Goddess of Wisdom
The second Golden Goddess who helped to create the world and was lost from the hearts of mortals, Nayru is quiet and wise, speaking only when necessary to spout wisdom or to admonish Her Sisters. Being the Goddess of Wisdom, she is the most levelheaded and neutral of Her Sisters, and is hardly moved by emotional judgment. The only thing that She is moved by is the empathy that mortals tend to show for each other, and will shed glistening tears of happiness for an act that She deems particularly loving.
Nayru takes the form of an old woman who is covered from head to toe in a robe, showing only Her face, a few tufts of hair, and her right hand. She has pale, blue-tinted skin, clouded blue eyes to indicate blindness, blue hair, and the Mark of Wisdom on Her forehead.
Nayru is symbolized by wisdom and the law of mortalkind, as well as the Mark of Wisdom that can be found at the Spring of Wisdom and the Zora Kingdom.
Water and ice
Holds sway over water, ice, peace, (selfless) love, patience, family, rationality, equity, law, and the old
She is very rigid, following only absolute truths, and therefore is not moved by attempts to sway Her using subjective passion. This causes her to seem cold and unforgiving, like the ocean.
Physically weakened by nature.
Does not interact with mortalkind, and leaves her influence in the hands of her champion, Princess Zelda.
Although She is hardly prayed to, all prayers for wisdom come to her.
Nayru helped to create the world by cooling the earth Din forged with the waters of the oceans, rivers and lakes. She also gave knowledge and law to mortalkind. Nayru has Her champion in the Princesses Zelda, and with her has tried to create an age where mortalkind flourishes because of her wisdom in each era.
The creation of the world
The middle sister of the Golden Goddesses