info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Vesper?

A small country focused on tradition and the arts

location_on Points of interest
Bordering countries

deck Culture
Currency - What currency is used in Vesper?


Sports - What sports are popular in Vesper?

Um, they don't do sports smh

Laws - What are the major laws in Vesper?

10 Commandments plus thou shalt have talent or thou shalt be shunned

Population - What is the population of Vesper?


Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

-Royal Family (note: sons of the king are referred to as Princes of Blood), "Imperial Majesty/Highness."
-Grand Dukes (Princes with blood ties to the royal family). "Imperial Highness"
-Prince "Your serenity"
-Count "Your grace"
-Baron "The well born"
-Landed Gentry "Your well birth"
-Vesperian Knights "Your strength"
-Everyone else.

Music - What kinds of music are popular in Vesper?

-All kinds, but mostly stirring ballads.

Education - How important is education in Vesper?

-Important if you're rich!

terrain Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Vesper?


Area - How big is Vesper?

medium sized

Crops - What crops does Vesper import or export?

They don't really export a whole lot of crops, they get most of that from Davenport

date_range History
Established year - When was Vesper founded?

Only about 100 years old

Notable wars - What notable wars has Vesper participated in?

In a war w/ Davenport

Founding story - How was Vesper founded?

Vesper was once apart of Davenport, but broke off about a hundred years ago. They have their own unique traditions, and are much more vibrant.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Bordering countries link linked Vesper

Town chevron_right Country link linked Vesper

This country was created by Lucille Davis on

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