content_paste Overview
Name - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s full name?

Louise Constance Margaret

Meaning(s) of Name(s)

  • Margaret is her mother's name.

  • Constance is a virtue name, which is a tradition for girls in the family, and it's also her great-grandmother's name.

  • Louise is the feminized version of Louis, and it means "famous warrior"

  • Louise does not like to be called Lou

Role - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Louise Constance Margaret go by?


Gender - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s gender?


Age - How old is Louise Constance Margaret?




ac_unit Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Louise Constance Margaret have?

  • Scar on her left cheek from a sword

  • Burn scars on her forearms

  • Long scar on her right leg

Weight - How much does Louise Constance Margaret weigh?

135 lbs.

Height - How tall is Louise Constance Margaret?

5' 7"

Hair Color - What color is Louise Constance Margaret’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Louise Constance Margaret style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Louise Constance Margaret have?


Eye Color - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type



Cannonical Outfits

  • The Bright Red Gown: General evening gown, Louise's favorite.

  • The Blue Gown: dress worn to meetings and small gatherings that don't require formality, sort of an "around the house" dress.

  • Gray Riding Dress: designed for warmth, comfort, and ease of movement. Plain w/no trimmings.

  • The Purple Gown: a formal gown for serious occasions, Louise's least favorite.

  • The Pink Gown: a hot pink show-stopper. It's got diamonds, gold braiding, the whole nine yards.

school History
Birthday - When is Louise Constance Margaret’s birthday?

February 3rd, 1549

Education - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s level of education?

Can read and write with great skill, absolutely despises mathematics.

Background - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s background?

Louise's most fatal mistake was being born a girl, according to her father, whom she is named after. Louise's childhood was spent being pretty neglected. Her father was always off fighting, her mother was trying to rule as regent, and her younger sister was busy being prepped for marriage. Not to mention being betrothed to the prince of neighboring Haverdale at the age of 8. But Louise grew up watching her mother-a strong and capable woman-get things done.

Because her father was away, Louise got very lucky: she was tutored as if she was a boy, except in combat war. But she was trained in affairs of state, math, writing, reading, history, basic science, and all of the other frivolities a woman is supposed to learn. By the time her sister left (Louise was 14), Louise had all of the knowledge that a prince would normally.

Louise's only real friends came into her life around the same time that Joanna was married off: her guards, Fayne and Aspen, and her best friend Delia was finally old enough to be her lady-in-waiting. Fayne and Aspen both disliked her at first, since she was spoiled and often thoughtless. A friendship was eventually borne out of that, but Aspen is much closer to her, as the only reason that Fayne agreed to guard her was that he could spend more time with Delia.

The decision to end the war was twofold: it gave her an excuse to run away from her fiancée, and stop the war that had taken so much from her. Her entire father's side, the Davenports, were wiped out. On her mother's side, the Summers lost many cousins and uncles. So when Louise was 16 years old, she ended a 23 year old war with Myron Russet Lars , [[Character-887292]] , & Giles William Halton at her side. Together, the four of them battled the mad king of Vespers, and won.

Two weeks after the war officially ended and Louise got a treaty with Vespers, her father came home. Louise had never met him, and only occasionally wrote to him. Louis hated her, and made it no secret. He threatened to seize her dowry for the kingdom's treasury, and vowed to never make her the inheritrix, even though Louise had no brothers. He would've fired Fayne and Aspen, but Louise threatened to "make a spectacle of herself," so he backed down. The only bright spot in this period was the wedding of Fayne and Delia, who moved into a small apartment in the castle.

The 17th and 18th years of her life were complete and utter hell. Louise was not allowed to be seen in public. She was not allowed to read any books deemed "inappropriate" by her father. If Louise did not comply, she would lose her friends. So she complied. During this time, she lost weight, battled depression, and hardly ever spoke.

