info Overview
Name - What is Samwell Elwin’s full name?

Samwell Elwin

Other names - What other aliases does Samwell Elwin go by?




Sergeant Elwin

Role - What is Samwell Elwin’s role in your story?

Bokoba's lover, baby-daddy, and eventual husband who grew up and used to work at the Gerudo Canyon Stable with his family. Later becomes a Reserve Sergeant in the Fire Battalion.

Gender - What is Samwell Elwin’s gender?


Age - How old is Samwell Elwin?

16 when first met

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samwell Elwin have?

Chipped left front tooth

Hair Style - How does Samwell Elwin style their hair?

Short and straight with two braided sideburns down to his chin

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Samwell Elwin have?


Eye Color - What is Samwell Elwin’s eye color?


Race - What is Samwell Elwin’s race?


Skin Tone

Slightly tanned

Body Type

Chubby when younger, now fit and lean

Weight - How much does Samwell Elwin weigh?

170 pounds

Height - How tall is Samwell Elwin?


Hair Color - What color is Samwell Elwin’s hair?

Light brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Samwell Elwin have?


Talents - What talents does Samwell Elwin have?

Good with a bow, and has strong arms and legs that are capable of lifting his share in weight

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samwell Elwin have?

Studying the Gerudo language to become fluent

Personality type - What personality type is Samwell Elwin?

Gentle, sweet, and kind, albeit a bit of a doormat

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samwell Elwin have?

Samwell is a a well-mannered young man who highly values responsibility. He was a bit self-conscious of his weight when he was a teen and has carried a bit of that self-consciousness to adulthood, but is an otherwise even-tempered and gentle person. He's got the accent and education of a backwater hick, but he's quite knowledgeable about the Gerudo and can even speak some of their language due to working so closely with them. Despite being raised by his racist and misogynist father, he is very sensitive to women, especially Gerudo women.

Motivations - What motivates Samwell Elwin most?

After he abandoned Bokoba when he found out that she was pregnant, Samwell became primarily motivated by responsibility.

Flaws - What flaws does Samwell Elwin have?

When he was younger, Samwell was self-conscious, lazy, and a bit cowardly. Although he mostly grew out of this, as he's still ignorant about the world outside of the stable, and his gentle nature causes him to constantly get shoved around.

He spoils his daughters rotten because he can't bare to discipline them, much to the distress and annoyance of his wife.

He suffers from chronic priapism due to his love of Gerudo mushrooms, which act as an erectile aid to men.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Samwell Elwin’s occupation?

Stable hand

Reserves enlistedman

Ax man for the Reserves Fire Battalion, Ostrich Squad

Reserves Sergeant for the Reserves Fire Battalion, Salamander Squad

Favorite color - What is Samwell Elwin’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Samwell Elwin’s favorite food?

Mushroom risotto

Favorite possession - What is Samwell Elwin’s favorite possession?

A golden bow that he received as a gift

Favorite weapon - What is Samwell Elwin’s favorite weapon?

Bow and ax

Favorite animal - What is Samwell Elwin’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Samwell Elwin practice?

Hylianism, although he's learning more about Divinism through his wife's family

Politics - What politics does Samwell Elwin have?

Progressivism with a strong focus on citizens' rights for Gerudo

info History
Background - What is Samwell Elwin’s background?

Samwell was born to Ellis Elwin and his father's mistress-turned-second-wife, Glinda. He lived in the Gerudo Canyon Stable for the first 18 years of his life alongside his older half-sister and her two children. He was spoiled by his racist and misogynist father and his mother at the expense of his sister, but she managed to prevent him from turning out exactly like their father. At 16, Sam met Bokoba and started a relationship over the summer. By the end of the summer, he had gotten her pregnant, and in fear of incurring his father's wrath, turned Bokoba away. The guilt that he felt caused him to eventually take responsibility for what he'd done, and with the help of his sister, he managed to turn his life around and win back the mother of his child at 18.

At 19, he accidentally caused his father to have a massive heart attack that killed him when Ellis found out that Sam was going to turn the stable over to Lily in gratitude for all that she'd done for him. Soon after that, he and Bokoba moved to Central City and got married, and he joined the Reserves after failing the R.H.A.'s literacy test. His high scores in everything else qualified him to go into the Fire Battalion, and after saving his squad leader's life, he was given an opportunity to become a squad leader himself on the condition that his wife sleep with his commanding officer, which she did willingly. He was such a good
leader that his squad never lost a single man.

He died at the age of 32 along with his wife when their house caught fire as a direct result of Goddess Din possessing Dinah and attempting to destroy Hyrule.

Education - What is Samwell Elwin’s level of education?

Taught basic reading, writing, and limited math skills from family, self-taught in Gerudo, received a more comprehensive education from the Reserves

Birthday - When is Samwell Elwin’s birthday?

13 Autona 10 E.C.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Samwell Elwin have?

Pippin the Hylian retriever, five Hightail lizards named Lizzy, Beard, Speedy, Sleeper, and Awol, and a Hearty lizard named Boss

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Samwell was a pudgy teen when Bokoba first met him, but after 2 years of back-breaking labor on a farm, he became swole as fuck by the time she saw him again.

folder_open Apparel
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folder_open Wealth
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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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