info Overview
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edit Notes
folder_open Lifespan
Age of majority

50 years old

Gestation period

1-5 years

Average lifespan

300 years

folder_open Reproduction
Type of birth

The Zora lay eggs that are soft and white, and then turn hard, almost glass-like, and dark blue. The eggs are fertilized externally and require the pure water of the Spring of Rebirth in order to grow. Without the water, the egg will die.

Ideal mate/Standard of beauty

Zora males with prominent head fins and tails and are very confident, and Zora woman with color variation and are more demure are considered the idealistic standard.


Zoras have penises and vaginas, but they're much different than many are used to.

The Zora penis is located inside what is known as the 'genital pouch', a pouch of thinner skin that produces a slimy lubricant that can allow for penetration in water. It grows to conform to the shape of whatever it is placed inside, and can grow to be 20% of a Zora's body size.

The Zora vagina is 10 times the size and diameter of the average Hylian vagina, and the birth canal is lined with rings of clitoral-like bumps (known as 'pearls') that can be stimulated for pleasure. The size of the vagina and increased erogenous zones are to help compensate for the fact that Zora eggs are very large, and their hips do not separate to help ease the birth like a Hylian, Gerudo, or Goron's.

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This race was created by Ammy M. on

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