info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Stable Association?

The Stable Association

Other names - What other names is The Stable Association known by?

The S.A.

Description - How would you describe the The Stable Association group?

The organization that runs all the stables in Hyrule.

call_split Hierarchy
Organization structure

The organization isn't owned by any one person; it is a coalition of stable-runners and horse enthusiasts who just want to help travelers and their horses get from place to place safely and comfortably. Every stable master has a share in the organization, and they all pool money together to help keep it running as if it were it's own miniature country.

That being said, every stable must have at least a stable master, a horse handler, and someone who can give directions to travelers.

Within the organization, there are workers that help keep it running and are paid a wage, and these include secretaries, money-handlers, inspectors, suppliers, and rotating stable hands who are ready and willing to be deployed to a stable at a moments notice, because although many stables are run by families who employ their own, this isn't always the case.

The is a central board that helps keep things running smoothly, and consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary. They each oversee the association, and are in charge of collecting dues, paying bills, making sure that supplies are distributed, etc. The central board is elected by the stable owners for a 2-year term limit. Only voting stable owners who have been running a stable for a minimum of 5 years and have never missed a due payment eligible to be a central board member.

A meeting is held every quarter for members to share ideas, talk about issues, be brought to speed on current events, and to vote on policy. Only those who are listed as an owner. i.e., those who pay membership dues, are allowed to vote; hands, secretaries, office workers, cleaners, etc. are not allowed to vote as they do not pay dues to stay with the association.

business Purpose
Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of The Stable Association?

In order to join the S.A. and set up a stable, one has to be able to pay a 10,000R up-front membership fee, and dues of 5,500R every 60 days to keep your stable certified. You are also subject to inspection twice a year, and if you're not up to code more than twice in a row, or more than three times over all, your stable will be kicked out of the S.A.

Goals - What is the primary goal of The Stable Association?

The main goal of the S.A. is to make traveling safer, faster, and more comfortable for travelers and their horses/donkeys.

Motivations - What motivates The Stable Association?

The organization is run by people who are passionate about horses and traveling, so they are motivated by their shared interest. There is money to be made in owning a stable, but it's hard, constant work (like farming without the seasonal break), and you have to be able to pay dues to the S.A.

Risks - What risks are on the line for The Stable Association?

Lightning storms, fire, harsh weather, bandits, slavers, thieves, and ornery customers are among the risks of working for a stable. High turnover is also a risk for the organization itself being that it's very difficult, and often thankless, work.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does The Stable Association keep in inventory?

The S.A. is always ready to supply starting and established stables with the latest equipment to help their clients, such as building materials, furniture, cooking pots, saddles and bridles, horse feeder, food, etc. for little to no cost as long as one keeps up with their dues.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Besides their fees and dues, the S.A. also regularly petitions governments for funding, and they ask for donations from civilians.


This group was created by Ammy M. on

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