info Overview
Name - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s full name?

Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni



Age - How old is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni?


Gender - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni go by?

Katerina, Kat, Kit-Kat, Wild Kat

Role - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s role in your story?

An ambitious model thrown into a world of secret agents and crimelords.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?

Brown spots on left shoulders and down her arm

Body Type

Curvy, Slim

Skin Tone


Race - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s race?

Half human

Eye Color - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s eye color?

Dark grey

Hair Style - How does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni style their hair?

Short, pixie cut

Hair Color - What color is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s hair?

White, dyes it dark brown

Height - How tall is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni?


Weight - How much does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni weigh?

132.2 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?

Cooking, sketching, shopping

Talents - What talents does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?


Flaws - What flaws does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?

Curious, Mundane

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?

Outgoing, Kind, Optimistic, Bold, Humble, Secretive, Curious

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s favorite possession?

Silk dress

Favorite food - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s favorite color?

Pink, Red

Occupation - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni practice?


info History
Background - What is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s background?

Katerina had just appeared in public after a supposed long hiatus. To her, she had just been moving from Hungary to pursue a modelling career. Little does she know that someone who was exactly her had already existed prior to her "arrival", and had already shot into fame as a renown model for Victoria's Secret and mysterious celebrity.

Her true origin was much darker, and had sprout from a scheme of an even more mysterious entity called Carmen. As she describes it, Katerina was but a caterpillar who emerged into a butterfly, something completely new and different becoming who she is now; she is a creation of human and dark origins. Her genuine, true self is lost... or purposefully hidden.

When Clint Barton and Boris Mendeva came to confront her true identity, she has come to learn she isn't who she believed herself to be - and Burke had been hiding it. Hurt, confused and lost, she travelled to Scotland to confront her so called 'mother' and demanded answers. Following the address from her letters, she found herself in the rural outskirts of Scotland in a little village. It was there a local took her to the forests, and after delving deep inside she discovered what appeared to be like some dark dream land. Evike Dioni was in fact a witch called Carmen who 'created' Katerina Dioni out of a pact with her previous 'wearer', Snejada Mendeva. Spending almost 2 months in that dreamland in real-time, she was trapped in there for 6 months. She fell into a deep depression and even questioned living the life she believed was hers. It took the death of Carlisle and the words of Lolita, Burke's mother, to finally pull her out of the dreaded place.

Kat woke up back in the village in an unfamiliar bed, belonging to the local woman who took her to Carmen. She's come to notice her physical changes also applied in the 'real' world, and so when she returned to London most did not recognize her. She had a change of personality in her time of absence, most people remarking her much straight-forward, almost hard headed behavior. It did not bode well with her friends and especially Burke when she returned. They had come to a rough patch in their relationship, and it took several weeks moving on past a month for her to finally just come around to warming up with everyone again.

During Carlisle's recovery and his memories returning - she's come to discover the identity of his supposed killer: Morgaine Valentine. Recognizing that as Penelope's sister, she confronted her close friend about the revelations that had transpired... Though Kat's patience waned, and decided if she wasn't going to tell the truth, she was going to confront Morgaine herself. On the run, she confronted Morgaine and her accomplice Ubaste Atkinson along with Burke who came after Kat. After the whole ordeal, Kat was left to watch over a hospitalized Burke.

Realizing her mistakes and regrets, Kat understood at the time of the confrontation that she could have truly lost Burke forever. She intended to change this by asking Burke to be part of her life after he was dischanged form the hospital, asking for his hand in marriage. As Kat had hoped he accepted, and they are now a happily engaged couple with their precious dog children.

Birthday - When is Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni’s birthday?

9th of November

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kathrynel Anasztazia Dioni have?

An akita called KJ and a bulldog called Wilson!

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Champagne, London, Burke James, Galas, Grand Buffets, Strolls, Reading, Cooking, Photo-shoots, Modelling, Runway shows, Film festivals, Shopping, Cook shows, Sight-seeing, Travelling, Working out, visiting big university campuses, Ambiance music, helping Peter with chores, Walking dogs, guilty pleasures include liking pop rock and pop punk bands


Paparazzi, Fast food, Coronado, Cain Calloway, Being Teased, Talking about her mom, Using weapons, Being alone, Feeling helpless or unhelpful, Summer bugs, Hospitals, Unmade beds, Beer, Indulge in too much food, Exercising, Motorbikes, Deep sea, Planes, Being given orders

edit Notes

Face claim: Taylor Lashae

She has a certificate in Culinary Arts.

