info Overview
Name - What's the name of this landmark?

Spring of Power

Other names - What other names is Spring of Power known by?

Dinraal's Spring

Description - How would you describe Spring of Power?

The Spring of Power is a sacred spring that is dedicated to the Goddess and is found in the Ordorac Quarry in Akkala.

location_on Whereabouts
face Appearance
local_florist Ecosystem
timeline History
Creation story - How did Spring of Power originally form?

The spring was originally created and dedicated to Din, the Goddess of Power as a place of worship, but has since been re-dedicated to Hylia. It's a popular place of pilgrimage for both the devout and the adventurer.

Established year - When did Spring of Power originate?

Sometime before 10,000 E.A.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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