content_paste Overview
Name - What is Myron Russet Lars’s full name?

Myron Russet Lars

Meaning(s) of Name(s)

Myron is a common, run-of-the-mill nature name meaning "fragrant shrub". It's popular with poor families because it sounds "respectable"
Russet means red.
Lars means "laurel" which is a common symbol of victory

Role - What is Myron Russet Lars’s role in your story?

Love interest

Other names - What other aliases does Myron Russet Lars go by?

Louise affectionately calls him "My" because it sounds like "mine". No one else calls him this.

Gender - What is Myron Russet Lars’s gender?


Age - How old is Myron Russet Lars?




ac_unit Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Myron Russet Lars have?

Freckles on his face

Weight - How much does Myron Russet Lars weigh?

135 lbs.

Height - How tall is Myron Russet Lars?

5’ 8"

Hair Color - What color is Myron Russet Lars’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Myron Russet Lars style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Myron Russet Lars have?

Beard, short

Eye Color - What is Myron Russet Lars’s eye color?

Grass green

Race - What is Myron Russet Lars’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Aspen is rail thin, but if you get up close, you realize it's all muscle, especially in the arms


Not a whole lot of fashion going on here, but he always tries to look his best.

school History
Birthday - When is Myron Russet Lars’s birthday?

May 4th, 1547

Education - What is Myron Russet Lars’s level of education?

Knows how to read and that's it

Background - What is Myron Russet Lars’s background?

Myron is the youngest son and a twin. His family was poor and their options were few. So when the opportunity arose to train as a knight, he took it. All of the attention was on his siblings: his brother John abandoned the family and became a mercenary. His sister Azalea needed to be married off to someone better. There was no attention left over for him and his brother, Krane, so he didn't ask for anything. But when the opportunity came to train as a knight, he took it.

At the age of 8, Myron and Fayne were sent to train with Darius, the Duke of Hallidaye. During this time, Myron was trained in weapons and warfare, and became even closer to Fayne. When his training was over at the age of 14, he returned to the castle and became knights of the walls.

Myron's fighting was and is nothing like that of his peers. Because he's on the smaller side (5' 9"), Myron prefers lighter weapons and armor. Daggers are his specialty, and he's handy with a lance as well. In a fight, he holds his own, preferring to outsmart opponents rather than using brute force. But Myron's greatest skill is spotting chinks in armor and utilizing them to great effect. This applies not only to battle, but to people as well.

But the one thing Myron has never been able to shake is caring for others. He practiced lifting heavy things on his shoulders every case he ever had to carry a wounded fellow soldier. Most guys think of him as a doormat, but really, he values companionship and harmony more than getting his own way. That it, unless someone is harming someone else. When he was a boy, Myron regularly took on opponents twice his size to stand up for someone else.

On his 18th birthday, he and Fayne were appointed the Knights of the Silver Sword, and Myron hated it at first. Louise Constance Margaret was a brat who yelled and gave him hell, often giving him the slip whenever they were in public. But he spotted the chink in her armor right away: Louise was lonely, insecure, and all bark and no bite. They became fast friends.

Naturally, when Louise ran away to stop the war, he had to go with her, and this is when Myron's most fatal flaw emerged: a protective streak that ran deep, and a stubborn streak a mile wide. He could not let Louise go, even though he taught her how to fight. And then he realized that he was in love with her. Myron's greatest secret is that he's super turned on by Louise fighting and swinging her sword. But her friendship was never a consolation prize. And if Louise ever told him to go, he would.

After they returned home, Myron would have lost his job if not for her. And he was forced to watch as Louise collapsed in on herself. And he kept loving her, though he would never be stupid enough to admit to it. Myron was the one who kept Louise sane during those four years of hell. He read aloud to her, sang duets with her, spent hours playing cards, checkers, and chess. And when her father died, it was his idea for her to get back on the social scene, which both of them immediately regretted.

