info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

Central City

Description - How would you describe Central City?

Central City is the official capital of the Kingdom of Hyrule and a center of commerce and culture between all the races.

Other names - What other names is Central City known by?

The City of Hyrule

face Culture
Politics - What are the politics like in Central City?

There is great disparity between the average denizen and the nobility, with the nobility controlling almost every aspect of government within the city and even the kingdom.

There are two general schools of thought within the kingdom, Traditionalism and Progressivism. Traditionalist believe that Hyrule should adhere to the laws of old before the Calamity, whereas Progressivists are of the belief that Hyrule law should change to reflect the social structure of the newest generation. Progressivists advocate for a merit-based society where one can move past one's station of birth, and to achieve such a goal, education should be a public right and all women should have equal property rights to men.

Laws - What are the major laws in Central City?

Vagrancy is a crime punishable of up to a year in prison, with a minimum of a 500R fine.

Street prostitution is criminalized, but brothels are legal as long as they stay in specific zones of the city. Denizens who happen to live in these zones pay significantly less property taxes than everyone else.

All home and business expansions require a permit.

Assaulting a mail carrier is a felony that is punishable of up to 10 years in prison.

People found to have lived in the city for more than 100 days who are not citizens and do not have proper permits allowing them to stay for purposes of family, study, or business reasons can be deported from the city.

Sports - What sports are popular in Central City?

Competitive drinking, competitive archery, wrestling

timeline History
Established year - When was Central City founded?

Fara 001 E.C.

Founding story - How was Central City founded?

After the castle was rebuilt, the city was built a few months afterwards by the Bolson Construction Company.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
folder_open Places of Interest

The Ice Emporium: a one stop shop for ice for households and businesses alike; most popular products are icebox slates

Municipal buildings

Hyrule Castle

Court houses

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Central City?

Prison island

Shopping areas

Market Square: the main square where vendors are allowed to set up stalls to hawk their wares

Recreational areas

Hyrule Forest Park

Places to eat

Palm Street: a street famous for being a popular location for restaurants and taverns

folder_open Misc. Info
Population size

20,000 Hylians, 100 Rito, 300 Gerudo, 150 Goron, 50 Zora


The very center of Hyrule, hence it's name, at the very north of Hyrule Field and south of Hyrule Castle and the Great Hyrule Forest.


Rupees (R)


Temperate climate with four distinct seasons, warm summers and cold winters, average precipitation is 25 inches per year. The fall season is very windy and the summer is prone to thunderstorms.

autorenew Sustainability
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