For a story I'm writing, I need to invent at least part of a magical language, which I'm calling Salome (which I'm loosely basing off Irish Gaelic). Salome is the language of the Wielders (magic-users) and the basis of all spellwork. Runes are derived directly from Salome, and are a hieroglyph-like writing system that was designed specifically to be very efficient at writing down magic- The incantation, pronunciation, body movements and effect of a spell can all be coded into a single Runic sentence.
Salome is very fast-paced yet very precise language (if you mispronounce a word while casting a spell, the consequence could be disastrous; contrast this with the Wielder's efficiency-centered culture, which makes them speak more rapidly and with much less flowery language- they like to get to the point).
Some things I already have figured out:
- Ardúani (ar-doo-uh-nye): “Rise” (verb, imperative- Basis word of Levitation spells)
- Coraeni (kor-uh-nye): “Move” (verb, imperative- Basis word of telekinetic spells)
- Chruthúni (krew-thyoo-nye): “Create” (verb, imperative- Basis word of Creation spells)
Imperative verbs (command words) end with the suffix -ni, pronounced nye.
What I need to figure out:
- More incantations/ words for various spells
- More Prefixes and Suffixes
- Terms for greeting
- Grammar and Conventions
- Possibly some slang
I'm not going to go into excessive detail about the language in-plot, I just need to have the more important bits figured out so that I can keep it consistent.