info Overview
Name - What is Moira Simmons’s full name?

Moira Simmons

Other names - What other aliases does Moira Simmons go by?

Miss Simmons, Moiree, MoiMoi

Gender - What is Moira Simmons’s gender?


Age - How old is Moira Simmons?




Role - What is Moira Simmons’s role in your story?

A kickass secretary who mothers a little bird and always seems to be found in a garden

face Looks
Race - What is Moira Simmons’s race?

Swedish / English. Human.

Height - How tall is Moira Simmons?

5 feet 7 inches

Hair Color - What color is Moira Simmons’s hair?

Pastel blue (almost white in the winter)

Hair Style - How does Moira Simmons style their hair?

Bob cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Moira Simmons have?


Eye Color - What is Moira Simmons’s eye color?

Light Green

Skin Tone

Medium Tan / Caramel

Body Type

Curvy yet slim, slight muscle.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Moira Simmons have?

Freckles on her cheeks/ears/shoulders.

fingerprint Nature

Moira is very loyal to the people she cares about and will move mountains to take care of them. Before placing judgement, she always listens to both sides of a story. She doesn't take shit from anyone and will do anything if it means she gets the final word. She can be very protective. Very kind to almost everyone who doesn't give her a hard time. She can be impatient when it comes to waiting. She usually keeps a very calm demeanor and never freaks out, especially in dire situations, but it really depends on the person/situation of course.

Talents - What talents does Moira Simmons have?

Baking, manipulating, firearm handling, quick and agile during a physical fight, has a great singing voice, ballroom dancing, can raise a seed into a beautiful flower quicker than the average person

Hobbies - What hobbies does Moira Simmons have?

Flower gardening, reading, helping rescued animals, baking, ballet, shopping, playing with her cockatiel, going out for drinks with her friends, spending time with her brother and dad, riding her bike all around town, showing men she's not to be trifled with.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Moira Simmons have?

Independent, loyal, compassionate, caring, determined, flirtatious

Flaws - What flaws does Moira Simmons have?

Headstrong, stubborn, impatient

groups Social
Occupation - What is Moira Simmons’s occupation?

MI6 Secretary / Undercover Agent / Volunteers in Pet Shelters

Job - What job does Moira Simmons have?

MI6 Secretary

Religion - What religion does Moira Simmons practice?


Favorite animal - What is Moira Simmons’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Moira Simmons’s favorite color?

Light Blue

Favorite food - What is Moira Simmons’s favorite food?

Belgian Waffles

Favorite possession - What is Moira Simmons’s favorite possession?

Choker with a crescent moon clasp

Favorite weapon - What is Moira Simmons’s favorite weapon?

Submachine gun (handheld)

info History
Birthday - When is Moira Simmons’s birthday?

April 29 1991

Background - What is Moira Simmons’s background?

