reaction if you found out you were adopted?
last post by Deleted user5
There's no way I'll ever finish this
last post by Deleted user5
How would you say this
last post by @hopelessromantic1
Whoa I wrote a chapter
last post by Deleted user3
How fast should a chase scene should go?
last post by @WhiteSoul12
How would you describe water?
last post by @childoftheuniverse16
Help I need name suggestions!
last post by Deleted user6
Post good desciptions for eyes/voice/hair/emotion/etc. here!
last post by @childoftheuniverse2
dialogue tags
last post by @FantaPop8
Help with a scene?
last post by @itskayhere4
Plot Making
last post by Mecanical Pencils8
Does anyone want to co-write with me?
last post by Corrinne7
Romantic Interests in a Story
last post by @HeliumBlaze11
pseudonyms, pen names, aliases, etc.
last post by Deleted user12
Opinions Please
last post by @Masterkey4
What's your family history?
last post by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city3
Is This Too Cringey?
last post by @Masterkey3
My Character Asha has Aspergers
last post by Deleted user11
Just some old writing, anyone wanna check it out?
last post by @Echellia group2
Does anyone read horoscopes?
last post by @FantaPop2
Old explosion methods
last post by @Masterkey3
Past tense or present tense?
last post by @nekh6
Whats a great story introduction?
last post by @Tarrant_Korrin3
Story outlining?
last post by @cami6
Does intertwining plot lines work...?
last post by @Masterkey9
Last Words?
last post by @Broken Princess7
Poison help?
last post by @Masterkey5
My Character - Help???
last post by @Masterkey4
Help with building up to a kiss...
last post by Mio3
I want my Fan Fiction and other stories to be different
last post by @Meandering Mutt3
last post by @Broken Princess3
last post by @Tyjo3
Dungeon Master Tips and tools
last post by @JordenMor3
Writing an Adult character.
last post by bitchwritemeariver3
How can I finish?
last post by Jewels3
I need opinions
last post by @Meandering Mutt3
what are some of your favourite tropes?
last post by @cami5
Thoughts on unrealistic monologues/characters who have self-awareness superpowers?
last post by @Masterkey5
Do you write your stories one at a time?
last post by Deleted user4
My antagonists kinda suck, but can it work for my story?
last post by Deleted user6
Starter prompts
last post by @eerrickson28@gmail.com7
dialogue vs description
last post by @Celia3
last post by @German_Boats5
How to write settings??
last post by @Masterkey4
Is there any way to add a ton of details to the start of a story without giving away too much?
last post by @Masterkey4
Creating Emotion Towards Characters
last post by @Masterkey5
last post by @the-forest-of-anix2
How do you use the "Scenes" feature?
last post by @Duksisdarker5