Now, at 22, his family wonders why he has no interest in getting married, though they have their suspicions. Being in love with Louise hurts. As soon as they got back from war, Myron insisted on following the rules between their ranks. He calls her "highness," and has never once called her by her real name. The only time they touch is if he's helping her practice dancing (which he loves), or helping her off and on her horse. There's a reason Myron follows those rules religiously: if he didn't, he's not fully confident in his ability to restrain himself. It's self-imposed torture.

looks Arc
How They Start

1) Hates being told what to do just because he doesn't like being told what to do

2) Refuses to be anything but easygoing and patient, so he's resentful and bitter

3) Reacts badly to anyone suggesting that he can't take care of himself or Louise

Their Turning Point

It's not until Myron is lying on the ground getting beaten into unconsciousness that it begins to click. He watches Louise break free of Nicholas, snatch a carving knife off of the table, and stab one of his attackers with it.

1) Because of his stubbornness, the whole plan is now in jeopardy.

2) He should've told Louise how he felt

3) Louise didn't think he couldn't take care of her, she just didn't want to admit that she needed him

How They Finish

Aspen returns home, apologizes to Louise for putting her in danger, and for not believing in her abilities.

eco Nature
Basic Personality Description

Aspen is essentially the glue that holds the group together. He sees all sides of a debate, is great at bringing people together, and is just a good man all around.


ISTP: The Virtuoso

  • Does not "need" many friends, so he only has a few

  • Finds joy in repairing and building things

  • Rather unpredictable at times

  • Very much a "do unto others" person at his core

  • Loves to get up to his elbows in a project

  • Can go from spontaneous and fun to rational and careful on a dime

  • Excellent man to have in a crisis

  • Chillest dude alive

  • Can be difficult to get to know

  • Needs personal time and personal space

  • Has many acquaintances but few close friends

  • Not even mildly competitive

  • Is popular with everyone without trying, people are drawn to him

  • Loves doing random small tasks


Enneagram 9: The Peacemaker

  • Gets lost in small tasks sometimes

  • Happy to go along with what the group wants to do

  • Loves routines, loathes when they're messed up

  • Seems peaceful/chill but can actually be unpredictable/chaotic

  • Doesn't think of himself as important, genuinely believes that his presence isn't missed

  • Quiet nights in > big nights out

  • Loves the outdoors

  • Quietly stubborn if people push him too much, digs in his heels a lot

  • Doesn't sweat the small stuff

  • Sleeps a lot

  • It's easier for him to know what he wants rather than what he doesn't want

  • Not a doormat, he will stand up for himself and his opinions if needed, but won't be happy if he's ignored

  • Trying to climb up the ranks isn't his style, he's happy where he's at

  • Procrastinates a lot

  • Will make decisions and stand up for himself, but only if it's do or die

  • Worries that if he expresses his negative emotions, he won't be able to control them

  • Always sees things from both sides

Moral Alignment

Neutral Good

  • Acts selflessly

  • Is neither for nor against laws, depends on the situation

  • Has no problem cooperating with authority but does not feel beholden to them

Motivations - What motivates Myron Russet Lars most?

  • Keeping the one(s) he loves safe from harm

  • Gaining control because he's afraid of chaos

Flaws - What flaws does Myron Russet Lars have?

Prejudices - What prejudices does Myron Russet Lars have?

  • Only a handful of women are intelligent, the rest aren't


  • Being thought of as weak or girly because he's more reserved.

  • Not being strong enough to save people.


  • Is super turned on by Louise's heroics with sword and crown, although he'd rather die than admit it.

  • Prefers the company of women. He likes it because they're fond of him and are nice to him.


  • Keep his friends safe

  • Sweep Louise off of her feet.

pan_tool Mannerisms

  • Stands straight and tall

  • Usually has a faint smile when lost in thought

  • Voice is quiet and measured

  • Doesn't talk with his hands

  • To many people, Aspen is quietly intimidating

  • Hand goes to his weapon at the first sign of trouble, he'll reach for it even if he doesn't have it


  • Less controlled movements

  • Shows his teeth when smiling

  • Likes to jokingly do little dance steps

  • Laughs freely

  • Speaks slightly louder than normal


(Aspen rarely allows negative emotions to show, but when he does...)

  • Absolute shut down mode

  • Wound up tight as a spring because he's going to remove himself from the situation as soon as possible

  • Hunched shoulders

  • Head up but eyes down

  • Shuts his eyes


(Doesn't happen much, but when it does...)