Moira was born in Gothenburg, Sweden three minutes before her twin brother Leon. Moira's childhood was a peculiar one at that: her mother, Asana Sinclair, disappeared from their lives not long after their second birthdays. Leaving only a mysterious note for her husband to find, the children grew up without ever knowing their mother. It is still unknown to Riordan, their father, as to why she it was up to him to raise them while also keeping a well-paying job. He was a cop and sometimes he regrets being in such a dangerous occupation with young children...but it is one of the things he knew how to do best. He always made time for his children, and went above and beyond to make sure they were raised knowing their father wanted what was best for make up for their missing mother. They lived in Sweden for their first twelve years of life, before an incredible opportunity rose for Riordan, and they moved to London, England. Moira and Leon always remained close as siblings, always being there for one another as well as constantly teasing the hell out of one another. They couldn't live without the other. They both still have some resentment toward their mother for abandoning their father.
Moira was raised with a fascination for serving justice. With her father as a cop, she would ask her father to hear stories from his line of work...making her all the while wanting to become someone just like him: to protect people and even save the day. Riordan trained them both to defend themselves, giving her early insight on how to fight. In school she was known to be one of the toughest girls in the school...she had been sent to the principal's once or twice for fighting bullies. She was very proud of herself for that...but as she aged she stopped the damaging behavior.
Moira was a curious kid; she loved to be outdoors and bring home animals to raise and seeds to grow. Growing up her favorite things were flowers and birds...she would decorate her room with nothing but such things. She mainly blames it on where she lived: a forest in the backyard with a big pond full of lilies. As she aged she kept this love, hoping to raise a garden wherever she lived.
Moira continued to grow alongside her brother, both developing a love for criminal justice. Before this however, Moira decided to study the field of psychology, eventually getting a degree and hoping to become a therapist. Yet...she craved more excitement in her life. Leon studied to become a coroner and while her father was a cop, she didn't want to be either of those things.
One day she was approached by Jopling Gustave when he had heard of her interest in criminal justice from her father, whom happened to be friends with Jopling as well as Harper Hughes, the M before Jopling. He offered her a role as one of his well as secret special defense trainings. Moira immediately accepted; this is what she had been hoping for for a long time. She became a powerful fighter, but instead of becoming an agent she remained a secretary...eventually rising up to be Jopling's Head Secretary and Personal Assistant. She proudly wears the title, but always hopes to go out into the field to see more of the world.
Not long after she joined MI6 she developed a close friendship with Dominic Tyto, M's protégé and one of the Head Agents within the ranks. She and Dominic always held a close bond with one another, basically calling one another siblings. Not long after she joined and befriended Dominic, a fascinating new recruit named Burke James arrived from what felt like out of nowhere. Moira had heard from M's lips the name quite often and she remained curious about him. She met and befriended him almost immediately, finding herself developing feelings for him but having to cast them away due to strict fraternization rules within MI6. After learning of James' incredibly dangerous pursuers, she became protective of him and promised to help keep him safe. Erik Davids eventually joined as the new Quartermaster and she clicked with him immediately, calling him her best friend.
Nowadays, Moira continues to assist MI6 and M however she can, as well as help Burke in his endeavors to stop the Syndicates going after him and his name. She has developed an interest in the Kingsmen as well, hoping to form a stronger bond between them and MI6.
She also wonders if she can ever track down her mother, and confront her about her sudden departure.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Moira Simmons have?

Felix, a cockatiel.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Voice: Leila Adu

She has an absolute love for fashion and probably spends most of her hard earned money on clothes. She has no regrets. She loves fur coats, lingerie, and tight high waisted dresses/skirts.

Her innocent looks trick quite a lot of unsuspecting fools. She can really pack a solid punch.

In school she studied psychology, wishing to originally be a therapist before MI6 caught her eye. People go to her when they need mental/emotional help, and she's damn good at it.

She usually has to tag along with M whether it be meetings or special events…

Her house is full of hanging flowers and beautiful artwork. She's a proud gardener.

She is M’s personal assistant/secretary. She sometimes wishes she can go out into the field with Dominic and Burke. She is very capable and would make a great field agent.

She is very intelligent and can speak a few languages, obviously Swedish and English her primaries. She is also very organized, hence why M leaves the document handling up to her.

She is a good friend of Klara Koenig, and buys most of her clothing straight from her.

She has a real soft spot for well groomed men.

She is fascinated by Amara, the Kingsman who has recently been visiting MI6. It makes her wonder what the Kingmen are really like…

She loves to bake cakes and other fancy pastries.

Has a tendency to run her hands through Carlisle's hair a lot...

She traded in her car for a Yamaha motorbike

Her pet cockatiel, Felix, has been taught many words and phrases by her. She regrets saying swear words around him by accident, however...

Her favorite gem is an opal and she also loves pearls. You can probably guess what most of her jewelry consists of

Depending on the seasons, her hair changes color. Spring, summer, and fall her hair is it's normal pastel blue. In winter it changes to almost white

She is a fast paced fighter and quite an acrobatic in combat. She loves handheld firearms, for they're easier to carry

One of her hobbies includes ballet dancing. She is very fond of it and occasionally performs in shows

folder_open Iconic Quotes

"Oh, hon..."
"Champagne!! Don't stop me until I've had four glasses."
"I'm just a tag-along secretary,"
"Innocent...right...far from it, honey."
"Felix! What do you say?"
"I'm known to have that effect on people." winks

folder_open Likes / Dislikes
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Likes: Flowers, birds, ballet, sweets, the moon, traveling, her family and friends, The Kingsmen, writing, parties, painting, fashion, an occasional fight, makeup, scented candles, calming music, baking, proving men wrong, singing every now and then, warm baths, Carlisle

Dislikes: Anyone who tries to give MI6 a hard time honestly (looking at you Coronado/everyone else), animal abusers, boring parties, bad wine, wearing her glasses, threats towards Burke, horror films, walking home alone, hot weather, recklessness, forgetfulness, self-centered people, dirty laundry, needles, physical exams, her mother

folder_open Relationships

Leon Simmons: Leon is Moira's younger twin brother. The two go together like two peas in a pod and have been close since birth. Despite their constant heckling and teasing toward one another, they would move mountains for each other. Being the eldest (by three minutes), Moira feels obligated to keep an eye on her brother, knowing her job could carry serious weight. Dangerous weight. Other than that, they'll stick together to the end. They never got over or understood their mother's mysterious departure, almost hating her for it.

