info Overview
Name - What is Margaret Phoenix’s full name?

Margaret Phoenix

Other names - What other aliases does Margaret Phoenix go by?

Margot, Streak, M.P., Speedie

Gender - What is Margaret Phoenix’s gender?


Age - How old is Margaret Phoenix?


Role - What is Margaret Phoenix’s role in your story?

An enigmatic mutant who strives for a better world

face Looks
Race - What is Margaret Phoenix’s race?



Height - How tall is Margaret Phoenix?

5 feet 7 inches

Hair Color - What color is Margaret Phoenix’s hair?

Platinum Blonde. Occasionally she will dye it pastel blue/pink.

Hair Style - How does Margaret Phoenix style their hair?

Long hair, straight. Sides of head are shaved but long strands ride off it. Usually wears hair in a ponytail with a headband.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Margaret Phoenix have?


Eye Color - What is Margaret Phoenix’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Slender with noticeable muscle.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Margaret Phoenix have?

Opal eyes, hairstyle

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Margaret Phoenix have?

Super-human speed: Can run long distances at light speed. Turns into light when going at appropriate speed.
Can control and create smoke and her own light: Uses "bio luminescence" to confuse her enemies. Smoke used in similar manner. Body can dissolve into smoke as well. Giving her ability of flight, but for a short time.
Has slight ability to control electricity, but feels she doesn't need it unless seriously necessary.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Margaret Phoenix have?

Running, playing soccer, savin' the day, "babysitting" Brodie, hanging with the Flock (Gucci Gang), fixing her hair, checkin' out cute guys

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Margaret Phoenix have?

Outgoing, nonchalant, fearless, positive/optimistic, caring, shameless

Flaws - What flaws does Margaret Phoenix have?

Excitable, stubborn, arrogant towards those she dislikes, teasing

groups Social
Occupation - What is Margaret Phoenix’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Margaret Phoenix’s favorite color?

Pink / Blue

Favorite food - What is Margaret Phoenix’s favorite food?

Chicken Burritos

Favorite weapon - What is Margaret Phoenix’s favorite weapon?

Her powers

info History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Margaret Phoenix have?

Whatever creature Brodie brings home for the day

history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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