  • Sighs

  • All of the color drains out of his face

  • Speaks clearly, coldly, and precisely. He knows the exact thing to say that will devastate the person in front of him.

  • Hand grips his sword as tight as he can


(Doesn't happen much, but when it does...)

  • Freezes

  • Small movements, doesn't speak

  • Immediately has one hand on his weapon and is ready to bolt

  • Eyes wide, mouth shut

  • Hands shake

"Tells" When Lying

Aspen hates lying, but he's very good at it. He only has two tells:
- Looks at a spot behind someone, not direct eye contact
- Slightly shuffles his feet

favorite Favorites & Activities
Hobbies - What hobbies does Myron Russet Lars have?

  • Fixing things

  • Horse racing

Talents - What talents does Myron Russet Lars have?

  • Musician. Can play most instruments and read music.

  • Dancing. He doesn't get to in social settings, but he does get to practice with Louise, and he's better than she is.

Favorite Color - What is Myron Russet Lars’s favorite color?


Favorite Possession

A slightly janky, homemade medal that Louise made for him after they stopped the war. It's made out of some embroidery and a brooch that Louise assembled.

Favorite Weapon - What is Myron Russet Lars’s favorite weapon?


Favorite Season


Favorite Social Events

Aspen does not actually like social events most of the time because he's often forced to attend but not allowed to enjoy himself because he's on duty. So he prefers the small gatherings that Louise hosts.

wc Social

Sissy, both for being small and quiet, and for always doing what Louise says

Job - What job does Myron Russet Lars have?

Knight of the Silver Sword
-On call at all times to guard Louise whenever she visits or entertains anyone who does not live at the castle
-Also acts as a companion
-Can also be a chaperone

Religion - What religion does Myron Russet Lars practice?

Standard state religion

Relationships In Depth

Louise Constance Margaret: His best friend, but he's also madly, madly in love with her. Keeps no secrets from her, except that he loves her, but does not view friendship as second prize. Is beginning to become frustrated by the idea that she doesn't always need him.

Giles William Halton: Tied with Louise for best friend. They're a bit of an odd couple, and Aspen often acts as his impulse control. Aspen's a bit jealous that Fayne got the girl. Lately, there's some tension because Aspen tends to take Louise's side, and they just don't see each other much anymore.

[[Character-887292]]: Though they don't hang out a lot, Delia and Aspen are very similar, and understand each other completely. They almost always think alike (though Aspen thinks Delia is a tad bit hysterical) and are almost the parents of the group. Usually tells her secrets related to Louise and asks for advice.

[[Character-1035685]]: Agrees that something shady is going on with Nicholas, but that's about it. Their relationship is cordial, but Aspen doesn't like how Joanna is constantly encouraging Louise to trust her gut instead of listening to him. Respects her tho.

Nicholas Cato Seneca: Doesn't trust him for a signal nanosecond because he can tell that his charm and empathy is a front. Most likely would have killed him if Louise hadn't explicitly told him not to.

group Family
Family Members

FATHER: John Lars
MOTHER: Beryl Lars
1ST SON: John Lars II
2ND SISTER: Azalea Lars

loyalty Trivia!
Hogwarts House



Shiver - Coldplay
Til Kingdom Come - Coldplay
I Can't Breathe - Cleopatra: The Musical
Suffice - mxmtoon
Green Eyes - Coldplay
Never There - Cake
Kill the Director - The Wombats
Pork n Beans - Weezer
Dirt on My Boots - Jon Pardi
Fix You - Coldplay
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
You Don't Know Me - Michael Bublé
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos
Racetrack - Beach Bunny
I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
Let Me Die - The Classic Crime
Somewhere That's Green - Little Shop
Fighting Words - Trace Adkins
I Could Kick Your @ss - Justin Moore
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Trouble - Coldplay
Stitch Me Up - Set It Off
Take A Chance on Me - ABBA
Diamond Girl - Set It Off
It's Nice To Have A Friend - Taylor Swift
Fog - The Regrettes
feelings are fatal - mxmtoon
Riser - Dierks Bentley

add_shopping_cart Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-Aspen has big "I love my wife" energy, and drinks that respect women juice every day.
-Falls flat on his face for Lace and literally can't stop thinking about her.

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This character was created by Lucille Davis on

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