language Virago
Timeline of the plot

Each item is a scene

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Day #1

#1 Louise leaves the party


Louise leaves a party after being subjected to repeated insults. Myron follows, trying to comfort her.

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Day #2

#2 Facing the council


Louise meets with the council and finds out she has to marry Nicholas


-Wedding is *scheduled* but won't happen for day 16
-Nicholas arrives on day 4

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Day #2

#3 H2H with Bea


Louise sits down to tell Beatrix, feels nothing and then everything

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Day #2

#4 Telling Myron


Louise rides with and then tells Myron


-Establish that Louise and Myron are only allowed to be physically close in specific circumstances
-Myron is a pro

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Day #2

#5 Louise & Margaret


Louise discovers the truth about her father's will

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Day #2

#6 Darius, Myron, & Giles


Darius makes threats and Louise talks it over with the boys


-Establish that the will has been destroyed
-Darius does not trust Louise
-Doubt about whether or not Margaret is ill from natural causes

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Day #3

#7 The Wisdom of Giles


Giles, Louise, Myron, and eventually, Bea, continue to talk about marriage


- Giles says things that make everyone uncomfortable, it's clear that their marriage is iffy

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Day #3

#8 The Good Old Days


Louise goes crazy and tries to practice spar with Aspen and 3 o clock in the morning. She's terrified.

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Day #6

#9 The arrival of Nicholas


Louise goes to greet her new fiancée, and is starting to become resigned to getting married

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Day #6

#10 Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy...


Louise gets Nicholas up to speed, and to everyone's surprise, he is concerned


- Nicholas is concerned but promises nothing yet

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Day #6

#11 Confrontations


Louise tries to see her mother and is stopped by Darius


- The guards that stop her are lowly ones that have been elevated by Darius to buy their loyalty

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Day #6

#12 A modest proposal


Nicholas officially proposes


Louise is dead inside. Yes, she gets to marry a seemingly nice man, but her heart's not in it at all.

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Day #7

#13 Progress Report


Her uncles + the duke of Fairfox force Louise to have dinner with them, everyone is trying to sus out information

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Day #7

#14 Alterations


Louise is having her wedding gown altered with Bea supervising

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Day #8

#15 It's quiet uptown


Louise wakes up to find that her mother died during the night and Darius has seized control

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Day #8

#16 Confusion


All of the various characters flit in and out of Louise's room with various snippets of news and worries

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Day #9

#17 The Furious Five


The five meet up and toss around the idea of Louise and Nicholas making a bid for the throne

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Day #9

#18 You & I


Nicholas and Louise discuss in private, Nicholas finally agrees to stay a little longer. Just let him handle it.

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Day #11

#19 Safe for now


Nicholas worked out a deal with Darius: the five can stay if Nic provides troops...and the wedding is now back on

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Day #12

#20 Funeral


Louise has a secret funeral at sunrise for her mother

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Day #13

#21 Rebellion


Louise meets with John Cheval and Thorne Whytlock to talk rebellion


-Drop in that The Five know she's meeting with them

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Day #13

#22 Staffing


Louise overhears Giles and Beatrix in an argument about what to do with the staff turnover, Giles storms out and the two girls have tea

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Day #14

#23 Dinner date


Nic and Lou have dinner, she wants to talk rebellion, he wants to talk wedding plans


-No date for wedding yet
-Nic is getting really tight with Darius

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Day #15

#24 Shut Out


Louise tries to attend a council meeting with Nicholas but is forbidden. He publicly chastises her and apologizes for her behavior, Giles backs him up.

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Day #15

#25 Discrepancies


Yet another war meeting of the 5 that evening, but what Nicholas tells them is not what Peter told Myron. M & N butt heads a little.

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Day #16

#26 An Accident


Peter is found dead under mysterious and suspicious circumstances, Darius tries to sweep things under the rug


-Darius is suspicious, but doesn't know everything
-Coronation will be on DAY 22

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Day #18

#27 Minor Problems


After the mysterious death of Peter, everyone in Louise's small circle of influence is refusing to help her

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Day #18

#28 Fathers & Sons


Louise summons William Mercer (Giles's dad) and John Lars (Myron's dad) to see if the merchant class would support her and Nicholas


She does this without the knowledge of Myron or Giles

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Day #18

#29 Nick at Nite


Dinner with Nick. He proposes staying on at the palace as Darius's right-hand-man for the long con. Louise isn't a huge fan.

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Day #19

#30 Family


Giles and Myron confront her about her meeting with their fathers. Myron is glad but worried, Giles yells at her for jeopardizing the reputation of his family

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Day #19

#31 The con isn't on


The Five meet to discuss coronation day takeover, Nic proposes the long con but is dismissed


-About 1,000 troops from Seneca arrive "to help"
-First time Louise speaks against Nic in his presence

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Day #19

#32 Audacity


Nic gets testy with Lou for disagreeing with him, but then turns on a dime to being sweet again

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Day #20

#33 Forced, beheaded, died


Public execution of John and William for treachery against the crown


- Mostly wordless scene
- Louise gets on her knees to beg for their lives but it doesn't work
- Giles is enraged, doesn't think Lou did enough, goes to drink and yells at Bea
- Myron is a wreck, but doesn't blame Lou
- Bea doesn't know what to do

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Day #20

#34 Lost


Myron breaks down in front of Louise, tells her they have to kill Darius

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Day #20

#35 Confrontation


Lou confronts Nic, he swears he had nothing to do with it, kisses her on the cheek

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Day #21

#36 Premonitions


Giles reappears and screams at Louise, claiming that they should've listened to Nicholas and blaming her

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Day #22

#37 Long live the king


Nic slaughters Darius and his family at the coronation, he is coronated instead, everyone flees the church

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Day #22

#38 Wait & see


The Five jam themselves into a carriage, everyone decides they'll prep to run, wait and see tho

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Day #23

#39 Before the king


Lou is summoned before Nic, he's so excited, Lou plays it off well

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Day #23

#40 Summons


While discussing what to do next, Giles and Myron are summoned for an audience with Nicholas, the girls are terrified

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Day #23

#41 Lured In


Giles & Myron return. Giles reports that he's being asked into Nicholas' inner circle, Louise reluctantly agrees, Bea tries to stop him and is shut down.

