info Overview
Name - What's the name of this landmark?

Mt. Lanayru

Description - How would you describe Mt. Lanayru?

A sacred mountain that has been used in spiritual rituals for generations. The highest point in Lanayru and the second highest point in Hyrule, the Spring of Wisdom is located on it's peak.

face Appearance
local_florist Ecosystem
timeline History
Creation story - How did Mt. Lanayru originally form?

The mountain was established as a sacred place by the Hylian Royal Family sometime after the Great Flood. Since then, every Royal Princess has journeyed to the mountain's peak for a spiritual coming-of-age ceremony in hopes to unlock their divine sealing power

Established year - When did Mt. Lanayru originate?

Sometime before 10,000 E.A.

history Changelog
edit Notes

No one is allowed to climb to the peak unless they are of majority age.

Country chevron_right Landmarks link linked Mt. Lanayru

This landmark was created by Ammy M. on

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