info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?

The Kingdom of Hyrule

Other names - What other names is The Kingdom of Hyrule known by?

Hyrule, The Hylian Kingdom

Description - How would you describe The Kingdom of Hyrule?

The ruling country of the land of Hyrule, it's influence extends well beyond it's capital city limits. While mainly populated by Hylians, it contains large swaths of every single race who are all trying to prosper under the new era of peace.

face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in The Kingdom of Hyrule?

All peoples pay taxes that are weighed to income, and income is determined by property, and property is defined as any land and assets that one owns. The more property owned, the higher the tax rate. The lowest taxes are around 5,000R and the the highest are 5 millionR.

Citizenry to the kingdom is determined by the status of the mother. If the mother of a child born within the kingdom is a full citizen, then the child will also be a full citizen. If the the mother is foreign, the child too is foreign. However, foreign children can petition to become "slight" citizens if they are claimed by a father that is a full citizen. Mothers who are already slight citizens have children who are slight citizens, regardless of father's status.

Population - What is the population of The Kingdom of Hyrule?

50,000 Hylians, 200 Rito, 500 Gerudo, 150 Goron, 50 Zora

Currency - What currency is used in The Kingdom of Hyrule?

Rupees (R)

terrain Geography
Area - How big is The Kingdom of Hyrule?

The kingdom contains all of Central Hyrule, Akkala, Necluda, and part of Faron, and is divided into 10 districts.

The 1st District contains the exact center of Hyrule Plains from the limit of Central City to all of Lake Hylia.

The 2nd District includes the right section of Hyrule Plains from the Hyrule Forest park, to West Necluda from the southern Dueling Peak Mountain.

The 3rd District contains the left section of Hyrule Plains from the old Castle Town Prison Island to the Great Plateau.

The 4th District is the entirety of East Necluda.

The 5th District is from Crenel Hills to all of West Necluda from the northern Dueling Peak Mountain.

The 6th District is South Akkala from the tip of Lake Akkala to the border of Lanayru.

The 7th District is North Akkala from Ulri Mountain to Skull Lake and Lomel Labyrinth Island.

The 8th District includes The Hyrule Ridge lands from Lake Illumeni to the Rowan Plains and the Forgotten Temple.

The 9th District contains three separate areas in Faron, from Cape Celes to Lurelin Village and Cape Cresia, the area surrounding the Lakeside Stable including the area south of Floria Bridge, and the area surrounding the Highland Stable including Haran Lake, Fural Plain, and Parache Plains.

The 10th and final district includes a large chunk of land from Satori Mountain, all the way to the Great Hyrule Forest.

Crops - What crops does The Kingdom of Hyrule import or export?

Game: venison, pork, beef, poultry, porgy, bass, trout, carp, snapper, crabs, lobster, octopus, eel, shellfish, snail, frog, lizard

Crops: Hylian rice, wheat, oats, Hylian herb, silent princess, sage, armoranth, dandelions, ginger, blue nightshade, apples, pears, grapes, cherries, plums, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, squash, radishes, cucumber, beans, onions, celery, garlic, truffles

Other: wool, pelts, leather, wood, wine

Climate - What is the climate like in The Kingdom of Hyrule?

Temperate climate with four distinct seasons, mild summers and harsh winters, average precipitation is 25 in per year. The fall season is very windy with Central Hyrule being prone to thunderstorms that roll in from the west.

Lurelin Village, since it's located in the Faron Region, has hot and humid summers and mild winters, average precipitation is 50 inches a year.

timeline History
Notable wars - What notable wars has The Kingdom of Hyrule participated in?

The war against Calamity Ganon is it's most notable war, which began 10,000 years ago with a decisive victory until he came back to nearly destroy Hyrule until his defeat 100 years later.

Established year - When was The Kingdom of Hyrule founded?

15 Autona 001 E.C., also known as Re-founding Day

Founding story - How was The Kingdom of Hyrule founded?

After Calalmity Ganon was defeated, Princess Zelda and Link spent a year gathering as much resources as possible to rebuild everything that was destroyed. After that year, Zelda officially reestablished the Kingdom of Hyrule after the castle had been rebuilt.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This country was created by Ammy M. on

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