assignment Overview
Name - What is The Sword of Vespers’s full name?

The Sword of Vespers

Item Type - What type of item is The Sword of Vespers?


Description - Describe The Sword of Vespers.

A longsword that can be transformed into a whip, and disguised as an ordinary object.

color_lens Looks
Materials - What is The Sword of Vespers made out of?

-Iron blade
-Handle is polished birch, wrapped in kid leather.
-Ruby in the hilt.
-The core that runs through it and connects the segments is "battle energy." Basically, it's fueled by negative emotions.

Weight - How much does The Sword of Vespers weigh?


book History
fitness_center Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Sword of Vespers possess?

-The user can telepathically turn it from a sword to a whip and back again.
-The sword splits into small segments, and the energy rope can be extended up to 50 feet long or 2 feet short.
-When in whip mode, the segments are poisonous, and can melt armor on contact (think acid).
-Whip mode is explicitly powered by the rage and bitterness of its user. If there's not enough, it will just go back to being a regular sword.
-The energy rope itself is white-hot and will burn anything it touches.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This item was created by Lucille Davis on

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