Anybody down for a writing competition?
last post by Deleted user2
Inventing a magical language
last post by @Peter_Duende language2
Naming a type of place
last post by @doug1
last post by @Masterkey1
last post by @Masterkey8
What is the equivalent of social security in your world?
last post by Deleted user4
Trying to Name an Organization???
last post by Elise14
How would you introduce new powers?
last post by Deleted user2
Critique needed on my fourth-wall-breaking story.
last post by @garbage-owo4
Names of Places??
last post by Elise7
Could the Main Character be Killed at the End if Done Right?
last post by @stargirl-32136
Advice for a newbie
last post by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy5
Vampire fiction?
last post by @blue_topaz4
Am I racist?
last post by @Masterkey8
last post by @AmmyPajammy10
Naming and making sense of a war
last post by @garbage-owo5
Critique my religion and alien races
last post by @Lord_Dunconius8
Advice for this world (Dystopian)
last post by @Ashez-is-my-pen-name1
My Series
last post by @AJMaskell2
Needs some constructive criticism on plot idea
last post by Anonymous author5
Help with currency?!?!
last post by @Sassypennepasta2
Is basing characters off of mythical creatures a bad thing?
last post by Deleted user3
last post by @garbage-owo3
Loosely Inspired vs Original Content?
last post by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy4
How to describe a system of magic in SCIFI
last post by Deleted user4
review this universe idea!!!!
last post by Ember Ris3
Creating Races
last post by @Tarrant_Korrin7
Advice for names and locations.
last post by Deleted user7
I don't know where to start! Please help
last post by Deleted user6
Dungeons and Dragons (5e) Underwater worldbuilding
last post by @Lord_Dunconius5
Need a country name
last post by @Your-Humerus3
I need suggestions for ways to measure time in a fantasy world.
last post by Sabrina17
What questions do you really wish people would ask about your world?
last post by @Pygmychi3
last post by Deleted user2
Please Help!
last post by Jynx Winters4
Critiquing needed!
last post by Lauryn6
Can somebody please help me improve this universe idea?
last post by @dabigman6
How to come up with a Universe name?
last post by Rose Web3
Can somebody explain me how to start?
last post by @Nobody4
review this universe idea!!!!
last post by @Celestial-B2
I can't decide where my story should take place
last post by @Celestial-B2
I need someone to rewiev my universe
last post by @Celestial-B2
Need some critiquing on my universe - Skye
last post by @Beans&Egg2
critique my universe please!
last post by Ember Ris2
What's the best way to make a fantasy/sci-fi element in a story logical?
last post by @Masterkey4
Tips for rewriting a story?
last post by @Masterkey4
Critique my alien universe please lol
last post by Hyperbion Beta Tester12
lol Idea
last post by @42hipposinamerica9