info Overview
Name - What is Divinism's name?


Other names - What other names is Divinism known by?


Description - How is Divinism usually described?

The worship of the original three Golden Goddesses, as well as Hylia as the Goddess of Time.

import_contacts History
Origin story - How did Divinism first come into existence?

In the beginning, when the world was nothing but darkness, the Golden Goddesses appeared and decided to create the world. Din, the Goddess of Power created the land, Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom, created the seas, and Farore, Goddess of Courage, created the winds and the creatures of the land. When they were finished, they left the world and the Triforce in their wake.

forum Beliefs
Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Divinism?

Followers of Divinism are obligated to give thanks to the Divine for their blessings, and then use their blessings to help bring the world to balance.

Vision of paradise - What does the Divinism vision of paradise look like?

To be in balance is true paradise. One who is in perfect balance truly understands the world and therefore transcends suffering, because to suffer is to not be in perfect balance.

Teachings - What values does Divinism teach?

Divinism teaches the value of balance between the three core values of power, wisdom, and courage. For example, one can be considered powerful, but without the wisdom to know when to use such power, or the courage to act when necessary, the person has done nothing to use their power to it's full potential. Power without wisdom and courage is oppression, wisdom without power and courage is vanity, and courage without the others is recklessness.

It also teaches that because our time in the mortal plane is harsh and short, one must not only dedicate their lives to finding balance, but using whatever talents that were blessed to them by the Divine to help their fellows prosper.

Prophecies - What prophecies does Divinism teach?

It is prophesied that one day, a cataclysmic event will befall the land and destroy so that it will be reborn in perfect balance. This event is known as the Great Revival. It's been assumed that Ganon will be the one to eventually cause this event, but so far he's failed.

Places of worship - Where does Divinism worship happen?

The Temple of Time used to be a place of worship, but after it was destroyed by Calamity Ganon, it's no longer used. Instead, Diviners who still exist mainly worship in their own homes.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with Divinism?

Services all begin and end in prayer thanking the Divine for their blessings, and asking for help to find balance wthin themselves and the world. How one prays depends on the culture. For example, an ancient Gerudo prayed to their patron Goddess Din in the nude while burning incense and chanting. Hylian Diviners prayed by sacrificing offerings, while the Zora offered their prayers to their patron lesser deity in hopes that it would gain the favor of the Divine on their behalf.

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the Divinism initiation process entail?

All one needs to do to be allowed into the religion is to believe in the strength and mercy of the Divine, and to promise to devote their time to bringing their lives and the lives of everyone around them to balance.

Holidays - What are the Divinism holidays?

There are currently no surviving holidays, although the Hylian holiday of the Day of Peace borrows heavily from an ancient Divinist holiday.

Rituals - What rituals are common with Divinism?

Most rituals were lost, but Ganon is still known to pray the ancient prayers and burn incense in the Divine's honor.

location_on Spread
Practicing locations

Practicing races

history Changelog
edit Notes
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