info Overview
Name - What is Mozley Aldin’s full name?

Mozley Aldin

Other names - What other aliases does Mozley Aldin go by?


Role - What is Mozley Aldin’s role in your story?

Erin Aldin's younger brother.

Gender - What is Mozley Aldin’s gender?


Age - How old is Mozley Aldin?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mozley Aldin have?

Glasses with a knitted yarn frame

Very white teeth

Hair Style - How does Mozley Aldin style their hair?

Long, thick, and spiky

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mozley Aldin have?


Eye Color - What is Mozley Aldin’s eye color?


Race - What is Mozley Aldin’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type

Average for a 12 year old boy

Weight - How much does Mozley Aldin weigh?

102 pounds

Height - How tall is Mozley Aldin?


Hair Color - What color is Mozley Aldin’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Mozley Aldin have?

Is afraid of horses because he was almost stepped on by one, but is forced to get over it when he becomes a knave

Talents - What talents does Mozley Aldin have?

Is ambidextrous and double-jointed and very proud of this fact, so he shows this off whenever able

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mozley Aldin have?

Origami, but is not very good at it

Personality type - What personality type is Mozley Aldin?

Despite living poorly and on the streets for the better part of his young life, Moz is a mild-mannered and well-meaning boy who inherited his sister's work ethic. He's a bit shy, especially compared to his little brother, but he is kind and helpful. He tries to be the voice of reason for his brother, and a confidante to his sister.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mozley Aldin have?

Constantly has to adjust his "glasses" by retying them around his face

Eats his meals one side at a time

Likes to put his feet behind his head

Motivations - What motivates Mozley Aldin most?

Moz is just as determined to keep the family together as his older sister, and is willing to take odd jobs to make sure that they all eat.

Flaws - What flaws does Mozley Aldin have?

While he does try to curb his younger brother's enthusiasm for money schemes, Moz ends up going along with many of them because he thinks they're just as much fun and profitable as Ram does, which sometimes lands them in hot water.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Mozley Aldin’s occupation?

Worked at a publishing house as a floor-sweeper, eventually becomes Sir Reginald Chesterfield's knave

Favorite color - What is Mozley Aldin’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Mozley Aldin’s favorite food?

Salmon and spinach quiche

Favorite possession - What is Mozley Aldin’s favorite possession?

His mother's shark tooth necklace

Favorite weapon - What is Mozley Aldin’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Mozley Aldin’s favorite animal?

Sharks, but has never seen one

Languages spoken

Religion - What religion does Mozley Aldin practice?


Politics - What politics does Mozley Aldin have?

Unlike his sister, he keeps up with politics by reading the newspapers at the publishing house he works in, and is into Progressivism.

info History
Background - What is Mozley Aldin’s background?

Mozley ended up homeless with his siblings at the tender age of six years old after his father abandoned him and his mother died from stress-related illness. Despite the rigors of street-life, Moz has remained as optimistic as possible, and tried his best not to be a burden to his sister.

At eight years old, Moz got a job at a publishing house sweeping the scraps of paper that constantly fall on the floor during the cutting process for 25 rupees a day. Because of he was such a hard-worker, the publishers liked him and allowed him to take home any reading material that they were about to discard, and would sometimes share their lunches with him.

At 13, Moz managed to become a knave for Prince Rupert's knight. Normally, a knight would make his son his knave, but since Reginald has no children, he was willingly to take Mozley on at Link's request. As a knave, Moz continued to work hard, and eventually became Reginald's apprentice who then went on to become a Royal Guard. Unfortunately, he was killed in Din/Dinah's attack before he could become a knight.

Education - What is Mozley Aldin’s level of education?

Taught to read and write by his sister

Birthday - When is Mozley Aldin’s birthday?

38 Fara 18 E.C.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mozley Aldin have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Apparel
folder_open Speech
folder_open Other details

Would never hit a woman, especially not his spouse



Physical trauma

Was almost stepped on by a horse and sprained his ankle getting away

Morality & Philosophy

As a Progressivist, Mozley believes that society is unequal, and that the nobility shouldn't be coddled by society. He regularly takes Rupert to task over his views.

Mental Trauma

Feels responsible for his mother's death because he didn't do much to contribute to the household when she was alive

Failures & embarrassments

Accidentally knocked over a lantern and set fire to the stable where the knights keep their horses


Managed to become a knave despite being under-class and not related to a knight

folder_open Wealth
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Mozley Aldin

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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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