info Overview
Name - What is Akkala’s full name?


Description - Describe Akkala.

A region in the northeast of Hyrule that is almost entirely undisturbed nature, and a popular place for wine-makers and people who hate other people.

Type - What type of location is Akkala?


face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Akkala?

Rupees (R)

Spoken Languages

Population - What is Akkala’s population?

About 100 people, mostly Hylians

Laws - What are the laws in Akkala?

Although Akkala is under Hyrulean law, hardly anyone lives there, so it's not uncommon for the law to go unenforced.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Akkala in?

The region of Akkala is low-lying plain with a few mountains here and there.

Climate - What is the climate like in Akkala?

Warm, rainy weather, hot and humid summers prone to severe thunderstorms and mild winters, 40 inches of precipitation per year

Located at - Where is Akkala located?

The northwest corner of the map, sandwiched between the Akkala Sea and Death Mountain.

Crops - What crops does Akkala produce?

Crops: wheat, radishes, mushrooms, grapes, cherries, olives, peaches, cork

Game: boar, deer, wolf

Products: wine, skins, pelts

book History
Founding Story - How was Akkala founded?

Akkala was originally used as Hyrule's last line of defense against threats and is home to the Akkala Citadel. During the Calamity, the citadel fell, and Akkala was depopulated for safety. It was also used as the secret home base for the escaping Honorable 24 nobility, and has sense been converted into the land of wine-makers, wealthy vacationers, and loners.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Akkala been involved in?

The Battle for the Citadel and the Hylian Knights last stand against the Calamity Ganon-controlled Guardians

Established Year - When was Akkala established?

Sometime after the Great Flood

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Akkala

Country chevron_right Locations link linked Akkala

Flora chevron_right Locations link linked Akkala

Group chevron_right Locations link linked Akkala

Scene chevron_right Locations in scene link linked Akkala

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