And then King Louis died of a mysterious fever when Louise was 19. And though she mourned in public, Louise was finally free to get back out and go to feasts and balls. And then she discovered that no one liked her. No one would speak to her. She was ostracized. So she retreated from the public life yet again.

Now, at 20, she is exhausted. Currently, her mother rules as regent, but no one seems to know who will rule when she's gone, as her health is beginning to fail.

looks Arc
How They Start

Exhausted, but willing to make her friends help her fight for her God-given right to rule

Their Turning Point

Her friends being taken away and realizing that she's got to do this one on her own.
Realizing that the right to be a ruler isn't given to her by God or birthright, it's given by her people

How They Finish

Able to stand on her own, and sees ruling as her job, not her right

eco Nature
Basic Personality Description

Louise's true personality is mouthy, impulsive, and very independent. However, due to the social circumstances, she has to reign in a lot of those tendencies, so most people only see flashes of who she really is.


ENFP-The Campaigner

  • Can be fiercely independent, often to a fault

  • Craves creativity and freedom

  • Passionate, driven, and a total idealist

  • Always looking for and testing her place in the world

  • Great communicator

  • Not very practical

  • Can't stay focused

  • Overthink everything! Stresses out a lot!

  • FOMO all the time!!!

  • Taking time to relax and have fun is very important to her

  • Very emotional. Wears her heart on her sleeve

  • Takes relationships very seriously, and wants to be the best friend that she can be.

  • Weirdly attracts reserved people, which is funny, because she doesn't really know what to do with them at times.

  • Puts her whole heart into people. It gets broken a lot.

  • Loves giving things, especially birthday presents

  • Usually has too many ideas

  • Hierarchy is her enemy


8: The Challenger

  • Absolutely oozes confidence and fearlessness, often described as intimidating

  • Anger is the weapon of choice, and she wields it like a pro

  • Sees herself as a superhero

  • Things are black and white, there is no gray

  • Values truth above all else, wants people to be frank with her.

  • Fears nothing and no one...on the outside at least

  • Conforms and follows the rules when it's to her advantage

  • High respect for those that fight back

  • Wants to know all the facts and always be in control

  • Has a hard time admitting when she's wrong. Stubborn.

  • Hates to lose more than she loves to win

  • Will only follow a leader if the leader seems to know where they're going. If not, she'll try to take over.

  • If you lose her trust, it's gone for good.

  • Shoots first, asks questions later

Moral Alignment

Chaotic Good

  • Does whatever it takes to bring about change for the better

  • Snubs social barriers that stand in the way

  • High value on personal freedom

Motivations - What motivates Louise Constance Margaret most?

  • To be her own person and express herself freely

  • To gain control over (a small measure of) her life

Flaws - What flaws does Louise Constance Margaret have?

  • Wants to be liked and included, not so much that she'll do anything, but enough that when she feels left out, it eats away at her

  • Much more generous than the average royal, but she's still entitled.
    -Has a hard time seeing things from other people's points of view.
    -Has a hard time staying focused.
    -Blunt to the point of being rude or cruel.
    -Subtlety is completely lost on her.
    -Lies a lot, about little things you wouldn't expect.
    -Highly emotional.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Louise Constance Margaret have?

Has to work through internalized prejudices about what a woman can and cannot do.


-ADHD for sure. Not necessarily hyper, but has a really hard time focusing.
-Doesn't have actual anxiety but does get more anxious than the average person, you know what I'm saying?
-A little bit of PTSD, in that she spends more time thinking about exit strategies and what she could use as a weapon than the average person.


-Being helpless/not in control
-Being abandoned/unloved


-Had a bit of a schoolgirl crush on Giles William Halton back in the day, but doesn't anymore.
-Has never been in love.
-Craves power and leadership.
-Threw a mini party when her dad died.

