane, and enjoys spending time with her whether its at small parties or dinners with Clint. She feels sorry for her about Boris, but tries her best to make up for it. She wishes to be closer to her and to get to know her more some time.

Burke James : During a mission in London with Clint, she met Burke James under her alias Katerina Dioni. They had some weird chemistry, and despite that she stayed with Clint revealing to him that Katerina wasn't real and was only a cover. She felt sorry for what she has done, and understood if Burke never forgives her, but she still really cares about him and sees him as a friend. If he ever needed help, advice or someone to talk to she would be happy to be there for him.

Genevieve West: Genevieve is an acquaintance to Snejada, and more of a work partner when it comes to investigations. Snejada helps her by providing her information, and Genevieve keeps in touch to any updates for her to report in the future. As a detective and investigative journalist, they have a symbiotic relationship. Clint's mistrust for cops has made it difficult for Snej to get to know her however, and Genevieve keeps her distance. She forgives her for outing Boris and even attempting to arrest him.

Hansel Ackerman Garcia : Bane was her first, ex-boyfriend when she had just moved to New-York. She doesn't particularly like him, and finds him more irritating than anything. Nowadays when he's around, she simply tolerates him, but she doesn't quite appreciate him flirting with Clint and even his friends. When she's in a better mood, they do catch up talking about their lives, work, and other things - until he ends up annoying her again. As soon as he mentions any sort of sexual advice she avoids talking to him for a week or two.

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