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Day #24

#42 Bratfest at Tiffany's


Nic informs her that he won't crown her till they're married, explodes with rage when she talks back


-Nic breaks some objects, and gets too close to Lou, but doesn't hit...yet
-WEDDING: Day 44

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Day #25

#43 forbidden


Nic refuses to allow Lou to attend the funeral of the Hallidayes, calls her a traitor to the crown, and shoves her up against a wall

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Day #25

#44 You don't even, I don't even know


The Four meet again to try and plan something to take down Nic, but the noose is tightening. Giles does not seem to want to help and is now proposing the long con, tensions with Bea


-Lou hides that Nic put his hands on her because she's embarrassed

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Day #26

#45 Before the procession passes by


Lou escapes the castle to view the funeral, Myron and Giles have to drag her back inside


-Lou's uncles don't acknowledge her, but her aunts do
-First time Louise has demonstrated to the public that she's separate from Nic

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Day #26

#46 Help is on the way


Lou is invited to a ladies gathering with Bea, the noble wives there are hinting at the possibility of support. Bea reveals that Giles hasn't been sleeping in their apartment and doesn't know where she is

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Day #28

#47 Look what you made me do


Nic confronts Lou about the funeral procession, Lou tries to walk out, Myron intervenes, and is beaten into unconsciousness by Giles and a few others


-Nic hits her in the face, signaling he no longer cares about appearances
-First time Myron calls her "Louise"
-Nic insinuates that he's going to be a prisoner

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Day #28

#48 Hallway Scene


Lou runs and finds Bea and they find Giles carrying Myron's body in the hallway. Giles & Bea have a huge fight that ends in Bea and Louise being ripped apart and sent back to their rooms.

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Day #29

#49 The Morning After


Louise wakes up to find Giles standing outside of her door. He is her guard now and the others have been sent away "for their safety"

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Day #29

#50 Power & control


Lou confronts Nic, the 2 are now collateral, and if she makes a false step, they'll be dead


Lou truly believes that there's no one to help her, Nicholas says a few things that lead her to believe that Myron and Bea might just be under the castle, not far away

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Day #30

#51 Live in consort


At the first feast since the murder of Darius, Lou realizes that the public's on her side, Aunt Adelaide invites her over for tea

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Day #31

#52 Tea time


Adelaide and Alexander invite Lou over for tea, they hint at possible rebellion, rumors are discussed


-Lou still doesn't trust her relatives

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Day #31

#53 A Fair Fox


Louise is summoned to the house of the Duke & Duchess of Fairfox for dinner, they pledge their support and reveal that they do love Bea after all

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Day #32

#54 Spy


Louise catches Giles trying to read the letters on her desk. They wrestle, she rips them up, and he tries to get her to spill the contents

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Day #32

#55 Struck


Giles leaves and returns with Nicholas. He throws her around, orders Giles to remove all writing utensils, then turns sweet by presenting her a gift of a necklace.

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Day #33

#56 Do you hear the people sing?


Riots outside the palace after Nic raises taxes, Lou escapes Giles to watch from the wall, only to be dragged back

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Day #33

#57 Spilling


Lou has a garden party of ladies, who are pledging their husbands' support, Lou is invited to yet another tea party at her Aunt Adelaide's

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Day #33

#58 Announcements


Nic and Lou have dinner, which goes much better for both. Nicholas has decided to marry her first, followed immediately by a coronation.

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Day #35

#59 Run


Lou considers the possibility of fleeing the country, when she receives a letter from her Aunt Matilda, inviting her to come over.

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Day #36

#60 Who run the world?


Lou's aunts are willing to support a bid for her takeover, and so are most of the nobles

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Day #36

#Stolen kisses


Nic kisses Lou without her consent

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Day #37

#62 This is how we do it


Tea with the aunts, Lou establishes plan to take down Nic

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Day #38

#63 Pretty deadly


Louise ruminates on the possibility of death while turning her hairpins into weapons

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Day #38

#64 Hideaway


Louise has to fend off a sober Nicholas when she goes to bed that night

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Day #45

#65 Hair-raising


Nic brushes Lou's hair before the wedding, threatens her

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Day #45

#66 Wedding blues


The wedding ceremony

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Day #45

#67 Sugar, we're going down swinging


Louise takes Nic down and out once and for all, forces the surrender of the guards

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Day #50

#68 Hello


Louise and Aspen are reunited

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Day #50

#69 Talk to me, baby


Louise and Aspen chat with Nic, who is locked up

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Day #51

#70 I did it my way


Nic is spared, and departs with his troops

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Day #52

#71 Duke


Lou gives Aspen the Duchy of Hallidaye

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Day #53

#72 This is how it's gonna be


Lou has her first council meeting with Aspen as her secretary

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Day #54

#73 Yours


Lou and Aspen have a small funeral for his dad

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Day #55

#74 Mine


Aspen found Louise's tiara and sword, they sword fight

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Day #56

#75 Ours


Louise and Aspen dance at a ball, everything is right with the world