She think Burke James' butler, Peter, is super adorable.

She would love to meet the Queen one day.

Her middle name is Anasztazia, meaning "resurrection". It was given by Carmen.

She is half Hungarian, half Italian, speaking both languages fluently.

After returning from the strange twilight zone she visited in scotland, it turned her hair ghost white and her eyes deep black - just like the witch who rules that realm. She dyes her hair to her original brown, missing the colour.

The twilight zone not only granted a change in appearance but some abilities the witch possesses herself, such as a commanding voice, incredible strength and the incredibly rare occasion ability to summon a cryptid... This will only last as long as she had stayed in the realm, in its local time - 6 months.

Personality-wise, she's become more bold, serious and to-the-point. She still knows when to be considerate, but also knows when she needs to take things seriously and speak her mind.

folder_open Quotes

" Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies "

" ... :3c "

" Mr. Bun! " - to Burke James

" I'm a mystery to myself too, to be honest... "

" Can we talk about something else? " - when someone brings up her "mother"

" Ladies, check out my hot man~ " - drunkenly referring to Burke James

folder_open Relationships

Evike Dioni: Evike is Katerina's estranged mother. Despite not being so close to her, Katerina still truly cares about her, and appreciates her raising her to becoming who she is now. She does get very occasional unsolicited visits, but even that makes Kat's day. Despite being estranged, Kat is very affectionate towards Evike, holding hands, hugging her often, talking to her as if they were the best of friends. They communicate solely through letters when she is away, and Evike doesn't often answer - but Kat doesn't mind. She is very forgiving and understanding of her, and loves her dearly.
Recently discovering that Evike is in actuality a witch called Carmen, she began to really question her existence. Confronting her and finding out the truth, she slowly came to accept herself. Her relationship with Evike... Or rather Carmen, remained indifferent. She no longer sends her letters, but knows where to find her when the mysteries of her life come knocking on her door. She has become more serious and straight forward as a result of such discovery.

Burke James : Burke is Katerina's significant other, whom she is very attached to. Though at first when they met she was quite disturbed by him, she couldn't help but feel an unnatural attraction to him. She feels most at ease when he is around, feeling safe and comfortable in his presence. She often worries about his health and even his life, coming home looking drained, tired or even beaten up and bruised. She supports him for better or worst, when he faces difficult times she makes it her mission to cheer him up, or to even crack a smile. She understands the risks being with a well known MI6 agent, and wouldn't change her decision for the world.

Carlisle William Carter : Carlisle was Katerina's model agent and best friend. They met shortly after Katerina arrived to London, seeking an agent to pursue her modelling career. She was informed of his Kingsman status after his mission was done, and she highly respects him for protecting England and the U.K. They often gossip and tease one another, especially about their love lives. Despite already having an actual agent, Carlisle enjoys booking her spots in runway shows in the last minute - they often attend together, admiring the fashion, the designers and to Carlisle, the women. When Carlisle isn't busy, they often go out to their favorite Irish pub.

[[Character-489958]] : At first, Pepper and Kat were classmates for a summer course in Culinary Arts at Pepper's University. Though Pepper struggled a little at first, Kat kindly helped her where she had a hard time and through that they became friends. Kat looks up to Pepper for being a kind and generous person studying to be a Nurse. She sometimes envies the anonymity she also has, wishing to have a break from the paparazzi from time to time. Katerina often teases Pepper about Erik, and is often the one setting up their dates... Though Pepper would also appreciate her to stop.
Shortly after discovering her relation to Harkon Valentine and Morgaine Valentine, she felt a little betrayed by her for hiding the truth. However, she was also the first to forgive, understanding the kind of situation she was in, and understanding what little choice she had.

Cain Calloway : Despite all that he's done against MI6, Burke and even herself, she believes that he's just misunderstood. She only wishes that he could be a better person as she believes he has the power to do so. If she ever has to confront him and protect herself or others, she won't hesitate for a second, but she would definitely try to attempt to talk him down with whatever power she has. All in all, she feels sorry for him - but she understands how ruthless and cruel he can truly be and will especially protect Burke from him.

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