content_paste Overview
Name - What is Giles William Halton’s full name?

Giles William Halton

Meaning(s) of Name(s)

Giles means "kind." It's also a pretentious name favored by the merchant class.
William means "resolute protector", and it's his father's name.
Halton means "from the hilltop estate."

Role - What is Giles William Halton’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Giles William Halton go by?

Doesn't have a nickname and doesn't like them

Gender - What is Giles William Halton’s gender?


Age - How old is Giles William Halton?




ac_unit Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Giles William Halton have?


Weight - How much does Giles William Halton weigh?


Height - How tall is Giles William Halton?

5' 11"

Hair Color - What color is Giles William Halton’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Giles William Halton style their hair?

Short, thin

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Giles William Halton have?


Eye Color - What is Giles William Halton’s eye color?

China blue

Race - What is Giles William Halton’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled


Wants to be fashionable, but can't because he has to wear a uniform

school History
Birthday - When is Giles William Halton’s birthday?

January 11th, 1553

Education - What is Giles William Halton’s level of education?

He can read and write. That's it.

Background - What is Giles William Halton’s background?

Giles grew up as the 2nd son of the somewhat wealthy Halton family. Unfortunately, from a very early age, he was told over and over that was the lesser son. His parents had no time for anything that did not enrich their fortunes and gain them more prestige. They sent him away simply because Giles showed neither interest nor aptitude in the family business.

From the very beginning, his dream has been to transcend his "humble" roots. Though his family is respected by other merchants and peasants, they're sneered at by the nobles. Giles wanted more: he wanted power and influence. Most of all, he simply wanted to be loved by someone. Anyone, really.

But that was a pipe dream. At the age of 8, he was shipped off against his will to train as a knight under the Duke of Hallidaye, accepting it only because he thought he would get closer to power. He didn't. Though he pretended to be friends with Myron Russet Lars at first, due to believing that Myron (who was 12) would sabotage him, they eventually became real friends. Myron left Darius's training when Giles was 10. Giles learned to fight, but didn't and still doesn't particularly enjoy it. He did, however, prove to have a knack for battle strategy and tactics.

Upon completing his training at the age of 14, he received a letter from Myron (who by then was 18), asking if he would like to join him as a knight of the silver sword (personal guard to the princess). Once again, Giles only said yes to get closer to power. He didn't like Louise Constance Margaret very much, but he took the job anyway.

However, he did realize that the lady-in-waiting, [[Character-887292]], was falling for him. And Giles, who had always craved affection and influence in equal parts saw his ticket to the top. Did he love her? Not necessarily. He loved the attention and the feeling of being wanted more than anything else. At best, they are and were very good friends.

After helping Louise end the war that same year, Giles quickly found himself engaged to the Duchess in order to preserve her reputation. Annoyingly, Louise no longer had much influence anymore, that was obvious. But Giles was loathe to abandon such a position for fear that it might one day prove to be useful.

Giles and Beatrice were married when they were both 16. Her dowry was enormous, and Giles was thrilled. But to his complete horror, he realized that he was essentially being paid off. Beatrice was forfeiting her claim to her father's duchy. Louise had given him the formal rank of knight, but that was all he would ever be. Unable to back out of the marriage due Beatrice's father threatening to ruin his family, Giles had no choice but to agree.

For the last two years, Giles has avoided being in the set of rooms he and Beatrice share within the castle as much as humanly possible. Giles gives just enough of himself to her so that he'll receive a steady stream of affection, but when he looks into her eyes, all he sees is a reminder that he's still nothing. It's a cordial relationship that is slowly dying, but as long as she loves him, he doesn't notice.

looks Arc
How They Start

  • Wants as much influence as he can, no matter what it takes

  • Wants to be loved by his wife, but resents having to pretend to be in love with her

Their Turning Point

  • Realizes that his pursuit of power has made him just as greedy and heartless as his father after having to hold down Myron as he's being beaten

  • Realizes that Beatrice sacrificed so much just to be with him, and that he's treated her terribly

How They Finish

  • Has earned the right to power by being a good man who refuses to

eco Nature


  • Always wants to win

  • Always performing and putting on a show for others

  • Very persuasive

  • Craves praise, affection, and acknowledgement

  • Doesn't like to be hindered by people in any way

- Would rather lead than follow

Motivations - What motivates Giles William Halton most?

To feel like he's important and loved (psychological)
To be influential and prestigious

Flaws - What flaws does Giles William Halton have?

-Overconfident and arrogant at times.
-Brave and overprotective to the point of being almost suicidal.
-Doesn't always think things through.
-Will do anything and everything to get to a higher status, even though he knows it futile. This includes being untrue to himself, even when he knows it’s wrong.
-Flirty even when he's already committed to someone, but that's just how he rolls.
-Obsessive about [[Character-887292]] at times. Not in like a creepy or stalkerish way, he just needs to dial it back a couple of notches because it can be stifling for her.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Giles William Halton have?

Thinks that women need to be kept in their public. In private, he's willing to do some negotiating.

Wants to eat the rich...but would eat someone to be rich, you know what I'm saying?


Not being enough for Delia. He’s gotten it in his head that the reason she “doesn’t like him” is because he’s not wealthy. It’s completely false, of course, but that hasn’t stopped it from becoming his biggest insecurity.


-Hates to watch Louise complain about privilege as if it’s nothing.
-Made plans to have Delia run away with him, but was too scared to actually put them into action.

Greatest Fear

Not being enough for Delia

pan_tool Mannerisms
favorite Favorites & Activities
wc Social
Job - What job does Giles William Halton have?

-Acts as backup to Aspen at highly public events
-Responsible for Louise if Aspen is ill or otherwise indisposed
-The rest of the time, he's just a regular knight

group Family
Family Members

DAD: William Halton
MOM: Elyzabeth Halton
1ST SON: William Halton II
3RD DAUGHTER: Elyza Halton
4TH SON: Lucian Halton

loyalty Trivia!

Ladies Love Country Boys - Trace Atkins
I Could Kick Your ss - Justin Moore
The Girl That I Marry - *Annie Get Your Gun

Hold Onto Me - Mayday Parade
She's Kinda Hot - 5SOS
I See the Light - Tangled
My Defenses Are Down - Annie Get Your Gun
Girls Talk Boys - 5SOS
A Girl Worth Fighting For - Mulan
Forever Stuck in Our Youth - Set It Off
DOTAB - Bear Ghost
I'll Make a Man Out Of You - Mulan
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
You'll Be In My Heart - Tarzan
Money Won't Pay - bo en (feat. Augustus)
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
You're The One That I Want - Grease
Why Worry - Set It Off
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
Drag Me Down - One Direction
Coloring Book - The Regrettes
I Won't Send Roses - Mac And Mable

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This character was created by Lucille Davis on

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