Greatest Fear

That she will always be at the mercy of someone else


Be the greatest and most powerful queen Davenport has ever seen.

pan_tool Mannerisms

-Fidgets almost constantly. Does the leg bounce
-Shifts her weight from one leg to the other
-Kind of has a RBF
-Talks with her hands
-Fiddles with her hair


-Big smile!
-Her eyes scrunch up really small when she smiles.
-Very relaxed, arms and legs draped everywhere
-Has the tendency to casually side-hug whoever she's next to.
-Leans against things
-Less rigid posture
-Very big gestures! Lot's of hand talking.
-Gets loud
-Shifting from one foot to the other becomes hopping


-Shuts down out of fear of crying in public
-No gestures
-Arms crossed
-Hunched shoulders
-Blank, vacant expression that is fixated on one point straight ahead. Mentally, she's somewhere else, and it shows.
-The master of crying without making noise
-Voice gets to be about half the volume, unless she's crying, and then she stops speaking altogether


|If she hasn't lost her temper yet|

-Immediately starts getting flushed
-Tries to keep herself tethered by using her thumbnail to dig into her pointer finger
-Makes small gestures, but they're much more rigid
-Stands very straight and very tall
-Grits her teeth and clenches jaw when not speaking

|If she loses her temper|

-Big, almost frantic gestures
-Yells, but much of what she's saying no longer follows a coherent thought
-Has the tendency to throw whatever's in her hands
-Starts violating the personal space of others
-Will stamp her feet, much like a child
-If interrupted, she will raise her voice to the point of a scream
(When Louise loses her temper, it's very big and dramatic, but usually quite short. Then she goes to sulk for an hour and comes back weeping and apologetic)


-Laughs at inappropriate times, tries to make light of it
-No gestures, no movement
-Eyes constantly darting between the object of her fear and potential exits
-Steps back as discretely as possible
-Usually reaches for someone or something to hold onto

"Tells" When Lying

(If she has prep time, even if it's 30 seconds, Louise is an excellent liar. That's because most of the stuff she does isn't allowed, so she got really good at lying at a really early age)

-Immediately agrees with those around her, and stops sharing independent ideas
-Doesn't speak nearly as much
-Voice is too measured, like she's reading from cue cards
-Stops fidgeting

favorite Favorites & Activities
Hobbies - What hobbies does Louise Constance Margaret have?

-Going to theatres
-Horseback riding
-Reading, mostly novels
-Playing cards
-Chess & checkers
-Singing with Delia, Fayne, and Aspen

Talents - What talents does Louise Constance Margaret have?

-Singing (think opera ingenue)

Favorite Color - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s favorite color?

Pink, red, and green, in that order

Favorite Possession

Her silver, ruby, and diamond tiara

Favorite Weapon - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s favorite weapon?


Favorite Season


Favorite Social Events

-Absolutely adores dances, but only the actual dancing part
-Loves card and gambling parties, though she's not very good
-Likes doing dramatic readings of theatrical works with her friends

Favorite Animal - What is Louise Constance Margaret’s favorite animal?


wc Social

-A virago, which is an old term for a domineering, bad-tempered woman. It's actually fairly accurate. Also called a shrew or battleaxe.
-"Bloody Louise." That she's cruel and has no heart.
-That she's a "loose" woman

Job - What job does Louise Constance Margaret have?

Princess/trophy bride

Religion - What religion does Louise Constance Margaret practice?

Standard state religion

Politics - What politics does Louise Constance Margaret have?

Hated politics, but knows a lot about them.

Relationships In Depth

Myron Russet Lars : An even deeper relationship than romance. She trusts him without question, and he is her favorite person in the whole world. There are no secrets between them. There's just one thing about him that she doesn't like: Aspen insists on keeping their relationship professional these, which Louise understands, but also doesn't.

[[Character-887292]] : Best female friend, usually the one she turns to when she needs physical comfort because Aspen's not allowed to. Loves her, and trusts her, but also resents Delia for putting up the wall of marriage between them and refusing to publicly stand beside her.

