assignment Overview
Name - What is Valiant's Glaive’s full name?

Valiant's Glaive

Item Type - What type of item is Valiant's Glaive?


Description - Describe Valiant's Glaive.

A deadly glaive that has survived many battles

color_lens Looks
Materials - What is Valiant's Glaive made out of?

-The head is made of iron
-The wooden part is oak, and magically enchanted so it will never break

Weight - How much does Valiant's Glaive weigh?


book History
fitness_center Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Valiant's Glaive possess?

-Only the handle has a magical affect, to prevent it from snapping off.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This item was created by Lucille Davis on

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