info Overview
Name - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s full name?

Boris Ilyich Mendev



Age - How old is Boris Ilyich Mendev?


Gender - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Boris Ilyich Mendev go by?

Bory, Borees, Christopher Heaverly, Chris

Role - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s role in your story?

Defected Warden combat medic and researcher, seeking a life of normality.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?

Dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, amputated left arm

Body Type

Muscular, broad shouldered

Skin Tone


Race - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s race?

Human, Russian

Eye Color - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Boris Ilyich Mendev style their hair?

Short, side swept

Hair Color - What color is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Boris Ilyich Mendev?


Weight - How much does Boris Ilyich Mendev weigh?

211.6 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?

Trying to sleep, read, watering Jane's plants, studying medicine and research, watches medical shows/lectures, cooking, learning new recipes

Talents - What talents does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?

Expert hand-to-hand combatant, incredible strength on his bionic arm, skilled in arms, deceptive

Flaws - What flaws does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?

Overreacts, sarcastic, self-deprecating, insomniac, addict (to Ambien)

Motivations - What motivates Boris Ilyich Mendev most?

To protect his family and especially Jane.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?

Quiet, Serious, Nonchalant, Formal, Polite. He shows an even softer side around his sister and Jane, being more kind, caring and protective.

groups Social
Job - What job does Boris Ilyich Mendev have?


Favorite animal - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s favorite weapon?

Blaser R8

Favorite possession - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s favorite possession?

His wedding band

Favorite food - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Boris Ilyich Mendev practice?

Orthodox Christian, isn't much of a believer however

info History
Background - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s background?

Boris was raised in a relatively normal family and lived in Moscow for the majority of his life. As a family, they were all very close to one another - especially with his sister whom he looked after since she was born.

After the death of his best friend, Boris grew depressed and became an insomniac, though the insomnia only grew worse as he got older.

Sometime during his studies in university, he was approached by Warden –a mutant-researching organization – as they had seen potential with his abilities as a medical researcher. He had declined at first, having no interest in researching ‘things that didn't exist’. He continued with university, however Warden returned again, this time helping Boris understand that the man who murdered his best friend was a mutant. He was convinced, and joined Warden while fulfilling his conscription for the military. His years working in medical research under a undercover Warden hospital allowed him to be transferred to the west. Boris travelled there with his sister Snej and her best friend Bojana as they also sought the opportunity to work there.

His time in the Americas was only the beginning of his downfall. Warden grew more and more weaponized, even engaging their men including Boris into combat and forcefully retrieving mutants. He's come to discover Warden's opposing force, Guardian, as well as meeting one of their top agents Clint Harper, which was to his dismay, his sister's significant other. Clint, upon realizing they have faced each other head-on before, decided to withhold the information for the sake of Snej and her family.

A highlight of his time there however was when he met Jane Soren, a young waitress which he admired from afar. They began to get to know one another, him always visiting the restaurant she worked at; eventually they both confessed their feelings for one another and were together. This only rose more tension between himself and Clint as they used to date too.

The happiness did not last though, as Guardian began a serious crackdown against Warden lackeys. Clint, unable to keep the secret any longer, was assigned to take out his lover's brother since he knew his whereabouts. Coming in close, Clint deliberately missed his shot, and Boris had managed to escape – at a cost. The arrows Clint had shot were so damaging to his arm that it had caused acute compartment syndrome, requiring amputation. His missing limb was replaced with a bionic one.

After Warden began interfering with his personal life and became more questionable with their actions, he became fed up and deserted their "cause". He returned to Jane, and apologized to her and dedicated all his time for her to make it up to her. To prove he meant his word, he proposed to her during her birthday. They made the decision for him to stay with her, to hide in plain sight for some time... That was until Clint discovered him again.

Boris found himself at a loss many more times. Losing his freedom to live from being discovered and his fiancée to a kidnapping, he sought to retrieve her from the clutches of an old Warden ally, reluctantly with Clint. He then lost his mind, and his arm once more when he and his allies confronted Jane's kidnapper, Hudson Solace.

After long reparations and healing, he returned with his loved one back in New York - but Jane, unable to stand the harm she's done to Boris, left him for some time to give each other space.

Education - What is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s level of education?


Birthday - When is Boris Ilyich Mendev’s birthday?

17th of March

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Reading, working, actually getting some sleep, teaching how to cook, researching, peace and quiet, sound of waves, finally being home, chamomile tea, late night park walks, forests and nature


Loud noises, Clint Harper, humid weather, narcissists, clear sunny skies, paranoia, being an amputee, his addiction, when his medications don't work, isolation

edit Notes

Faceclaim: Armie Hammer/Chris Evans
Voice: Armie Hammer

His alias is Christopher (or just simply Chris) Heaverly, disguised in blonde hair, a different facial hairstyle, teal blue eyes, glasses and speaking with an Australian accent.

He has severe insomnia so barely sleeps. He takes (and unfortunately abuses) his sleeping pills during the morning / afternoon, when Jane isn't at home to see him in such a weak state. He occasionally catches a few z's when he's calm and at ease with Jane. If he goes on for too long without them he suffers with symptoms of withdrawal, such as anxiety, hand tremors, higher heart rate and at worst halluscinations.

He is an amputee, losing his arm to compartment syndrome. He now suffers phantom limb syndrome, suffering from occasional burning sensations and pains.

folder_open Quotes
folder_open Relationships

Snejada Mendeva: His younger sister whom he is overprotective of. They bicker like typical siblings, though Boris can be overbearing towards Snej like a second mother, but he does care for her dearly. They'd often come to one another for advice regarding work, relationships and family. They have been close since a young age, and were taught to look after one another no matter what. He's thankful to have her as a sibling, and although he believes he doesn't deserve her forgiveness, he hopes one day that she could forgive him for the wrong he's done.

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