info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?


Description - How would you describe Icebox?

A kind of proto-refrigerator/cooler that is considered a luxury that only the wealthiest of people can afford.

build Production
Materials - What materials is Icebox made with?

Metal and/or wood, cork

Cost - How much does Icebox cost?

The base cost of an ice box is around 25,000R, while the ice sheets that are used to maintain it can cost up to 300R per pound.

Sales Process - How is Icebox sold?

The finished products are usually shipped to specialty shops in Central City where they can be ordered in person or via catalog and then installed in your home or workplace by professionals.

Manufacturing Process - How is Icebox produced and manufactured?

Iceboxes are produced on demand in workshops that have sprung up in vineyards due to the main material of the device being cork. The boxes are made and finished entirely by hand.

speaker_phone Use
How It Works - How does Icebox work?

The icebox is often a layered, metal or wooden box lined with cork that can be filled with ice to act as a cooler to preserve food. It can keep food cold for up to 3 days on one packing of ice, and It is usually connected to a building's water system so that water drains away when the ice inevitably melts.

Resources Used - What resources does Icebox use?


Purpose - What is Icebox used for?

Iceboxes are used mainly to preserve food and drinks, and keep them cold. They are also used to preserve the ice needed for the box itself for easier transport. In fact, this was what it was originally invented for, and it's commercial use was just a happy accident.

sd_card Appearance
Size - How big is Icebox on average?

The smallest iceboxes can fit up to 5 pounds of food, and require three 10-pound ice slates. The largest are industrial and can fit thousands of pounds of food and consume vast quantities of ice per day.

Colors - What colors are Icebox usually?

Usually oak-colored, although they can be customized with different colored woods, dyes, and metals.

Physical Description - What does Icebox look like?

An icebox generally looks like a wooden, or sometimes metal, chest that is lined with cork. The chest can come in various sizes, shapes, and ornamentation, and can be opened from the top or the sides, depending on the size and kind.

Weight - How much does Icebox weigh on average?

The smallest weight about 10 pounds without food, and the largest can weight a ton.

history Changelog
edit Notes

While the icebox itself is expensive, the bulk of the cost is in the ice. There are only three places in the world that sells ice, and it is an expensive commodity due to its difficulty to transport. The ice is cut into slates that are to be inserted into the icebox, and a single slate can cost well over 5,000R.

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