Giles William Halton : Third best friend, Fayne is the one she turns to when she doesn't want pity, and wants someone to be brutally honest with her. They argue a lot because they're really similar. Resents Fayne for stealing Delia, and sort of knows that their relationship is beginning to melt down.

[[Character-1035685]] : When Joanna returns, it's a bit awkward because they haven't seen each other in ten years, and Louise used to resent her because she became the standard by which Louise was judged. But then they become the ultimate sister duo. Would do anything for her, and is in complete awe of her.

Nicholas Cato Seneca : It's more of a business partnership than anything else. It starts to become a friendship, but then once he seizes the throne, he starts actively antagonizing her. Believes with her whole heart that he must be mad because the alternative is terrifying to her.

Margaret Caroline Summer Davenport : Has nothing but respect for her mother. Thinks she's the raddest, baddest queen there ever was, and is so grateful for everything she did for her.

Darius, the Duke of Hallidaye: Didn't really know him pre-war, post-war, he became one of her biggest critics. Think's he's a power-hungry idiot, but begrudgingly believes he's a smart idiot.

King Louis (RIP): Didn't know him till after the war, and then hated him. He was not a good father and tried to get rid of her. Post-funeral, she had a private party to celebrate his death.

Willow: Her favorite of the three maids. Thinks it's cool as heck that she divorced her husband. The only maid that she completely trusts.

Tansy & Flora: The other two maids, she's not particularly close with them.

group Family
Family Members

-DAD: King Louis (deceased)
-YOUNGER SISTER: Johanna Pearl (goes by Pearl)

loyalty Trivia!
Hogwarts House


Inspired By...

-Katniss Everdeen, specifically during Mockingjay
-Scarlett O'Hara, from Gone With The Wind
-Queen Victoria
-Angelica Schuyler, from Hamilton
-Natasha Rostova, from War & Peace and Great Comet


Nobody Gets Me (Reprise) - Cry-Baby
Lash Out - Alice Merton
A Living Human Girl - The Regrettes
Hot - The Regrettes
Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
Hero - Ghost Quartet
I Hate Men - Kiss Me Kate
Lady Hell - Dirt Poor Robbins
My Grand Plan - The Lightning Thief
The Man - Taylor Swift
I'd Rather Be Me - Mean Girls
Shy - Once Upon a Mattress
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift
I Don't Need Your Love - Six
Like Me - Teen Beach Movie
Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor
Something New - Set It Off
Uncontainable - Set It Off
Elastic Heart (Piano Version) - Sia
You Don't Own Me - Leslie Gore
Prom Dress - Mxmtoon
Prom Queen - Beach Bunny
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
In the Darkness - mxmtoon
Getting Married Today - Company
Squeaky Clean - Cry-Baby
So Much Better - Legally Blonde
Lips Are Moving - Meghan Trainor
Toy - Netta
Primadonna - Marina & The Diamonds
Never Know - Set It Off
It Is What It Is - The Band's Visit
Living Dead - Marina & The Diamonds
Lonely Dance - Set It Off
Respect - Aretha Franklin
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
My Way - Sing
Comeback Kid - The Band Perry
Straight For The Knife - Sia
Poor Boy - The Regrettes
Here - Alessia Cara
Oh No! - Marina & The Diamonds
Stupid Boys - Bleached
The Show Must Go On - Queen
Don't Stop Me Now - The Regrettes
Nice Guys - Beach Bunny
You Don't Own Me - Lesley Gore
Kiss Me, Kate - Kiss Me, Kate
Power & Control - Marina & The Diamonds
Some People - Gypsy
Different Songs - Set It Off
no faker - mxmtoon
Tango Dancer - Ghost Quartet
Wannabe - The Spice Girls
Many A New Day - Oklahoma!
Kings & Queens - Ava Max
Boys - Beach Bunny
Everything at Once - Lenka
Hard to Kill - Bleached
Get Down - Six
The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift
A Very Nice Prince - Into The Woods
The Ladies Who Lunch - Company

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This character was created by Lucille Davis on

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