info Overview
Name - What is the name of A Token of Favor?

A Token of Favor

Summary - In short, what happens in A Token of Favor?

Valiant and Fayne introduce Aspen to Lace. Aspen is totally crushing, especially hearing the witty banter between Lace & the boys. Meanwhile, Lace has no clue he likes her, and doesn't really feel any sort of romantic attraction. However, she does notice that it's making Valiant hot under the collar, so she turns on the charm.

The scene ends with Lace tying a green ribbon to Aspen's wrist. Tradition states that if he wins an event, Lace owes him a kiss on the cheek. Valiant is having an apoplexy.

directions_run Action
What caused this? - What previous events led to A Token of Favor?

-Aspen insisting that Valiant & Fayne introduce him to Lace.

Results - At the end of A Token of Favor, what has changed?

-Establish that Aspen totally likes her, and was flirting with her.
-Valiant is now hot under the collar and jealous.
-EVERYONE except Lace is picking up that he's crushing on her.
-Lace is totally clueless. She only flirts with him to stick it to Valiant, and she gives him the ribbon to be polite.

Description - What happens in A Token of Favor?

Lace & Aspen meet for the first time

Purpose of Scene

-Establish Aspen as a potential love interest.
-Show the reader just how clueless Lace is when it comes to love.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This scene was created by Lucille Davis on

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