info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Earth New Age

Genre - What genre best describes Earth New Age?

Dystopian Sci-Fi

Description - How would you describe Earth New Age?

50 years into the New Age (the era after AD), a war is about to break loose.

book History
History - What is Earth New Age’s history?

After WWIII was over, the world was left in ruins. Slowly but surely, Earth began to rebuild, and with the discovery of the Watch element, the New Age began (NA abbreviation). Fifty years after WWIII, the New Age started and Earth was split into city-states that could be the size of Australia or as small as Rhode Island. The city-state in which the Inferno Gem is first found is called Fernosi, and it is comprised of parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and New Mexico. Meria Oswell and her friends live in southern Kansas. The capital of Fernosi is stationed in the very southwest corner of what was once Kansas. Each corresponding area is named after its original place: New Kansas County, New Oklahoma County, New Texas County, New Colorado County, New Nebraska, New Wyoming County, New South Dakota County, and Greatest Mexico County.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Earth New Age?

Hi-tech, I tell ya! Holograms all over the place, glowing digital watch faces pretty much IN YOUR WRIST SO YOU NEVER LOSE IT, probably more hi-tech security, multiseasonal crops, high-power, furnished, ultra-heat-withstanding drills, laser-type glass in prisons, etc.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Earth New Age?

The same as Earth once was, but there is some radioactive activity in one or two city-states...including Fernosi. ;)

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Earth New Age?

There is what I'm willing to call magic, but it's treated more like a science: The Inferno Gem and its properties that give Meria such remarkable abilities. Oh, and Aswinn's heckin' awesome spear.

edit Notes

Thank you so much @JuliusTan on Storybird for your amazing art! Guess which art inspired this story? "Inferno Gem!"

Social Classes:
There are the Chandalas, aka the Untouchables or the Outcastes who have no say in anything and are typically enslaved to other Castes. Then there are the Shudras, soldiers, laborers and night workers who are rarely given any thought and are considered mere tools to be used how others see fit. Thirdly, there are Vaishyas: marketers and businessmen who have more influence over others than maybe even the Kshatriyas. They are the first Caste that is allowed to vote and have a say in political matters. Next are the Kshatriyas, political advisors and renowned warriors. Finally, at the top, are the Brahmans. These are the government leaders and the ones who get the final say.

Meria Oswell: Shudra (family of farmers)
Russom Sarleck: Brahman (wanting to harness the power of the Inferno Gems)
Aswinn Caradoc: Shudra (family of soldiers and night workers)
Mei Oswell: Shudra (see Meria above)
Sente Anvir: Kshatriya (advisor to Sarleck)
Rab Campbell: Kshatriya (advisor to Anvir who reveals the first Inferno Gem found and is promoted from his Vaishya status)
Cara Septis: Chandala (a friend whom Meria visits; outcaste by her Vaishya family for falling in love with a Shudra farmer)

history Changelog
location_city Countries/Planets/Cities Involved

Fernosi is a city-state, the equivalent of a country in this universe. There are other city-states, too:
- Greater England (all of America east of the Appalachians)
- New Louisiana (just east of Fernosi and encompassing all of that area up to the Appalachians)
- Moniqua (all of the US west of Fernosi)
- New Hawaii (Hawaii)
- Province Alaska (Alaska and half of Canada's provinces which are closest to it)
- New Canada (the remaining portion of Canada)
- New Greenland (Greenland and Iceland)
- Brazilia (the northern half of South America + all of Brazil)
- Greater South (the remaining half of South America)
- North Pole (what do you think?)
- South Pole (the centermost portion within a 50-mile radius of Antarctica)
- Great Antarctica (the remaining donut of Antarctica; despite its powerful, humongous size, it is underpopulated and therefore not as powerful and booming as other large city-states)
- Mexico III (Mexico)
- New Central (Central America -Mexico)
- Clubfoot (the southernmost area of Africa and Madagascar)
- Rosetta (the northern strip of Africa including the jutting-out part and everything from Egypt upward)
- Middle Africa (the remaining portion of Africa, a very prominent and powerful city-state)
- New United Europe (the UK + the northernmost bit of Europe)
- Greater Europe (the remaining part of Europe)
- New Australia (Australia; also a prominent city-state)
- Indianesia (India and everything south and east of India that doesn't include China and stretches to Indonesia)
- East Middle East
- West Middle East
- New China (includes Mongolia and islands/Japan east)
- West Russia
- East Russia
- New Siberia (the northernmost piece of Russia plus a little bit in between West and East)
- Great Russia (remaining portion of Russia; one of the most powerful and frightening city-states)


Fernosi has several cities within the city-state:
New Kansas County, New Oklahoma County, New Texas County, New Colorado County, New Nebraska, New Wyoming County, New South Dakota County, and Greatest Mexico County



This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain New Kansas County The county in which the Inferno Gem is first found.
terrain Chandala Village This is a village for the Outcastes and is not government-protected, so it is deep in poverty.
terrain New Oklahoma County There are a few characters in the Inferno Gem who come from this county and later moved to New Kansas County.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Caradoc Family Spear A spear that has been in the Caradoc family for four generations and is traditionally given to the only/oldest son at age thirteen.
emoji_events The Inferno Gem A gem with the power to release a surge of flaming energy. Some can survive the heat. Others cannot.

This universe was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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