info Overview
Name - What is the name of R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion?

R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion

Other names - What other names is R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion known by?

Fire Squad, firemen

Description - How would you describe the R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion group?

A special unit within the Reserves that was created to fight fires within the kingdom.

call_split Hierarchy

Organization structure

The Fire Squad consists of 5 brigades of 30-75 men, with each brigade separated into 5 squads, 5-15 men each. There's a Reserve Officer for each brigade, and a Reserve Sergeant for each squad. One brigade is local, while the rest are deployed or stationed throughout the kingdom as needed.

list Members
business Purpose
Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion?

Like with the rest of the Reserves, lack of funding is the number one obstacle (and killer) for those who are placed in this line of work. There's not enough equipment to go around, so everything must be shared, almost no protective gear, and most of those enlisted barely get any training before they're sent into the field.

Goals - What is the primary goal of R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion?

The main purpose of the Fire Squad is to protect civilians and property from fires by fighting fires and rescuing people. They also inspect new buildings to make sure that they are up to standard for fire safety, as well as investigate the aftermath of a fire.

Motivations - What motivates R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion?

To be chosen for the Fire Squad, one must pass the physical fitness exam with a high mark, pass the eye exam perfectly or near perfectly, and demonstrate competency in following instructions. It's a high demand job that pays the best out of every available job in the Reserves, and it has a decent benefits package, including free medical coverage and on the job death/permanent injury benefits for families.

Risks - What risks are on the line for R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion?

While the job sounds beneficial on paper, in reality, it's an extremely dangerous job that has a high turnover rate (as high as 25%) due to death and injury, especially for the local Central City brigade. Burn injuries, smoke inhalation, collapsing buildings, and even drowning are some of the few hazards that the Fire Squad risks every day on the job.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does R.H.A Reserves Fire Battalion keep in inventory?

Unlike the rest of the Reserves, their firefighting clothing is all leather, consisting of a tunic, trousers, gloves, thicker boots, a helmet to protect the head from fire and falling debris, and a face mask to protect from smoke.

Two to five members, depending on the size of the squad, carry axes.

The equipment is all recycled, so if there aren't enough to go around, you are S.O.L. It's not uncommon for newer members to be wearing as little as half to all of the normal Reserve gear, and the fire gear that they do own are oftentimes ill-fitting.

The pin that they wear on their uniforms when not fighting fires is shaped like a flame.

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