info Overview
Name - What is Leon Simmons’s full name?

Leon Simmons

Other names - What other aliases does Leon Simmons go by?

Leo, Dr. Simmons, Kiddo (by Moira)

Gender - What is Leon Simmons’s gender?


Age - How old is Leon Simmons?


Role - What is Leon Simmons’s role in your story?

A forensic scientist known for cracking multiple murder cases and always at his sister's side

face Looks
Race - What is Leon Simmons’s race?

Swedish / English

Height - How tall is Leon Simmons?


Hair Color - What color is Leon Simmons’s hair?

Pastel blue (white in the winter)

Hair Style - How does Leon Simmons style their hair?

Crew cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Leon Simmons have?

Stubbley beard

Eye Color - What is Leon Simmons’s eye color?

Emerald green

Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean yet muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Leon Simmons have?

Freckles on face and shoulders

fingerprint Nature

Leon is very sweet and caring, and a bit more approachable than his sister Moira. However, he can become very protective of her, "as any brother should be", and will become aggressive if he sees anything that looks threatening to her. He can be very goofy and laughs a lot, making a joke out of almost anything. He enjoys confusing people that don't know he has a twin. He is very hard on himself when he fails and works even harder to right his wrongs.

Talents - What talents does Leon Simmons have?

Leon is a very talented coroner and has cracked multiple murder cases wide open, leading police to the possible suspects.
He can hold his alcohol very well, unlike his sister.
From a young age he and his sister have been taught advanced and basic self defense protocols. He is a talented fighter, but feels he is still amateur compared to his father and sister. But don't underestimate him!
Although he doesn't go to beaches very much, whenever he does he'll surf the whole time. He learned how to at a later time in his life and became very good at it. He can perform quick little tricks on his board, like headstands!
Never hold bets with him when playing Blackjack. He's an ace!

Hobbies - What hobbies does Leon Simmons have?

Mountain biking, hiking, reading, travelling, surfing, spending time outdoors, writing, working out, going to parties, being with his family, card games

Motivations - What motivates Leon Simmons most?

To deliver justice to families who crave answers for the loss of their loved ones

groups Social
Occupation - What is Leon Simmons’s occupation?


Favorite animal - What is Leon Simmons’s favorite animal?

Stellar's Sea Eagle

Favorite color - What is Leon Simmons’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Favorite food - What is Leon Simmons’s favorite food?

Chicken bacon ranch sandwiches...

Favorite possession - What is Leon Simmons’s favorite possession?

A beaded bracelet he always wears that matches with his sister's

Favorite weapon - What is Leon Simmons’s favorite weapon?

He keeps a loaded 9mm on him at all times

info History
Birthday - When is Leon Simmons’s birthday?

April 29

Education - What is Leon Simmons’s level of education?

Masters in Forensics

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Leon Simmons have?

A Belgian Malinois named Kajsa! She was a gift from his father's K9 Unit

history Changelog
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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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