info Overview
Name - What is Paprika Dragmire’s full name?

Paprika Dragmire

Other names - What other aliases does Paprika Dragmire go by?

The Twins (with Seras)


Spiced Lightning

Role - What is Paprika Dragmire’s role in your story?

Ganon and Conarith's fifth child and the youngest of the Dragmire Quints.

Gender - What is Paprika Dragmire’s gender?

Non-binary female

Age - How old is Paprika Dragmire?

Age varies throughout the story

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Paprika Dragmire have?

Rounded ears

Hair Style - How does Paprika Dragmire style their hair?

Large afro dotted with wild flowers

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Paprika Dragmire have?


Eye Color - What is Paprika Dragmire’s eye color?


Race - What is Paprika Dragmire’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type

Lean and muscular

Weight - How much does Paprika Dragmire weigh?

200 pounds

Height - How tall is Paprika Dragmire?


Hair Color - What color is Paprika Dragmire’s hair?

Naturally crimson red, dyed blonde

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Paprika Dragmire have?

None; she's odd, but unbiased.

Hates shoes and goes barefoot as often as she can.

Talents - What talents does Paprika Dragmire have?

Considered one of the most detailed professional photographers of the world, her photographs are one of the few ways she can get across her strange way of thinking.

She has an inexplicable affinity to animals and always seems to know exactly what they're thinking.

Like Seras, she is the most talented of her sisters with Soul Magic, especially when paired with Seras, and knows how to utilize the "fight screen" almost as well as her mother.

She's also a champion sand seal racer who almost always comes in first place.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Paprika Dragmire have?


Personality type - What personality type is Paprika Dragmire?

An oddity who lives only according to what makes sense for her.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Paprika Dragmire have?

The best way to describe Paprika is "cloudcuckoolander". She is very much an oddball and lives on her own wavelength, but she is a naturally happy person. They way she comes off make others think that she's stupid, but she just has a different way of arriving to conclusions than everyone else. She is often in her own world and is prone to spacing out, but she has an eye for details that others might not notice, and she's surprisingly a good listener and advice-giver if one takes the time to understand her. She loves animals and is an on-again, off-again vegetarian who will only eat meat from a butcher that she knows acquires their meat ethically, and she identifies as "beyond the constrains of gender".

Because she's so spacey, she forgets to take care of herself and needs Seras to bring her back down to reality.

The reason for all of this is because she almost literally lives in her own head: she converted the "fight screen" into her second home as an escape from the real world, and to help organize her thoughts.

Motivations - What motivates Paprika Dragmire most?

She works on her own set of rules and value system.

Flaws - What flaws does Paprika Dragmire have?

Her strange mannerisms make her off-putting to all but those most dedicated to getting to know her, and she doesn't care much for feelings that don't make sense to her.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Paprika Dragmire’s occupation?

Champion sand seal racer

Favorite color - What is Paprika Dragmire’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Paprika Dragmire’s favorite food?

Loves to put Goron spice on everything, but her favorite dish is fragrant sunshroom and spicy pepper sauté

Favorite possession - What is Paprika Dragmire’s favorite possession?

Her camera

Favorite weapon - What is Paprika Dragmire’s favorite weapon?

The 'fight screen'

Favorite animal - What is Paprika Dragmire’s favorite animal?

She loves all animals, although she has a special bond with sand seals.

Religion - What religion does Paprika Dragmire practice?

Divinism with Farore as her patron

Politics - What politics does Paprika Dragmire have?


info History
Background - What is Paprika Dragmire’s background?

Paprika has changed very little since when she was younger, although she has grown closer and closer to Seras at the expense of her relationships with everyone else.

At 9, Paprika discovered that she could live almost exclusively inside the 'fight screen'.

At 13, she was spotted along with Seras by Tali Odu to become a sand seal racer.

At 16, she took the racing world by storm and became the youngest person to ever become the Champion at their debut.

At 17, she and Seras left home to live in Gerudo Town and train full-time.

At 19, she became famous for her photography as the only who is trusted to take pictures inside of Gerudo Town.

She kept the championship until she lost her title for the first time at 21. She immediately won it back the following season, but it introduced her to her life-long rival, Illina Degrasse.

Education - What is Paprika Dragmire’s level of education?

Formally tutored, trained to race by her coach

Birthday - When is Paprika Dragmire’s birthday?

63 Fara 10 E.C.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Apparel
folder_open Speech
folder_open Other details
folder_open Wealth
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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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