Riordan Simmons: Riordan is Moira and Leon's father. He is a very responsible and proud father who would do anything for his children. Despite his wife's strange departure, with no reason except a note saying "This wasn't the life I wanted", Riordan has done his absolute best to make up for her absence. Working hard as a police officer then later Chief kept him busy and financially stable, still making time for his kids. He is proud of Moira for entering a field similar to his, realizing they are a crime-fighting family. It's obvious Moira adores her father.

Burke James: Burke is someone Moira considers one of her closest friends and confidants. They have been friends for quite a few years now, as well as "business" partners. She once developed a major crush on him but had to stomp it out...thanks to "No fraternization with Co-Workers" rules. The two have been through a lot, saving each other's asses every now and then. Whenever Burke is stressed out or at a breaking point, he comes to her for counseling. You could say they have a very sibling like relationship.

Dominic Tyto: Moira always had had an unexplainable bond with Dom, treating him like the brother she never had. She arrived at MI6 not long after Dom, so they had a head start before Burke's arrival. She is protective of him as she is Burke, and would do anything for him. She and Dom usually walk to work together in the mornings, taking turns buying the coffee or bagels.

Erik Davids: Erik is Moira's best friend. The two are always together, whether gossiping about others or teasing each other constantly. Since they are usually the ones stuck at MI6 while the boys go out fighting bad guys, they have plenty to talk about. Erik is always pestering Moira about romantic relationships, having no idea how he managed to get a romantic partner before she did. He's the "shy introvert" while she's the "outgoing beauty", as he says. Whenever they aren't at work, they're either out at a restaurant together, working on documents, or taking a night on the town.

Carlisle Carter: Moira finds Carlisle very interesting and is curious about him, but has no idea what to make of him. She feels she can learn more about Amara through him...things she might be too shy to ask her about face to face. She has noticed he and Burke's growing friendship and would like to be a part of it. Something about him flusters her greatly but she can't quite put her finger on it...Her companions have noticed this and tease her about it, much to her dislike.
UPDATE: Surprise...Moira and Carlisle are now in a official romantic relationship. The two find themselves very comfortable around one another and clicked almost immediately. She finds his gentlemanly attitude very attractive, and is even happier to know that he does not doubt her and her abilities one bit. She cares dearly for him and wants what is best for him, and hopes he can help MI6 in their fight against Coronado. She hopes she too can help lead him in the right direction, and protect him from whatever danger may be lurking around the corner.

Amara Vass: Moira looks to Amara as a dear friend, and almost a mother figure. Meeting her while she was speaking to M, they clicked quickly and began to spend time together outside of work. Whether they were at cafes having tea or just visiting one another at their homes, their friendship blossomed. A few people have actually mistaken Amara to be her mother. The two are very similar to one another personality wise and have the same thought process! Thanks to Amara, Moira fell in love with the Kingsmen and dreamed of learning more about them, hoping for their bond with MI6 to be stronger. Thankfully, Amara hopes for the same thing. Moira plans to also help put Amara together with Jopling, as they always should have been. They talk almost every day.

Jopling Gustave: Moira has worked for Jopling for a number of years now and she feels more than blessed to have met him. He is a peculiar, quiet man who has experienced numerous conflicts throughout his long life...and Moira seems to understand him more than anyone else within MI6. She is protective of him and cares for him deeply, but rarely lets anyone know of this. She is happy to be so close to him, even as strict as he may be. She knows that although he may not show it enough, he appreciates her being at his side. Learning that he was a Kingsman makes her constantly question his time there, though he seems reluctant to do so. Moira wants to find out why. She wants to know what changed him so long ago, and to help him.

folder_open Notes/Other Facts
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Moira Simmons

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Moira Simmons

This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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