info Overview
Name - What is Mylla Zorafa’s full name?

Mylla Zorafa

Other names - What other aliases does Mylla Zorafa go by?

  • Mylly (Lyra's nickname for her)

  • Mylla Dragmire, when married

Role - What is Mylla Zorafa’s role in your story?

Lyra's Zora wife

Gender - What is Mylla Zorafa’s gender?


Age - How old is Mylla Zorafa?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mylla Zorafa have?

Her legs are gnarled and twisted inward

Curved spine

Hair Style - How does Mylla Zorafa style their hair?

Wears a colorful seashell crown on her head

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mylla Zorafa have?


Eye Color - What is Mylla Zorafa’s eye color?


Race - What is Mylla Zorafa’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

All white scales

Body Type

Has wider hips than the average Zora female

Weight - How much does Mylla Zorafa weigh?

160 pounds

Height - How tall is Mylla Zorafa?


Hair Color - What color is Mylla Zorafa’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Mylla Zorafa have?

Suspicious of people who try to befriend her due to past incidences of people hanging around her to make fun of her, or make themselves feel good about being seen with her

Talents - What talents does Mylla Zorafa have?

She nearly perfected getting around the kingdom in spite of her disability

A seamstress in the making; made her skirt, her seashell crown, and Lyra's Zora armor leotard

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mylla Zorafa have?

Likes to make clothes despite the fact that Zora don't wear clothing

Personality type - What personality type is Mylla Zorafa?

Mylla grew up self-conscious and lonely due to her physical disability, but she refused to allow it to stop her from living her life. She's quiet and withdrawn in public, but in reality she's headstrong and determined to show everyone that she's not a lost cause. Mylla keeps her head up in face of trouble, and is capable of more than people give her credit for.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mylla Zorafa have?

Unlike the rest of the Zora, she wears an ankle-length skirt to hide her legs while in public

Uses her cane to point to things for emphasis

Prefers to use her wheelchair like a walker, sitting only to rest in between spurts

Subconsciously rubs her legs while sitting

Motivations - What motivates Mylla Zorafa most?

Mylla wants nothing more than to show people that she is capable of living a normal life.

Flaws - What flaws does Mylla Zorafa have?

Can't swim due to her disability

Finds it difficult to walk for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time

Under-compensates for her disability in an effort to prove that she can help herself

Guarded around strangers

groups Social
Occupation - What is Mylla Zorafa’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Mylla Zorafa’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Mylla Zorafa’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Mylla Zorafa’s favorite possession?

The necklace that Lyra made for her with mismatched and misshapen pearls

Favorite weapon - What is Mylla Zorafa’s favorite weapon?

Her steel cane

Favorite animal - What is Mylla Zorafa’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

Religion - What religion does Mylla Zorafa practice?


Politics - What politics does Mylla Zorafa have?


info History
Background - What is Mylla Zorafa’s background?

Mylla was born due to incest between her mother and grandfather. As a result, she was born albino with a degenerative birth defect that twisted the bones in her legs and spine, making walking painful and swimming nearly impossible. For most of her life, she had no idea about what her grandfather did to her mother, and only knew Captain Del to be her true father.

Mylla grew up with an overbearing and neurotic mother who was convinced that she needed to stay home to be kept safe. Fortunately for her, her father was more levelheaded and helped her mother understand that she needed to live her life as she got older. She did not have many friends growing up, and she was forced to stay inside for the majority of her early childhood despite her father's best efforts. She got into clothes-making to stave off the boredom, which her mother actively encouraged, if only as an excuse to keep her inside.

When Mylla came of age at 50, she started to assert her independence. Even though she wasn't able to work, she refused to be kept at home. She started to fantasize about finding a spouse, and used to sit by Mipha's fountain in the hopes that she would find true love. All of her dreams came true when she met Lyra after spying on her singing at Ruto Lake, and her life changed forever.

Now, she's Lyra's loving and supportive wife who dutifully takes care of their seven Zora children and two Gerudo children. Although she's supportive, she runs her house like a drill captain, and refuses to take any of Lyra's shit.

Education - What is Mylla Zorafa’s level of education?

Educated by parents

Birthday - When is Mylla Zorafa’s birthday?

4 Nayra 30 E.A. in the Hylian calendar

120 Levithia 17079 A.F. in the Zora calendar

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history Changelog
edit Notes

One of Mylla's biggest pet peeves is people who treat her like she's something to be pitied. people fall over themselves to try to help her, but then get upset when she doesn't act like the fragile little flower that they think she's supposed to be. She's constantly being accused of not "acting more humble" or being appreciative around people who don't actually care about her, and she refuses to allow people to get away with it.

The same people who try to "help" her when she doesn't need it are the same people who will physically move her out of the way while she's sitting instead of asking her to move or point and whisper about her behind her back.

Because of this, Mylla doesn't like to ask for help from strangers at all, even when she truly needs it.

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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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