info Overview
Name - What is Ashby’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Ashby go by?

Ash, Taarsarith al-Vaasol

Gender - What is Ashby’s gender?


Age - How old is Ashby?

Unknown. In human form, looks at least in his late thirties



Role - What is Ashby’s role in your story?

A mischievous demon who enjoys the carefree life in the mortal world...maybe a little too much.

face Looks
Race - What is Ashby’s race?

Vaahkol Demon

Height - How tall is Ashby?

6'2" as human. 8'9" as demon.

Hair Color - What color is Ashby’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Ashby style their hair?

(see photos)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ashby have?

Thick black beard

Eye Color - What is Ashby’s eye color?

Orange rims, yellow on the inside. In Vaahkol form, white with a red glow around the rims

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ashby have?

Two sharp, deep scars across his nose and onto his left cheek. Pupils are slit like a snake's. Burned rune on his pectoral

fingerprint Nature

Ashby is incredibly shameless and will do whatever it takes to get a kick out of things. Since he isn't actually human, he could care less what other humans think of him and continues to do his own thing. He can be quite a lot to take in; many people can't stand him and try to avoid him. He has a great sense of humor and will laugh at his own jokes. He is always striving to be the center of attention. He doesn't like being told what to do at all, and will completely ignore you if you do so. He usually speaks before he thinks, saying whatever is on his mind first. He isn't afraid of outcomes, actually hoping to get some action sometimes. He enjoys physical fights and is usually the one to start them. Sometimes he doesn't make the best decisions, but of course, he does it for thrills. He is a major tease and enjoys making people turn red. He can be disgusting at times, acting raunchy and telling dirty jokes. For people he is close to, which is a rare few, he has a soft spot for them and will try (emphasis on try) to be on his best behavior. He is very dedicated when it comes to something he wishes to improve on, such as his magical abilities and sometimes people skills. He is very arrogant, but it's usually just for laughs. He knows he's pretty and will announce it, usually to make himself feel better. Although he's been around for years and years, he doesn't like to be alone, and for many years has been. He won't admit it, but he's happy to have friends to talk to and accept him for who he is.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ashby have?

Skateboarding, practicing his magic, running, shopping, stealing, fashion, mocking his friends, going out to eat, trying to read, exploring, drinking, trying new things, climbing, blowing things up

Motivations - What motivates Ashby most?

To live the kind of life that is the absolute opposite of the one he was forced to live

Flaws - What flaws does Ashby have?

Ashby himself is an absolute flaw and he knows that. He loves being a mess

groups Social
Occupation - What is Ashby’s occupation?

None. Well, helps Konrad/Ave keep the world demon free...demons that aren't them, of course!!

Job - What job does Ashby have?

None officially, but helps Konrad and Ave with whatever pursuits they're after

Religion - What religion does Ashby practice?

"I worship myself"

Favorite animal - What is Ashby’s favorite animal?

Anything with sharp teeth. He also thinks bats are really cool.

Favorite color - What is Ashby’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ashby’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Ashby’s favorite possession?

His necklaces

Favorite weapon - What is Ashby’s favorite weapon?

Himself and his magic

info History
Birthday - When is Ashby’s birthday?

Doesn't have one. Konrad decided to give him one...October 31. Coincidence?

Education - What is Ashby’s level of education?

He's been around for a very long time and learns as he goes. He's never actually been to a school...

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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