info Overview
Name - What is Sienna Lofoton’s full name?

Sienna Lofoton

Other names - What other aliases does Sienna Lofoton go by?

Si Si, Loffy

Gender - What is Sienna Lofoton’s gender?


Age - How old is Sienna Lofoton?




Role - What is Sienna Lofoton’s role in your story?

The second hand woman to Coronado's throne- a vicious widow who will do anything to get her way

face Looks
Race - What is Sienna Lofoton’s race?

Norwegian / English

Height - How tall is Sienna Lofoton?

5'9' (5'11" in heels)

Hair Color - What color is Sienna Lofoton’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Sienna Lofoton style their hair?

Long and straight / wavy

Eye Color - What is Sienna Lofoton’s eye color?

Light amber

Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Slim, but curvy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sienna Lofoton have?

A scar down her eye to show dedication to Coronado. Beauty mark on right cheek

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Job - What job does Sienna Lofoton have?

Cain Calloway's assistant / secretary to the public. His cold, calculating second in private

Favorite animal - What is Sienna Lofoton’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Sienna Lofoton’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Sienna Lofoton’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Sienna Lofoton’s favorite possession?

She is very fond of all her jewelry

Favorite weapon - What is Sienna Lofoton’s favorite weapon?

An engraved .45 ACP

info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes

  • She has an absolute hatred for Kathrynel Dioni, mainly due to the fact that she is the love interest of her former love interest, Burke James. She finds her to be a huge annoyance in their plans and would prefer she take her out instead of Cain.

  • She finds Ubaste Atkinson entertaining but moreso annoying- she looks at Ubaste almost like how she looks at Cain, but respects Ubaste less. Consider their relationship similar to a sibling like friendship.

  • She owns multiple knives and pistols, thanks to Cain's weapon trafficking rings.

  • Whenever Cain isn't around, she is the one in charge. She is feared almost as much as Cain is.

  • She replaced Damien Winstrom as Coronado's second after his death and Cain's inheritance

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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