forum what are some of your favourite tropes?
Started by @cami

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  • enemies to lovers!! i don't particularly like romance (and i especially hate cliche, heterosexual romance) but i love the idea of enemies becoming begrudging allies becoming awkward friends becoming lovers if it's done well. even better if THERE IS NO ACTUAL ROMANCE. it's just implied. i like that. (i will forever be mad that katara did not get together with zuko because IT WAS ALL THERE.)

  • no man's land!! i love the idea of there being a physical space that's so dangerous only the stupid, desperate, or recklessly brave would dare to cross. think: the waste in this savage song, the forest in the a court of thorns and roses series, no man's land in wonder woman. THE WHOLE SCENE IN MOANA WHEN SHE FACES DOWN TE KA.

  • subverting metaphors!! taking something like light=good dark=bad and flipping it on its head. in a heartbeat actually does this really well, where light represents the exposure the character feels, and dark represents the safety he feels.

um there are so many more! what are some of your favourite writing or characters tropes? share share share!


I love it when a character gets captured and just has so many weapons. Like, the guard keeps on pulling out weapons from the weirdest places. Like Fili from the second Hobbit movie.


@Celia yassss that's a good one! elizabeth swann does that in the third pirates of the caribbean movie too!

which reminds me of another one: that point when elizabeth swann becomes "pirate king" instead of changing it to queen because she's a woman. love that. need more of that.