Is This Too Cringey?
Started by Deleted user
I'll be glad to critique him for you!
All right, who is Alex and Aria to him? You mentioned them right off the bat but give no explanation as to how he feels about them. You say his human name is Parker, is he not human? Tell us what he is! (nvm I see you put that in his race. duh xD)
I noticed you didn't put a weight, you said it doesn't matter lol. It does. Weight tells us how 'big' or 'small' he is. If you say he is about 144 lbs, then that tells us he is average weight for his height. If you say he is like 200 lbs or something lol, then we know he is a bit chubbier! Every detail is so important in character development!
Lol, you say he is pale but not too pale, this is kind of confusing. I think that if you leave that out and just keep light skin and cool toned then that would work. Nice job explaining on his body type and identifying marks! lots of people tend to do something wrong with those.
I see you are confused on a prejudice; a prejudice is a opinion that is not based on any reason or experience. For example, maybe they are just a bit racist, or they think all port a potties are all evil or something random like that lol. Prejudices are things that make every character seem just a bit more human, which is very important.
You didn't put anything on his personality type because you said you already explained it. Which is half right. You never said anything about his good quirks, like maybe he is always happy to see Alex, or maybe he only wants whats best for others which is why he is the way he is.
For religion, instead of putting none, maybe you could but Atheist. And politics, just put something like 'doesn't support any' or something like that. I like that you put his favorite animals are 'humans' xD I thought it was pretty funny idk about anyone else tho
I see his background is a little… small? I know things like that are hard to fill out, but try and put as much as you can! Did he have any friends? How did he meet Aria?
Anyways, hope I helped and good luck! <3
He's not cringey at all! If ever a character sketch seems cliche, it doesn't really matter–it will ALL come down to the writing. Cliches are cliches for a reason, and if you write them well, it'll be great. Celestial-B is right that there isn't much detail yet, and adding as much as you want is great for fleshing out a character. Keep in mind that every single thing you're writing about him in his character sketch won't necessarily go in the book. It's primarily for you as the writer to be able to portray a realistic character, or at least one that feels alive. It's to help you wrap your mind around him.