all_inclusive Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Lace's Universe

Genre - What genre best describes Lace's Universe?

YA Fantasy/Adventure

Description - How would you describe Lace's Universe?

Our universe, but with magic

extension History
History - What is Lace's Universe’s history?


gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Lace's Universe?

Like ours

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Lace's Universe?


edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
6 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Valiant's Glaive A deadly glaive that has survived many battles
emoji_events The Regulator's Crown Lace's telepathic crown
emoji_events The Sword of Vespers A longsword that can be transformed into a whip, and disguised as an ordinary object.
emoji_events The Diamond Dagger A dagger that can cut through anything
emoji_events The Greatsword of Strength A massive, ordinary-looking greatsword
emoji_events The Reader's Crown A crown that reads/controls feelings

1 building reorder
business Buildings close
business Daven Castle A sturdy castle nestled in the mountains

1 condition reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Voiceless The magical removal of someone's voice

3 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Haverdale A small island nation
flag Vesper A small country focused on tradition and the arts
flag Davenport A large, Imperialist country reminiscent of England in the 15th Century

1 government reorder
account_balance Governments close
account_balance The Davenport Monarchy The royal family of Davenport

2 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Six Louise's allies and friends
wc The Relic Quartet Some rowdy relic teens with tude

1 job reorder
work Jobs close
work The King's Men Knights who specifically protect the royal family

1 lore reorder
book Lores close
book The Coven of Makers The legend/rumor of a coven of magic users living deep in the forest. Their weapons are the greatest of al time.

4 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies A Token of Favor Lace & Aspen meet for the first time
local_movies Guy Chat! While talking about women, Aspen spies Lace for the first time.
local_movies Monstrous Valiant and Lace have a nasty fight
local_movies Fight for Me Lace & crew square up against Aspen and his knights

2 timelines reorder
timeline Timelines close
timeline Virago: The Run-up These are significant historical and character event dates
timeline Virago Each item is a scene

This universe was created by Lucille Davis on

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