info Overview
Name - What is the name of Guy Chat!?

Guy Chat!

Summary - In short, what happens in Guy Chat!?

Fayne and Aspen reunite, and Valiant is introduced. The three of them get to talking about women, specifically whether or not Aspen has met anyone. He says no.
Fayne points out Delia to Aspen, and Aspen becomes transfixed by the girl sitting beside her.
Valiant gets weirdly jealous. Fayne and Val both try to drop subtle hints that Lace is crazy, which don't work. The scene ends with Aspen demanding an introduction.

directions_run Action
What caused this? - What previous events led to Guy Chat!?

-The boys entering in a tournament for money.
-Lace sticks out like a sore thumb because her dress is bright green, and a size too small.

Results - At the end of Guy Chat!, what has changed?

-Valiant gets super jealous and bitter in a way that he doesn't want to unpack.
-Fayne thinks Aspen is crazy, and that he won't like Lace.
-Aspen is starting to fall flat on his face for Lace.

Description - What happens in Guy Chat!?

While talking about women, Aspen spies Lace for the first time.

Purpose of Scene

-Establish that Fayne has been in love with Delia for forever, and has been writing to Aspen about her for years.
-Valiant is physically attracted to Lace, but he's bitter that she's doing fine without him. He's possessive and jealous.
-Highlight that Valiant is not as angelic as we previously thought, and that he's super petty.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This scene was created by Lucille Davis on

See more from Lucille Davis
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